Did anyone play OutsiderGaming?


Apr 27, 2016
I was looking at throwing together some information to archive about the old OutsiderGaming community, and rather than hunt old members down I thought I'd just try making this thread first.

Archive summary so far https://steamcommunity.com/groups/gca1/discussions/0/1694923613857844665/

Old group page https://steamcommunity.com/groups/OhGeeCommunity

If you know anyone on this forum involved then please throw the link at them.

Tagging the usual suspects @Elliot @Powley @MikkoK

If you want to be directly involved then feel free to comment in this thread with your memories, or just answer any or all of these questions and I'll archive the interviews:

How did you come across OutsiderGaming?

What did OutsiderGaming as a community do well compared to other communities?

What did the OutsiderGaming HL2RP server do well compared to other HL2RP servers?

Were there any challenges? How did the community react to them?

Do you have a specific memory of OutsiderGaming you want to share?
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