HL2RP HL2RP-based Tarot Cards (with chatGPT)


HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
HL2RP-Based Tarot Cards

@deathwolf basically inspired me a bit with the concept of tarot cards through his threads, so with the help of ChatGPT I titled tarot cards akin to HL2RP terms, phrases or nicknames and actually liked the results enough to make a thread about them. If you have suggestions for or adjustments to titles, descriptions, or cards or want to use them for your own artwork I'd love to see it. (Same goes for RPing them in-game, it might always be interesting!)

The Cards
Description: A card often depicting the pawn as a chess piece with an unknown hand moving it into another spot.

Meaning: The pawn represents a sense of powerlessness or a feeling of being controlled by external forces. The Pawn often suggests a lack of agency or control over one’s circumstances and that the next steps in your journey should be thought out several moves ahead to avoid being taken advantage of or manipulated.

When drawn in reverse, The Pawn is a symbol of potential, representing the first step in a journey towards greater power and influence. Encouraging the seeker to take risks, be adaptable and seize opportunities to advance their goals.

Description: A card often depicting itself as a friendly figure on top, cast in a suit and friendly smile though mirrored below is a similar figure cast in shadow.

Meaning: The Benefactor represents a person in a position of power or authority and offering help or support to those in need. This card might indicate an act of kindness or generosity coming from a place of genuine concern for the well-being of others. It might also suggest the seeker is being supported by someone who has their best interests at heart or that they themselves are in a position to help others in a significant way. The Benefactor encourages the seeker to be grateful for the help they have received and to pay it forward, it might also indicate that the seeker will soon receive a significant gift or form of support from an unexpected source.

When drawn in reverse, the Benefactor represents a person who offers help or support but only as a means of manipulation or control. It might indicate a person who uses their power or wealth to influence others and expects something in return. It suggests the seeker is being manipulated or taken advantage of by someone who claims to have their best interests at heart but is really using them for their own gain. It might also indicate that the seeker needs to be careful about how they use their own power of influence, lest they become a manipulative figure themselves.

Description: The protector often depicts an armed figure of sorts covered in armour, standing in between a monster and an innocent figure with both a weapon by their side held low and another pointed towards the monster. When drawn in reverse this lower-held weapon seems to point at the innocent figure.

Meaning: The Protector represents a person of force that provides safety, security and comfort to those in need. It might indicate that the seeker is being looked after or supported by someone with their best interests at heart. It might also suggest that the seeker is seeking refuge from the outside world and that they will find it in the form of a protector. Additionally, it could indicate that seekers must take up the mantle of Protector themselves for someone else more vulnerable on their path. It encourages the seeker to be courageous, to stand up for what they believe in, and to use their strength and influence to help those who are weaker or more vulnerable.

When drawn in reverse it indicates that the seeker might be finding protection in the wrong figures and is in reality being held captive through their fear. It might also indicate that the seeker needs to be cautious in their next moves lest they be trapped by a questionable protector figure themselves. It encourages the seeker to be vigilant and to trust their instincts when it comes to accepting offers of help or protection.

Description: The Experiment often depicts a figure strapped down or held down with surgical figures performing an operation on them.

Meaning: The Experiment represents a person being used as a guinea pig in someone else schemes. This card could indicate that the seeker is being manipulated or coërced to participate in something that could be potentially dangerous or harmful to the seeker. It might suggest that the seeker is being forced to take risks against their will or is being subjected to unethical and immoral treatment. It encourages the seeker to be wary of any situation that feels unsafe or uncomfortable and to trust their instincts when it comes to taking risks. It may also suggest that the seeker needs to be vigilant about their boundaries and to be willing to stand up for themselves when necessary.

When drawn in reverse it represents the negative consequences of taking risks without fully understanding the potential outcomes, and the need for the seeker to be more cautious and strategic in their decision-making. This card might indicate that the seeker needs to do more research, seek advice from trusted sources, and carefully weigh the potential risks and benefits before making any major decisions.

Description: The Card often represents a figure in the middle, ascending upwards to the heavens and similarly a shadow falling towards darkness below.

Meaning: The Transhuman represents a state of being that transcends human limitations, either through advanced technology or some other means. This card could indicate that the seeker seeks to explore new frontiers and push past their current boundaries. It might suggest that the seeker is seeking to become more than they are and to evolve into a higher state of being. It might also suggest that the seeker needs to let go of their old ways of thinking and being that prevent them from becoming more. It encourages the seeker to explore new technologies, and lifestyles or to pursue unconventional paths to achieve growth.

When drawn in reverse, it has a more ominous meaning representing a state of being that is cold, sterile and inhuman. It indicates a warning that the seeker is in danger of losing touch with their humanity or becoming too focused on achieving power, control or technological advancement at the expense of their own emotional or spiritual well-being. It may suggest that the seeker needs to be careful not to become too detached or isolated, and to remember the importance of compassion, empathy, and human connection. It encourages the seeker to be wary of unconventional paths and be mindful of the potential consequences of blindly following these paths without fully understanding them
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
you have motivated me to finish, I must endure creating the high priestess.
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