Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread


barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016

'Ricky' has killed C17:50.VICTOR-4 with H&K USP-Tactical.
'Ricky' has killed C17:RL.HERO-9 with Heckler & Koch MP7A1.
C17:25.DEFENDER-7 has killed C17:25.DEFENDER-7.
C17:75.UNION-4 has killed C17:50.VICTOR-4 with H&K MP7.
'Dezzie' has killed C17:75.QUICK-5 with H&K MP7.
'Dezzie' has killed C17:75.UNION-4 with H&K MP7.
'Ricky' has killed C17:75.VICTOR-5 with Heckler & Koch MP7A1.
'Ricky' has killed C17:75.VICE-9 with Heckler & Koch MP7A1.
'Ricky' has killed C17:25.VICTOR-6 with Heckler & Koch MP7A1.
'Ricky' has killed C17:50.YELLOW-4 with Heckler & Koch MP7A1.
'Ricky' has killed C17:75.VICE-3 with Heckler & Koch MP7A1.
'Charon' has killed C17:25.JURY-7 with Franchi SPAS-12.
C17:25.VICE-8 has killed C17:75.KING-8 with H&K USP-Match.
C17:25.VICE-8 has killed C17:50.HERO-2 with H&K USP-Match.
C17:25.VICE-8 has killed C17:75.HERO-5 with H&K USP-Match.
C17:75.STICK-1 has killed Uriel Otero with Heckler & Koch MP7A1.
'Strong' has killed C17:25.VICTOR-6 with H&K USP-Tactical.
C17:25.ROLLER-2 has killed C17:50.QUICK-4 with H&K USP-Match.
C17:75.UNION-4 has killed John Newman with H&K MP7.
Glenn 'Dewey' Hughes has killed Glenn 'Dewey' Hughes.
C17:25.JURY-7 has killed C17:25.ROLLER-2 with H&K USP-Match.
'Ricky' has killed C17:75.VICE-9 with Heckler & Koch MP7A1.
'Kahuna' has killed C17:75.VICE-3 with AK-M.
C17:75.VICTOR-5 has killed 'Ricky' with Heckler & Koch MP7A1.
'Charon' has killed C17:75.VICTOR-5 with Franchi SPAS-12.
'Charon' has killed C17:50.YELLOW-4 with Franchi SPAS-12.
James 'Scav' Atter has killed James 'Scav' Atter.
Verlene 'Kraut' Metzger has killed C17:75.XRAY-7 with Franchi SPAS-12.
Alice 'Hermit' Reinwolt has killed Alice 'Hermit' Reinwolt.
'Apple Sauce' has killed 'Charon' with H&K USP-Tactical.
C17:25.YELLOW-2 has killed Jenkins Valore with H&K USP-Match.
'Kahuna' has killed C17:75.UNION-4 with H&K USP-Tactical.
C17:75.JURY-3 has killed 'Hawk' with H&K MP7.
C17:25.YELLOW-2 has killed Barry "Burns" Dickson with H&K USP-Match.
Peter 'Reznov' Reinwolt has killed C17:75.JURY-3 with Benelli M1014.
Peter 'Reznov' Reinwolt has killed C17:25.JURY-7 with Benelli M1014.

23 Dead Cops
i swear the one a few days after was even more brutal


Scourge of Antlions
HL2 RP Administrator
Dec 25, 2017




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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
The HL2 world has been cruelly snatched away from me for a mere 3 agonizing seconds, and I feel myself descending into the abyss of madness. Despair engulfs me as I turn my gaze to the right, only to be confronted by the grotesque apparition of a demonic entity lurking beside me. Desperately seeking solace, I divert my attention to the Discord server, hoping for a brief respite from this torment. But as I shift my focus back, the demon vanishes into thin air, reduced to mere ashes. In its stead, a forlorn Spiderman materializes, his hollow eyes piercing my soul. I implore you, with trembling desperation, Numbers, please rectify the wretched state of this accursed server. My body convulses uncontrollably, my eyes refuse to find tranquility. I beseech you, Numbers, I am willing to offer my very essence, my premium, if only you would mend this damnable server. It has been a mere 3 seconds since the cruel absence of HL2 World, and already I find myself consumed by tremors, crippled by the intensity of withdrawal. Today, I awoke with a desperate yearning to immerse myself in the realms of HL2 World, only to discover that the servers of rage have been callously snuffed out. The sheer magnitude of panic that overcame me was suffocating, though I managed to subdue it, albeit temporarily, after several agonizing hours. I am incapable of attending school today, my body languishing in a state of inertia, barely able to muster the strength to rise from my wretched bed. The very core of my being is wracked with an unrelenting nausea, as life itself loses all semblance of worth...HL2RP, you are my lifeline, for without you, I fear I may succumb to more heart-wrenching attacks. Even though I possess Minecraft and a virtual reality headset, these pale substitutes are woefully inadequate. It is HL2RP that possesses the power to alleviate my depression and stave off the relentless onslaught of heart palpitations. Thus, I beseech the powers that be, allow me entry into the sanctum of HL2RP. Alas, my plight is further exacerbated, as I am unable to redeem a meager $5 gift card bestowed upon me by my well-meaning mother on this day, my birthday. The mere thought of its expiration sends me spiraling into the depths of despair. If it expires, I am condemned to eternal loss. My existence shall be drenched in sorrow, bereft of the salvation that HL2RP provides. I shudder to contemplate the dire consequences should it fail to resurrect tomorrow, or worse, in a week... or two... or three. I apologize for the bleakness of my words, but the truth remains: I am utterly dependent on HL2RP to salvage my crumbling mental well-being and shield me from the relentless onslaught of heart-rending attacks.
Amidst the intricate tapestry of the contemporary digital age. When technologies threads weave in a mesmerizing dance of progress. My reality is characterized by the possession of not one but a pair exquisite celular instruments. These technological marvels, adorned with sleek lines and gleaming surfaces are emblematic of our ceaseless human drive for innovation. Bestowing upon me a multifaceted portal, through which i navigate the intricate labyrinth of the modern world.

The initial device within this remarkable duo. An embodiment of sleek elegance and digital prowess. Emerges as a beacon on connectivity intertwined with a realm of intrigue and significance. As I cradle this device in my hand. I’m transported into a sphere where connections are as vital as air itself. It is within this virtual domain that i traverse corridors laden with the allure of opportunity. Where interactions assume the mantle of threads intricately woven into the tapestry of strategic networking. The phone becomes my guide as i navigate the landscapes inhabited by figures of distinction. They’re influence capable of unlocking portals to vast repositories of resources, experiences, and uncharted possibilities. This phone are harmonious fusion of aesthetics and function transcends mere gadgetry. Adopting an identity of its own. A digital envoy carrying not just my words, but the weight of aspirations, and the rhythm of negotiations. It becomes a symbol of contemporary sophistication. Its interface a canvas unpin which intentions are meticulously painted. Articulating and advocating for notions with the potential to carve destinies and shape industries. Its very presence stands as visual testament to the connections cultivated, alliances forged, and the intercept web of influence meticulously spun through the ballet of electronic exchanges. Within the delicate architecture of this device resides the power to bridge chasms both geographical and metaphorical, through a mere touch of its polished screen. The virtual gatherings and digital dialogues facilitated by this marvel vigil. The conceals of antiquity, where minds converget to weave the intricate tapestry of civilizations. As i press my fingers against the smooth surface. I’m transported into a realm where words possess gravity, and discourse ignites posibilites. Much like the sparks that kindles revolutions through time. This symphony of connectivity and influence orchestrated through my first technological companion. Echos with a resonance that ripples through industries, economies and and cultures. A symphony contributing to the grand crescendo of human progress. This phone, a portal to power, a conduit to connections, guards the crossroads of opportunity. A testament to our capabilities to wield technology as an extension of our essence. Amplifying our impact of the world stage.

Yet as the symphony of the first device plays on. A new movement emerges. As if from the wings of an elaborate stage. In this opus of technological marvels, the second device takes set a-stage. A masterpiece in its own right, embodying a vastly different narrative. A narrative of discrete necessity. This device too, holds its own significance as it navigates the nuanced realm of shadows and secrets veiled in coded language and concealed intentions. In the intricate dance of my digital existence, this second device assumes a role that elicits curiosity and intrigue. A role akin to that of a modern day alchemist who wields its power for a distinct albeit plan destined purpose. With a touch i’m transported into a world where communication is shrouded in layers of subtext, where words hold meanings beyond their literal definitions. This device elegant and discrete carrie’s a gravitas that is as powerful as the first, but hushed in a cloak of subtlety. This phone a cryptic conduit, links me to a realm where conversations are guarded, and intentions are concealed beneath layers of implication. It takes on a persona of enigma. Reflecting the intricate dance of dual lives that inhabit my existence. Just as the first device symbolizes connections and potential. This second device, embodies discretion, and calculated maneuvers. It represents a realm where necessity intertwine with secrecy. Where communication assumes a different cadence. A different language. One that transcends the overt, and ventures into the realm of the implied. Together these two phones weave a narrative that encapsulates the multifaceted dimensions of my life. A life where connectivity mingles with discretion, and influence converges with subtlety. These devices, these gateways to the digital realm stands as modern day extensions of my being. Traverse the expanse between ambition and prudence. Forging a unique path through the modern landscape, and etching my story into the canals of this ever evolving age.
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Karl-Police Approved
Sep 4, 2016
Amidst the intricate tapestry of the contemporary digital age. When technologies threads weave in a mesmerizing dance of progress. My reality is characterized by the possession of not one but a pair exquisite celular instruments. These technological marvels, adorned with sleek lines and gleaming surfaces are emblematic of our ceaseless human drive for innovation. Bestowing upon me a multifaceted portal, through which i navigate the intricate labyrinth of the modern world.

The initial device within this remarkable duo. An embodiment of sleek elegance and digital prowess. Emerges as a beacon on connectivity intertwined with a realm of intrigue and significance. As I cradle this device in my hand. I’m transported into a sphere where connections are as vital as air itself. It is within this virtual domain that i traverse corridors laden with the allure of opportunity. Where interactions assume the mantle of threads intricately woven into the tapestry of strategic networking. The phone becomes my guide as i navigate the landscapes inhabited by figures of distinction. They’re influence capable of unlocking portals to vast repositories of resources, experiences, and uncharted possibilities. This phone are harmonious fusion of aesthetics and function transcends mere gadgetry. Adopting an identity of its own. A digital envoy carrying not just my words, but the weight of aspirations, and the rhythm of negotiations. It becomes a symbol of contemporary sophistication. Its interface a canvas unpin which intentions are meticulously painted. Articulating and advocating for notions with the potential to carve destinies and shape industries. Its very presence stands as visual testament to the connections cultivated, alliances forged, and the intercept web of influence meticulously spun through the ballet of electronic exchanges. Within the delicate architecture of this device resides the power to bridge chasms both geographical and metaphorical, through a mere touch of its polished screen. The virtual gatherings and digital dialogues facilitated by this marvel vigil. The conceals of antiquity, where minds converget to weave the intricate tapestry of civilizations. As i press my fingers against the smooth surface. I’m transported into a realm where words possess gravity, and discourse ignites posibilites. Much like the sparks that kindles revolutions through time. This symphony of connectivity and influence orchestrated through my first technological companion. Echos with a resonance that ripples through industries, economies and and cultures. A symphony contributing to the grand crescendo of human progress. This phone, a portal to power, a conduit to connections, guards the crossroads of opportunity. A testament to our capabilities to wield technology as an extension of our essence. Amplifying our impact of the world stage.

Yet as the symphony of the first device plays on. A new movement emerges. As if from the wings of an elaborate stage. In this opus of technological marvels, the second device takes set a-stage. A masterpiece in its own right, embodying a vastly different narrative. A narrative of discrete necessity. This device too, holds its own significance as it navigates the nuanced realm of shadows and secrets veiled in coded language and concealed intentions. In the intricate dance of my digital existence, this second device assumes a role that elicits curiosity and intrigue. A role akin to that of a modern day alchemist who wields its power for a distinct albeit plan destined purpose. With a touch i’m transported into a world where communication is shrouded in layers of subtext, where words hold meanings beyond their literal definitions. This device elegant and discrete carrie’s a gravitas that is as powerful as the first, but hushed in a cloak of subtlety. This phone a cryptic conduit, links me to a realm where conversations are guarded, and intentions are concealed beneath layers of implication. It takes on a persona of enigma. Reflecting the intricate dance of dual lives that inhabit my existence. Just as the first device symbolizes connections and potential. This second device, embodies discretion, and calculated maneuvers. It represents a realm where necessity intertwine with secrecy. Where communication assumes a different cadence. A different language. One that transcends the overt, and ventures into the realm of the implied. Together these two phones weave a narrative that encapsulates the multifaceted dimensions of my life. A life where connectivity mingles with discretion, and influence converges with subtlety. These devices, these gateways to the digital realm stands as modern day extensions of my being. Traverse the expanse between ambition and prudence. Forging a unique path through the modern landscape, and etching my story into the canals of this ever evolving age.
Me when I'm manic


Premium Member
Jan 2, 2018
I love that I miss(or hear them from a distance) all the events/fights and just walk into the aftermath with burning bodies everywhere.

Me watching the rebels and Civil protection fight in the distance

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