Discussion: Fallout Roleplay

Jun 7, 2020
After having played quite a bit of Fallout: New Vegas, I have no idea how you could make a GmodRP out of the setting without turning it into a scripthunting festival due to the focus on scavenging (or just the ability to scavenge) literally everything not bolted to the ground.

Not to mention avoiding turning it into faction wars and filling those factions with proper RP. I already said my piece about Legion, but I'll emphasize that
  • Slavery is hardly efficient enough to be justified, even if given the benefit of doubt by shoving moral compass where sun don't shine
  • Aversion to technology that could easily replace menial labor assigned to slaves and free them up for other pursuits. What little they use makes them diet coke version of the technophobic hypocrites aka Brotherhood of Steel
Considering FTRP suffered from dumb stuff like "lmao shit in your shoe or we'll kill you right outside main hub", I can hardly imagine FORP would be much better. If you can convince me to not be cynical, I'd be impressed.

Scavenging or 'Script-hunting' should and would be present, and loot should be common, so the worth of items is lowered and people don't hoard said scripts that have like, no worth, Players should want to take whatever they can get, guns, food, drinks, misc', because it's the wasteland and they need it if they wish to survive, and preserve themselves, whilst also being able to trade and get even better things. Players will need to scavenge, and players should be allowed to scavenge and hunt for items without being looked down upon. Everyone is armed in the wastes.

But, so it isn't just blind looting, as I have said before, stories should be presented. Like Vault 92, heavily praised for creating a story using terminals that really dragged players in to learning all the details, and, at the end, acquiring a unique item. While all places don't need a story for a good looting experience, maybe just a enemy or a few, but it would be nice, and help in building up the world around the player.

So basically, looting is good and needed for a fallout setting, but atleast present cool stories in lootable areas, or cool enemies. And, if wanting to go an extra mile, set up unique weapons and such for those who follow a story and acquire unique info on the item's location, such as Fallout 3, where you follow the stories of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood and find his old friend's corpse and it's basically an unmarked quest.

As for the Legion;

Of course, it's hard to justify slavery to us, as it's immoral, but in the fallout setting, where everyone is desperate and dying, some people either ditch a moral compass, or tend to justify things in their head by digging too deep into it intellectually.

Take Caesar for example; he justifies his boys being basically LARPers because he wants to impersonate, replicate and become what Rome was, all because history is all but gone and he thinks that Rome prospered so long, and is a great, if not best place to use as a foundation for a new world. Which, he would be right, Rome lasted long and was a grand civilization. But, he doesn't acknowledge that even Rome had fallen. Because, lore-wise, the world is set centuries after all that, history is mostly gone and people show this, such as Hannibal Hamlin, who spreads lies about Abraham Lincoln because he doesn't know much about him other then him liberating slaves.

As for slavery, he believes that all must be used in the rebuilding of his own nation, of his Rome, and he enslaves Women, or Male profilgates so they won't be put to waste and instead, work towards his goal forcefully. Or be threatened or actually crucified, like his enemy, using fear tactics.

And, the Legion, if you dig real deep, although a slave empire and such, due to the fear they produce onto others, would actually lead to a civilized land, people in New Vegas comment on this, saying "Caravans and the roads would be safer" and due to their brutal way of life "People would want to stay in line".

And, they use old world weapons like spears and such because they can't rely on new world weapons as too much reliance on them can lead to weakness and cowardice, Legion men may wish to get farther away and show cowardice with a gun, or, if they run out of ammo or the gun breaks down, they will die at the hands of the tech they use, so, they use only some guns, but, mostly machetes and such, like the tribes and tribals they conquer.

Basically, Looting can be cool if you put some thinking and good ideas in it and make loot real common considering almost everyone is armed in Fallout, and the Legion, although shit people, could be a good power if you want a land where people don't run a-muck, and murder others and do raider shit, but, would still be a-holes.

I'm bad at explaining shit, so sorry if some of this doesn't make sense, I just really like fallout because it is epic.

just slap it in a major city, be it reno, the hub, sac-town whatever, there's tons of factions you can choose from within those boundaries like the followers, casino families, brahmin barons, the 80s gang/other raiders, NCR, etc, and they all fill their own niches, not taking into account player made stuff

you already got caps as an organised currency too

what would be cool is if players could choose what their background is, and they get some items according to that background (for example, ranchers could get straw hats and a varmint rifle, guards could get road leathers and a beat up caravan shotgun, etc)

I feel like a fallout server would need to rely upon things like heavy NPC usage, and there'd need to be loot drops (either through NPCs, container, etc) to go along with it

Yeah, I'd like a town like New Vegas, but, should atleast make some of the outside wastes available to players for adventures and such, since, alot of Fallout is based around adventuring, looting and scavenging, and to restrict everything to just a city, would make the server lose a big part of what makes Fallout, Fallout.

Even if the NCR is the largest power, it should be a whitelist only faction and be totally separate from the main base, controlling a border or a military outpost in the area rather than having a garrison in the town. Every time the NCR is garrisoned in the town, it always ends with people siding with the NCR and sucking them dry.

Be cool to be a year or two before or after Fallout Two; and, like I said, either have them be a separate entity from the main playerbase or just don't have them at all.

Most people side with NCR because their the moral choice and such, and, it actually makes sense in lore and IC, considering most people have not joined the Legion willingly, and it's mostly made up of conquered tribes forced to bend the knee or who submitted when bested.

The NCR just get alot of people because some feel it's a patriotic duty, or don't like the Legion, but most do it for the pay and power.

But yeah, defo' should make most factions begin with only small dispatched groups and shit so they're rather equal and people can decide to side with whoever as they please. Could even aid in getting Legion recruits by allowing people to begin as Tribals and have them conquered and brought into the fold or something.

IDK, running out of brain power, give me fallout rp or give me gaming or something
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Jul 21, 2016
Most people side with NCR because their the moral choice and such, and, it actually makes sense in lore and IC, considering most people have not joined the Legion willingly, and it's mostly made up of conquered tribes forced to bend the knee or who submitted when bested.

The NCR just get alot of people because some feel it's a patriotic duty, or don't like the Legion, but most do it for the pay and power.

But yeah, defo' should make most factions begin with only small dispatched groups and shit so they're rather equal and people can decide to side with whoever as they please. Could even aid in getting Legion recruits by allowing people to begin as Tribals and have them conquered and brought into the fold or something.

IDK, running out of brain power, give me fallout rp or give me gaming or something

me when i see the NCR instead of my based redpilled and epic caesar legion

And yeah, it makes sense, but it stacks the odds against fucking anyone else in the long run. It won't be great trying to be a Raider or anything similar because if you make one move against the NCR, not only will they roll up on you, but anyone siding with them will almost certainly immediately mobilize in the hope of scripts, action or white knightage.

One thing to go up against a squad of NCR troops with your boys, it's another to go up against them and the Pro-NCR Militia that rallies up. Makes it boring as hell.
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Nov 5, 2019
me when i see the NCR instead of my based redpilled and epic caesar legion

And yeah, it makes sense, but it stacks the odds against fucking anyone else in the long run. It won't be great trying to be a Raider or anything similar because if you make one move against the NCR, not only will they roll up on you, but anyone siding with them will almost certainly immediately mobilize in the hope of scripts, action or white knightage.

One thing to go up against a squad of NCR troops with your boys, it's another to go up against them and the Pro-NCR Militia that rallies up. Makes it boring as hell.
I distinctly remember on the particular server that I still won't mention that the server managed to have each faction rather active, though it seemed to always very. The Talon Company custom faction was a powerhouse of a merc group, and if hired would turn the tide of a battle or war very quickly, then someone made gunners and it turned into a clusterfuck.

Point is, money talks.
People used to hoard a lot of monies to try save up for the high tier weapons, but didn't really hold onto the low tier weapons unless it was particularly rare.

Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
nobody wants to do slavery, not because its immoral, but because nobody wants to roleplay as a slave

i take that back

no normal person wants to roleplay as a slave, i cannot speak for the rest of the community considering the reaction to RE: Village vampires.
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Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
okay, i will expand on this

the only proper way to do slavery in fallout new vegas RP is to have caesar's legion ICly have slavery, but on the server, you don't just enslave random people, you take prisoners for actual reasons, (i.e. information, status, allegiance) and do the caesar's legion punishments that cannot be fetishized a la Frontier. You either kill or release prisoners after the legion is done with them or maybe even just write them off being PK'd and sent back as a slave or something, idk.

The opportunity for slavery to go wrong is so high and its just so off-putting.
What do you think will happen when once cringelord slave runs into a cringelord legionaire? Don't want to dwell too long on that, do you? Nope.
These people will not be from the community, but outsiders who see a Fallout NV serious RP and go OwO

Fallout RP. Fallout RP never changes.


event guy
Apr 26, 2016

fallout nv rp dies on its arse when it is made into a fulltime server

something that could work instead is like an "All Roads" version of fallout which is a self-contained journey where characters go on a weeklong quest through a bunch of maps and challenges encountering all sorts of factions along the way

Alplands Fury/The Wasteland type stuff where you set up a big chain of maps and oversee them on their journey

that could work
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fresh prince of baghdad
Apr 16, 2017

fallout nv rp dies on its arse when it is made into a fulltime server

something that could work instead is like an "All Roads" version of fallout which is a self-contained journey where characters go on a weeklong quest through a bunch of maps and challenges encountering all sorts of factions along the way

Alplands Fury/The Wasteland type stuff where you set up a big chain of maps and oversee them on their journey

that could work
my brother actually ran a whitelist-only fallout server, similar to alplands in the sense you had to apply with a character and the server was only up at certain times. could potentially work here.

however, fallout roleplay, as long as it ins't set in vegas has a potential to be a great permanent server, just needs the right setting
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