Accepted Cindygaunt Application

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*sigh* ud know this if u read the silmarillion...
Feb 28, 2018
Steam name: Naranek
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16777112
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: A lot.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?: Yea.

Character Name: Raszagal
What kind of character do you plan on portraying?/Backstory:

Before the Black Mesa Incident ferried their kind to the cosmically distant shores of Earth, Raszagal benefitted greatly from the wealth of shared eons through the Vortessence, the exact definition of their craft could not be accurately translated to terrestrial comprehension. Artist, philosopher, oracle; each attempted description further strayed from the spirit of their cultural contributions. Needless to say, their presence enriched the livelihoods of those their work had touched- an endless font of curiousity that challenged ancient concepts that predated even the youngest stars and used the medium of the Vortessence to fascinate the whole of their species.

But amid the chaos of the Resonance Cascade, Raszagal was deeply injured. The shadow of death hung over them, only narrowly saved by their accompanying cluster who provided otherworldly medicines and healing to aid in their resuscitation. And though their efforts were not in vain, Raszagal awoke to meet a most terrible fate:


The timeless songs and hymns of the collective Vortessence did not course through them. Their history, their culture, their entire way of life- Gone. Out of reach, intangible and distant. The shriek of horror that bellowed from the wounded vortigaunt rang through the countrysides with horrific reverberation.

For the first time in their primordial existence, Raszagal felt alone.

Their depression only worsened in the early years of the occupation. Hopelessness consumed them whole. A stranger in a strange land who had been forever removed from the very fabric that brought them together with the rest of their species. Bound in the shackles of their new masters, Raszagal suffered for many years. Their custodial assignment fell upon the few remaining libraries in City 93, which despite being excessively pruned of contents by local authorities, offered the Vortigaunt a lifeline to save them from their despair. Their surprising fascination with human literature became an obsession, and it wasn't soon after that they began writing on their own in secret.

A secret author soon became a scribe for the voices of freedom; a poet born from insurmountable suffering. Where they once withered in lonely anguish, Raszagal sensed a feeling most profound: A sensation that dared to be individual.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:

I don't really have any in mind, but I'm not opposed to lending my character to affiliate with another group if our goals intersect!

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

As suggested by their backstory and goals for portrayal, my requested power is to have no power. They are entirely severed from the Vortessence as a result of their near-death experience and have defined themselves by what they can accomplish despite their impairment.
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May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

As suggested by their backstory and goals for portrayal, my requested power is to have no power. They are entirely severed from the Vortessence as a result of their near-death experience and have defined themselves by what they can accomplish despite their impairment.

Granted. Become powerless, fool.
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