Serious HEAT


*sigh* ud know this if u read the silmarillion...
Feb 28, 2018

A hundred thousand coals burn beneath the weathered soles of your boots. The sun’s glaze upon you a burden far too encumbering, threatening to buckle your knees and drag you to the ground under the weight of its loathsome glare. The breath of the desert has invaded you; your clothes, your shoes, nose, eyes, ears and mouth— Its feeling against your skin a goading itch crawling viciously between each aching appendage, and its taste on your tongue despoils every breath you labor.

The dunes howl in outrage at your trespass, venomous scorpids stir beneath the sands in anticipation to emerge their stingers, and the thrumming of a million wings swarm maliciously about their distant hives. The message has never been clearer:

This land hates you.

You do not belong in this place. Its disdain for you boils over your being; every fiber of its essence a clinging leech consuming your very will to go on.

And yet, you persevere. With a swish from a threateningly light canteen, an unseen hand pulls you up from your stagger, straightens your feet, and, just for a moment, you see the sand clear. The mirage that had choked you for miles dispels. Your destination opens its arms to embrace you from across the last stretch, and offers you asylum from the desert’s contempt for life.

Determined to endure, determined to survive, you harden yourself for the journey’s remainder, and take your next step.