Hello, my name is [SUBJECT_NAME_HERE] and I'm ready to play some video games!
In all seriousness, I came from QZRP, with my homeboy Squeje, I'm here to disregard females, acquire currency, and take forever at Hoth's (Or whatever his name was) shop trying to haggle down dem high prices by attempting to hit on the cashier (Never worked, by the way.)
Oh and one last thing
I hate you all :)
In all seriousness, I came from QZRP, with my homeboy Squeje, I'm here to disregard females, acquire currency, and take forever at Hoth's (Or whatever his name was) shop trying to haggle down dem high prices by attempting to hit on the cashier (Never worked, by the way.)
Oh and one last thing
I hate you all :)