Denied Eugene Banks EMS' Application

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Jul 29, 2018

Character name: Eugene Banks

Date of birth: 16/07/2000

Briefly describe your character's background: Recent college student. They're eager and optimistic for a bright firefighting future, although their jubilant personality hasn't prepared them very well for a no doubt arduous career. They're young, decently bright for the average population.

When push comes to shove, however, they may not have what it takes. They applied in order to get out of their family home. Being apart of the EMS didn't seem to require the qualifications other roles did. Young, and on the run, is what defines Banks' personality. He's a good person, regardless, and what's to do good by his career if he can.

Why do you want to join the EMS? (IC & OOC): IC'ly, as I mentioned above, Banks does have a good heart, however, he's also doing it as an easy gig to flee home. Decent money in a far off city (from his hometown in Wyoming), he's having a good run for his money and getting a career where he can help people. No brainer for him.

OOC'ly, I've never done medicalRP, or even played GTARP. I'd like to give it a shot with this character.

What are your character's short-term and long-term goals within the EMS?: Short term, he wants to make money and see if it's a career he can stick to. He's motivated to do good for others, and given his qualifications from college studying a biochemistry degree, he has loosely relevant skills. Long term, he'd hopefully move into a more stable role in a hospital, or an admin role, if the chance came up. I don't have the character planned out enough yet, and it's hard to determine what he'd do for now.

Do you have experience on any other roleplay servers?: HL2RP.

What is your time zone?: GMT.

Do you understand that this role is very strict and not following the rules/protocols will result in your removal: Yes/
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