
Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
there's only a few post apocalypse scenarios that aren't cliche shit

its an overdone genre tbq
Apr 26, 2016
because the sd's threw a fit and 'just couldn't take it anymore guys : (((('

shitty administration

Cough @Toasty cough

I'll be honest, i was really dissapointment when I saw that toasty did a shitty job intentionally.

And for the Love of god toasty dont do a le epik XD zinger, just explain why you do it


Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
Cough @Toasty cough

I'll be honest, i was really dissapointment when I saw that toasty did a shitty job intentionally.

And for the Love of god toasty dont do a le epik XD zinger, just explain why you do it

the truth is.....


the game was rigged from the start


May 11, 2016

Military should be long dead.

I'm going to do something stupid right now.

I'm going to draw comparisons. A comparison between FTRP, and a beloved Comic Book I read, called Crossed.

In FTRP, it's, if I remember, one year after the initial outbreak. What's happening?

Well, the military are still running rampant and weapons are still commonly used, commonly found and commonly acquired. The infected aren't feared per say, they're just hated, despised, disliked, a passing "ugh" at the mention of them.

Alright, let's compare this to Crossed.

Crossed is a comic book in which 99.9% of the world's population is infected with a virus that forces them to lose all sense of morals and gives them, for lack of a better term, a sexual enjoyment out of causing uninfected harm in any way possible.

A particular comic called Crossed: Wish You Were Here takes place roughly one year after initial infection, if I recall. What's happening there?

The military are dead. All of them. Or infected. Guns are still lying around, but no one dares touch them, because they're worried they might be infected. No one likes guns anyway, they make too much noise, attract infected for miles. People shudder at the mention of the Crossed, because the moment you hear it, every vile, despicable act that you saw them do flashes through your mind once again, PTSD-ridden maggots in your brain, eating away at your sanity. Any contact with bodily fluids and you had 10 seconds before you're happily skull-fucking your wife with your stump hand that you gnawed off becuase you were bored.

I'm not saying we should make the mutants like the Crossed.

But I think, if an infection is strong enough to take down America in a few weeks, (The Crossed managed to do it in a day, I think) then surely the infection is capable of taking on the rest of the world? And surely the survivors know how dangerous this thing is because of that.

Survivors shouldn't be handheld by this big daddy military guys with guns. No one finds that fun. The military are gone, dead, finito. Majority died, the rest fucked off into nuclear bunkers to hide away. Okay? Okay.

Survivors should make IC groups, and that was the best part of FTRP, that was what made it fun. People making groups. @Frankus Dankus owned a group if I recall, and he owned the biggest group entirely on his own, just because he, as the player, had the initiative to do so. Everyone knew his character at the time, he was the biggest trader, biggest man in town. No admin did that for him. He just did it.

Mutants shouldn't have tiers if it takes place a year in the future. Why in the hell would your mutant abilities only manifest one year after you were given them? Applications for mutants are Tier 5 automatically, but there're on par with OTA applications when it comes to difficulty. And it won't just be your application, your behaviour, reputation and overall attitude should affect that.

No Frundtech applicants. Staff only, or at the very least, handpicked. The amount of leaking done by Frundtech scientists was insane, and no project was under wraps when we were actively encouraged to publically post about it on the forums. No mutant FrundSec, either. That's fucking dumb. They're supposed to be the big bad villains, not the fucking justice league.

The reason why FTRP failed was because everyone expected it to be a "Hardcore, no one lives longer than a week" kind of RP, which is why I wanted it to be. You shouldn't get attached to your characters, because literally anything can kill them. Any IC death should've been a PK, if this was established from the start, no one would've complained. What we ended up with was a military telling us what we can and can't do, and when the survivors actually began an uprising to overthrow the military, if I remember, the staff team came in and basically said "No you can't do that."

They TRIED to fix it near the end, by making Military lives permanent, once you die, no one takes your place, until the MilRems died out. But they never died, because they were all too busy jerking eachother off to die in their little base, thinking they had a government when the world was collapsing before them, what kind of insane fuckwit would try that?

FTRP as an idea is good. Great, even. I know this because there's another server that's doing a similar thing, and it's succeeding. So when you say FTRP is a flawed idea, I'd like to say you're wrong. What's flawed with FTRP isn't the gamemode, it's us. We don't have the motivation to continue it, because we don't, or we can't be bothered to put the work in. As @Dallas said before back when activity was low on other servers, people come up with excuses. "Oh, it's exam week, it'll be back soon." Except you stumped the growth of the server. That's what kills it off. One week with 0 people, and no one's willing to come back on.

If you truly want FTRP back, here's what you'll do, and you'll try your fucking damnedest to do it right:
  • Remain Active, both as a player and as staff.
  • Contribute with your ideas, whether or not you think they're good, someone will take that idea and polish it up.
  • Remember that it's all a story. You're not going to enjoy yourself if you're trying to play standard Gmod. You're playing as a character. You need to be that character. Even if you're alone, go through the motions, get your character in gear, ready for when the shit hits the fan.
  • Let the infected be a threat. These things took over America, they're not a damn nuisance to your damn day, they're an extinction event and the staff team should treat them that way.
  • Let the survivors be more of a threat. Let gangs war, let thugs kill, let muggers mug. The food chain always balances itself out.
  • Get an SD that gives a damn.
  • Get a staff team that's active. Hell, one of the oaths you have to take as a staff member is promising to always stick with the community through hardships, yet the majority just upped and left the moment the playerbase dipped.
At the end of the day, FTRP didn't kill itself. We killed it. If you want to bring it back to life, it ain't gonna come back on your Christmas Wish. Get to work making it work, or it won't work.

Simple as that.

I see truth in it. i was very active on FTRP. mostly being the gravekeeper even it sometimes got boring. i had something to do. and interact with people such as gav. @Frankus Dankus and others. i found it fun. even i was edgey to some. but i had fun.

And i think what @MaXenzie says. we can actually make FTRP alive again and fun and BETTER.. and not let toasty do a shit job at it. let the players have the choice what to do. survive and all the speech stuff coming from my mouth.
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Roleplay Psychologist
Apr 26, 2016
Cough @Toasty cough

I'll be honest, i was really dissapointment when I saw that toasty did a shitty job intentionally.

And for the Love of god toasty dont do a le epik XD zinger, just explain why you do it

I could've resigned, but then it would've been shut down earlier. I tried to keep it up as long as it seemed reasonable, but I think after some discussion with @alex and others within head staff we realised that FTRP is not sustainable in the long run.

So I didn't do a shitty job intentionally. It's just that at some point I realised it was only a matter of time until it was going to be shut down.

FTRP was made, but was dying so it was renamed into something different and revamped.
Then it was rebooted 9000x times.
Then it died.

Then it came back.
People tried to make the changes it needed.
It starts to stagnate.
Thought about doing drastic changes.
Remembered that drastic changes were constantly made previously, but due to no avail. So why even fuckin' bother.
Reactions: List


Apr 26, 2016
you know after 2 times reviving it i dont think it works


Apr 26, 2016
this thread is like asking for socialism to be done again because last time it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because you're a faggot if you're seeing this and it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism so you do it again but it fails but that's okay because it wasn't real socialism.

eh, maybe it just doesn't work out

steve maxwell

Apr 27, 2016
I for one, think we should give this one more try. If some of us people from old LP remember the outlands server for HL2RP, I believe it took about 3 tries for it to stick. maybe FTRP can work, but we are yet to find out how. we just have to keep looking.
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I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I could've resigned, but then it would've been shut down earlier. I tried to keep it up as long as it seemed reasonable, but I think after some discussion with @alex and others within head staff we realised that FTRP is not sustainable in the long run.

So I didn't do a shitty job intentionally. It's just that at some point I realised it was only a matter of time until it was going to be shut down.

FTRP was made, but was dying so it was renamed into something different and revamped.
Then it was rebooted 9000x times.
Then it died.

Then it came back.
People tried to make the changes it needed.
It starts to stagnate.
Thought about doing drastic changes.
Remembered that drastic changes were constantly made previously, but due to no avail. So why even fuckin' bother.

People forget that if you hadn't stepped in the server would've been shut down a lot sooner and that you actually made it partially work for a while (which is better than what anyone else managed).