Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
oh yeah 100%

i just personally enjoy my char losing more than i do them winning lol

just more fun.

im not out here to win im out here to write a story. losing writes a fucking good story.

again, i cite trp as an example

we'd lose again. and again. and again. and again. and fucking again.

for like, legit 2-3 ooc months

then we'd win something


See this is what I mean

If I wanted to be on equal footing with the Combine and curb-stomp some cops, I'd just play Half-Life 2

Being somewhat leveled to the Combine works in this iteration ONLY because the context is entirely different
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May 18, 2016
I gotta admit, with hindsight I think some of the old shit that happened did go too far in regards to just how brutal and unfun it could get, but:

This really was the killer. When Hoovie and I wrote the 1.0 Helix lore, the intent was never to go as far as people took it - we wanted to make a healthier experience than CW, absolutely, but we never wanted to do away with the oppression or grit entirely.

But over time people used what we'd written as an excuse to outright pull away from any semblance of edge; cops especially got absolutely shit on if they did anything remotely cop-like if it didn't come from a certain few players or they crossed some imaginary line.

CAB got the short end of the stick too with how jarring it became for people to play bad guys; other than Ravoux and Huxley the only true 'bad guy' I can remember was Mert's character and he acted like he'd stepped out of our era, but not in a good way.

the OOC dogpiles were inevitable. i dont understand why anyone is surprised that if people play a setting for a long time, they will get invested in it and will realize that straight masochism is only fun for the first 20 minutes; especially when you start playing against people who seem to base their entire existence on this gamemode around being a roleplay dominatrix and lack basic empathy for how it might feel for the other side in the long run to constantly act from a position of OOC powerlessness (news flash: an atmosphere of oppression can be created without actually oppressing the player)

there are literal years-long disputes over this that have boiled over in events like finus, i would even go as far as to call it a form of generational trauma (given with all the "cops were dicks to us so we can do the same thing :))) bs that was going on where the supposed wrongs committed stretched back to fucking clockwork)

this is not an indictment against people who enjoy making their characters powerless, but imo, things wouldve gone down better if there was some way to acquire OOC consent for those types of things than to make the blanket assumption that it's what everyone connects to the server for; because that's how you get a mockery of cityRP where more people want to be tucked away in sewers/outlands than actually want to engage with the main setting
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
i would even go as far as to call it a form of generational trauma (given with all the "cops were dicks to us so we can do the same thing :))) bs that was going on where the supposed wrongs committed stretched back YEARS)
i think we all need to pack it up if we managed to create hl2rp generational trauma. crazy set of words
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May 18, 2016
i think we all need to pack it up if we managed to create hl2rp generational trauma. crazy set of words


they like to pretend it dont be like it is, but it do

i stg you were there at finus, im 100% sure you witnessed how crazy the factional grudges got when people showed their true colors

some of that stuff endures to this day and probably has caused half the arguments/issues we've had in the current iteration
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Scourge of Antlions
HL2 RP Administrator
Dec 25, 2017

they like to pretend it dont be like it is, but it do

i stg you were there at finus, im 100% sure you witnessed how crazy the factional grudges got when people showed their true colors

some of that stuff endures to this day and probably has caused half the arguments we've had in the current iteration
I feel like this being my first Iteration with Neb came with a lot of bonuses because I've no idea wtf happened in prior ones.
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Apr 26, 2016
the OOC dogpiles were inevitable. i dont understand why anyone is surprised that if people play a setting for a long time, they will get invested in it and will realize that straight masochism is only fun for the first 20 minutes; especially when you start playing against people who seem to base their entire existence on this gamemode around being a roleplay dominatrix and lack basic empathy for how it might feel for the other side in the long run to constantly act from a position of OOC powerlessness (news flash: an atmosphere of oppression can be created without actually oppressing the player)

I actually sort of think your point highlights exactly what the issue was from the other side, honestly. Because the go-to for why cop players did what they did always trended towards the most derogatory and inflamatory reasons possible. It was never just "they wanna play a bad guy character". There was the accusation that cops didn't care about the experiences of others, that they were shit roleplayers, etc.

And, to be fair, that was entirely true for some members of the faction.

But equally, you almost never saw the other side of that with rebels - the faction that actually (repeatedly) had everything from discord servers built around PK's, to targetting players OOCly for jokes, killing characters out of OOC dislike, etc. Almost every single thing people claimed cops did, rebels actually genuinely did do. Not all of them, but it was absolutely normalized in a way it wasn't for any other part of the server.

i stg you were there at finus, im 100% sure you witnessed how crazy the factional grudges got when people showed their true colors

I think the funniest thing was you had the Combine genuinely trying to keep the peace OOC, not being inflamatory, etc

Then you had rebel players on the forums like "Oh yeah, well like 6 years ago on LP cops would post sweep videos with kill counts and it was time for payback" like that was a sane reason to rip into anyone lmao
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016

they like to pretend it dont be like it is, but it do

i stg you were there at finus, im 100% sure you witnessed how crazy the factional grudges got when people showed their true colors

some of that stuff endures to this day and probably has caused half the arguments/issues we've had in the current iteration

yeah but more than a generational trauma i'd call it ego wars and tantrums, people are way too uppity about their shit instead of just enjoying the game for what it is - people got elitist as fuck at some point too and it was cringe as hell to see some rollenspielers from a decade old game getting into the most irrelevant, repetitive and boring tiny cock measuring contest ever

people should just play and enjoy, stop getting into overcomplicated shit - i think the very basic idea we had of how City HL2RP worked back in the day was the best thing because yes, it had issues, but people just found ways to enjoy it and make up for those issues - ever since everything took a turn for the more balanced gameplay and spoonfed stuff people became for some reason more complaining and hardly ever were happy with whatever they were given, even if the negatives were minimal: this would work on a PvE environment, but it's PvP and when someone gets the nice benefits the other side gets the short end of the stick and suddenly you're in a vicious cycle of "unfairness"

the unfairness that was present in the early days made sense and people didn't care about it because nobody was overly attached to their characters or anything of the sort
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Apr 26, 2016
the unfairness that was present in the early days made sense and people didn't care about it because nobody was overly attached to their characters or anything of the sort

As much as I do miss the olden days of nobody caring, its fair to say a big part of that is because people were pretty much shamed or shunned into silence. The big boys of that era ran riot over everyone else and used everything to their advantage, including PK's, and you couldn't really challenge them over it because they had the majority on their side.

It was a popularity contest, really. If you were liked, or had the right friends, you could do almost anything on server to anyone and, if you were smart, it'd stick. Hell, the whole reason most of it happened was because people were attached to their characters and did anything to keep themselves alive.

While I totally agree that people got less and less able to handle just making their own roleplay, I think the rest is a bit more difficult to unpack.
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May 18, 2016
I actually sort of think your point highlights exactly what the issue was from the other side, honestly. Because the go-to for why cop players did what they did always trended towards the most derogatory and inflamatory reasons possible. It was never just "they wanna play a bad guy character". There was the accusation that cops didn't care about the experiences of others, that they were shit roleplayers, etc.

And, to be fair, that was entirely true for some members of the faction.

But equally, you almost never saw the other side of that with rebels - the faction that actually (repeatedly) had everything from discord servers built around PK's, to targetting players OOCly for jokes, killing characters out of OOC dislike, etc. Almost every single thing people claimed cops did, rebels actually genuinely did do. Not all of them, but it was absolutely normalized in a way it wasn't for any other part of the server.

I think the funniest thing was you had the Combine genuinely trying to keep the peace OOC, not being inflamatory, etc

Then you had rebel players on the forums like "Oh yeah, well like 6 years ago on LP cops would post sweep videos with kill counts and it was time for payback" like that was a sane reason to rip into anyone lmao

honestly its probably fair to say combine have been the better behaved of the two sides as a whole, just because anyone who wanted to play under an actual faction leadership tended to be the kind of player who wanted to "act out" less

but then the ((((((chosen few))))) who treated it like an oppression crusade would ruin it for everyone else by confirming the rebels' worst suspicions about the faction & passing down bad examples to new members

yeah but more than a generational trauma i'd call it ego wars and tantrums, people are way too uppity about their shit instead of just enjoying the game for what it is - people got elitist as fuck at some point too and it was cringe as hell to see some rollenspielers from a decade old game getting into the most irrelevant, repetitive and boring tiny cock measuring contest ever

people should just play and enjoy, stop getting into overcomplicated shit - i think the very basic idea we had of how City HL2RP worked back in the day was the best thing because yes, it had issues, but people just found ways to enjoy it and make up for those issues - ever since everything took a turn for the more balanced gameplay and spoonfed stuff people became for some reason more complaining and hardly ever were happy with whatever they were given, even if the negatives were minimal: this would work on a PvE environment, but it's PvP and when someone gets the nice benefits the other side gets the short end of the stick and suddenly you're in a vicious cycle of "unfairness"

the unfairness that was present in the early days made sense and people didn't care about it because nobody was overly attached to their characters or anything of the sort

imo the early days would've pulled players in no matter what because that's what honeymoon periods look like. its only when that wears off that the actual flaws of the setting become debilitating

beyond a certain point though the biases set in for sure and even when you "improved" cityRP people would hold onto the few bad experiences they had with it from two years ago or so

its basically why we eventually had to move to outlands CvR
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Apr 26, 2016
but then the ((((((chosen few))))) who treated it like an oppression crusade would ruin it for everyone else by confirming the rebels' worst suspicions about the faction & passing down bad examples to new members

This has always been the biggest problem tbh, even stretching back to my headcop days.

You'd have a faction full of great roleplayers who'd genuinely just be there to have fun and then you'd have a few bad eggs that would be taken as the default and the entire faction thrown under the bus. But then again, Jidai made me think that even if you put all the effort into mending relations, people would still find a reason to take shots.
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
As much as I do miss the olden days of nobody caring, its fair to say a big part of that is because people were pretty much shamed or shunned into silence. The big boys of that era ran riot over everyone else and used everything to their advantage, including PK's, and you couldn't really challenge them over it because they had the majority on their side.

It was a popularity contest, really. If you were liked, or had the right friends, you could do almost anything on server to anyone and, if you were smart, it'd stick. Hell, the whole reason most of it happened was because people were attached to their characters and did anything to keep themselves alive.

While I totally agree that people got less and less able to handle just making their own roleplay, I think the rest is a bit more difficult to unpack.

Talking more in the relationship between Combine and Rebels more than anything - Rebel roleplay internal shit didn't change just because some balance was created, surely more PK scrutiny was put in place by people like Mic and myself, especially when Helix came around, but this popularity stuff remained - if anything it became an even bigger OOC thing, you really could not speak against specific players because they had a large following and you'd get harassed and shat on for it. Eventually, that stuff was gone, but in my opinion by the time it was gone it was because headstaff refused to accept that false status quo any longer and they didn't like it and it was already too late for the gamemode itself - Lots of bad blood existed, old grudges, people lost the focus on the game and made it into some forum politics bullshit, and that eventually ruined it all even for the newest players.

honestly its probably fair to say combine have been the better behaved of the two sides as a whole, just because anyone who wanted to play under an actual faction leadership tended to be the kind of player who wanted to "act out" less

but then the ((((((chosen few))))) who treated it like an oppression crusade would ruin it for everyone else by confirming the rebels' worst suspicions about the faction & passing down bad examples to new members

imo the early days would've pulled players in no matter what because that's what honeymoon periods look like. its only when that wears off that the actual flaws of the setting become debilitating

beyond a certain point though the biases set in for sure and even when you "improved" cityRP people would hold onto the few bad experiences they had with it from two years ago or so

its basically why we eventually had to move to outlands CvR

Yeah but I'd describe very early Neb/late LP as honeymoon, the rest we'd be one of the most (and few) populated servers in not just HL2RP but Gmod itself and we still maintained some of the old ways. Sure, it was oppressive, headcops were ruthless with anything that moved away from being a model cop and citizens only had workshifts to do - But they looked for shit to do, people opened stores, replenished from the CWU, had their chats on those bars and went for walks and for a chat, apartments were used for more than just ERP and there was city life. Rebel RP existed, but it was boiling and living as a rebel was a constant danger not just from the Combine but the resistance itself being so fragmented - @Rabid made the point of some figures being too powerful but at the same time those figures existing gave Rebel RP a semblance of an undefeated leadership, and dragged players into risking their lives for them. Sure, toxicity and stuff existed, but it didn't affect the majority of the playerbase and issues were handled and solved without them becoming a community-wide argument of Combine vs Rebels or dividing the community resistance playerbase in two.

I remember going out, meeting people, chatting with them in bars and shit, Grizzly being full, but not just Grizzly, the other bars also had stuff to do - hell, City 8 was ENJOYABLE and I know it sounds crazy but it was enjoyable and bearable, both as a rebel and as a citizen. It had issues but we pulled through.

This is all from before Helix though, and before Helix was close from coming around - The decline started somewhere at the final moments of Clockwork, not in Helix, if anything the fresh start helped somewhat but of course wasn't going to solve the deeply rooted shit that eventually came back around.

honestly its probably fair to say combine have been the better behaved of the two sides as a whole, just because anyone who wanted to play under an actual faction leadership tended to be the kind of player who wanted to "act out" less

I think the moment I saw shit go the most wrong in this sense was when I witnessed shit like when in Red Letter Day someone shotcopped some random cop while the event of the whole world being consumed by a giant dyson sphere was going on. It felt the most OOCly driven shit, someone who took advantage of people reading what should've been something akin to a cutscene to paste a shit S2K /me and ruin the event for someone with no need at all nor any real motivation. It felt empty, boring, disgusting and even insulting, like fun didn't matter anymore, it was all faction vs faction shit with no respect for the players on either side.
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
I did personally like when cab was more of an antagonistic faction but that's just me. The grimdark HL2RP never really got old to me as I grew up. I enjoyed playing civ a lot more when the atmosphere was overwhelmingly oppressive and I constantly felt like one slip up would see my character's body slumping over in an alley or an incinerator.

I liked the later versions of CAB as well of course, and recognize that the older iterations of HL2RP became less favourable to others and to later "generations" of players, and I've got nothing wrong with that. My peak interest in CitizenRP though, personally, was back in my time with WI in the age of edgy CAB.
I've always been of the mind that whoever is the TOP dog of cab at the time really should be a genuinely evil character, so that other cab members are scared of them just as much as rebels hate them, like in V for Vendetta you can tell they're all scared to even talk to the Chancellor because no one's safe from the crazy bastard
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Apr 30, 2016
I've always been of the mind that whoever is the TOP dog of cab at the time really should be a genuinely evil character, so that other cab members are scared of them just as much as rebels hate them, like in V for Vendetta you can tell they're all scared to even talk to the Chancellor because no one's safe from the crazy bastard

Mearshmire or whatever that Night Watchmans' name was
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Apr 30, 2016
I did personally like when cab was more of an antagonistic faction but that's just me. The grimdark HL2RP never really got old to me as I grew up. I enjoyed playing civ a lot more when the atmosphere was overwhelmingly oppressive and I constantly felt like one slip up would see my character's body slumping over in an alley or an incinerator.

I liked the later versions of CAB as well of course, and recognize that the older iterations of HL2RP became less favourable to others and to later "generations" of players, and I've got nothing wrong with that. My peak interest in CitizenRP though, personally, was back in my time with WI in the age of edgy CAB.

I really enjoyed the early helix cab where the Ministry of Defense had a private inner circle dedicated to fucking with the rebels called the Directorate. I'll admit I was probably the worst choice for Minister of Defense after Dallas stepped down (It was literally my first time playing cab, and I barely had the whitelist for a couple weeks), but I think it was funny to play the Semi-Incompetent Bastard in a high position of power for as brief as it was.

Minister Nickson still remains my favorite off-shoot character.


Shame I didn't have a Graphics Card back in 2018
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Secret dingus man
Sep 12, 2016
I really enjoyed the early helix cab where the Ministry of Defense had a private inner circle dedicated to fucking with the rebels called the Directorate. I'll admit I was probably the worst choice for Minister of Defense after Dallas stepped down (It was literally my first time playing cab, and I barely had the whitelist for a couple weeks), but I think it was funny to play the Semi-Incompetent Bastard in a high position of power for as brief as it was.

Minister Nickson still remains my favorite off-shoot character.


Shame I didn't have a Graphics Card back in 2018
bill left 4 dead
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