Deutschland 89

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3818
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Deleted member 3818


Not sure how this managed to slip under my radar but just found out about it and gonna start watching. Unfortunately it's still not available outside of a few select countries but there is a pretty simple way around it.

It's available for Australians on stan, just set up a 30 day free trial and connect using an Australian vpn, there doesn't seem to be any vpn protection either so I think any would work.
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
damn i didn’t even know they made any more after 83

Black Rain (1989)

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Chardust
Apr 26, 2016
Deutschland 83 is one of my favourite German TV series, and frankly I have a lot of nostalgia for it (it inspired 1983rp for you WW3rp folk), but I wasn't so hot on 86. Although I find the GDR's foreign policy in Africa a fascinating thing, I feel the series lacked a lot of the good pacing and charm of the original.

Gonna give it another shot though, hopefully this series works as a good conclusion.
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Apr 26, 2016

i'm a big fan of this series as a whole, that's no secret. what started years ago with a suggestion to watch after playing 1983rp because it was 'cool' and 'like the server' turned into a genuine affection. 89 was better than 83 in some ways and worse in others, but at least it's punching high above 86 with its ideas and the way it took things. a good return to form.

i don't remember anything not coming off as neatly tied all in all but it felt like some ideas and characters were clearly and afterthought and shoe horned in just to go 'hey i saw this guy in the original series 5 years ago good to have him back' (tobias) or 'hey he was the CIA neighbour of a MfS agent ain't that just crazy?' (hector). the process of tossing ideas out was clear to me in a section of the story where martin was going to another eastern bloc country just to show the casual american viewer the ideas of ceaușescu and 'hey the USSR is over this is what this series is gonna be about', alongside a love interest who's name i can't remember because they're that irrelevant, and two soviet soldiers who get about 5 minutes of screen time before they're tossed into the mix. also a certain someone from previous seasons only being spoken about this entire season, only to show up in the form of a random person wearing a bad wig just so they could toss down an montage was cheap.

but by the same hand, this season's ending was a good sendoff. walter gets his moments, brigitte gets hers, martin gets his. that scene with brigitte and martin was pretty elite. gonna miss this series.

also the thing gave life to 83rp ultimately so i guess it was ok

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