Suggestion Holding Ground: An Alternative to Shotcops, And A New Avenue for Resistance


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Holding Ground
Or: Why Shotcops Are Ontologically Anti-RP
(And a Pro-RP Alternative)

The Reason for This Thread (Why Shotcops Need Disincentivizing)
If you decide to read onwards, I want you to brush aside your 6 or so years of conceived notions about shotcops, rebelRP, and the dichotomy between rebels and the Combine. Your prior experiences will inevitably taint your experience of reading this suggestion, since it indisputably changes an aspect of the server that many people consider part of its core identity, and many would rank it as a “sacred cow” aspect of HL2RP.

Arguing against shotcops is a radically stupid idea, and I have been warned by many people not to make this thread with the explanation of "regardless of the content of your suggestion, people will take the piss out of you because you want to disincentivize shotcops.” I’m making this suggestion regardless, because I think change, and the discussion of change, will inevitably bring better solutions. With that in mind:

I asked around on the rebel discord about why they shotcop, particularly, what they gain from it. Here are the answers I received.


Shotcops are an antiquated, 6+ year-old creation from many iterations ago, that people think far too fondly about in comparison to what it actually brings to the table.
What it brings to the table is pretty needless S2K that wastes the time of both the rebels and Combine, putting a dampener on the roleplay in the server. Now, maybe you're in agreement with most others, and think that the simple reason of "it's fun" justifies its own existence, even though it boldly and bravely goes against most-everything this server tries to achieve. It's the black sheep of nebulous, a perfect combination of technically justifiable IC reasoning (I hate the Combine because they enslaved the earth, killed my family, etc) and OOC actual reasoning (I want to shoot someone). These justifications are the perfect blend of both reasonable from an in-character perspective, and completely flies in the face of roleplay from an out-of-character perspective.

Shotcops have, historically, only really brought pain and bad experiences. Multi-hour long sweeps, PK appeals for uninvolved characters who got caught in the crossfire, entire situations being voided due to a rule break, both the rebels and CPs having to drop all of their RP to engage in a grinding, attritional bit of warfare, losing ammo and guns and having to deal with NLR, all because ONE (1) person decided they wanted a dopamine hit from shooting a cop and legging it. And yet, even though shotcops exist solely for the OOC fun of one person, whilst ruining the fun for many others, people simply consider this part and parcel for the server. Besides entrenched stockholm syndrome to years-old rules and traditions, I can’t see why.

The Solution Presented (An Alternative to Wanton Murder)
If you’ve ever played an action tactics game like Dawn of War, Company of Heroes and the likes, you’ll understand immediately what my suggestion is:
Holding Territory. Command Points. Frontline Warfare. Take and Hold.

On each map, some staff, maybe the SD, maybe the lead crafter, will mark areas of the map as areas of interest for the rebels to hold. Holding and maintaining a key location will drip-feed the rebels thematically appropriate loot, allowing them to consistently, fairly, and, in a manner that the Combine can interact with, gain power.

Let’s give an example:

One map has a warehouse. This warehouse is marked as a key location. So long as rebels hold the warehouse (the definition of hold here is up to common sense. If there are rebels there uncontested, it’s held. If the Combine haven’t sweeped it, it’s held, etc.), then every 24 hours (or once an hour, or some other measurement of time), the rebels get given x amount of chunks of plastic, spools of cable, scrap metal, boxes of screws, etc. So if the rebels really need a toolbox, they can send a sortie out, hold the warehouse for some time, and then have the materials to create one.

But the Combine obviously don’t want this happening. So, they send their own sorties and sweeps across their territories, firstly trying to find what locations the rebels are holding, and then, trying to flush them out from it. Sticking with the idea of this drip-feeding being once a day, let’s say the Combine can only perform this sweep once a day, lest we have an infinity sweep that just BTFO’s all the rebels back to the safe zone. So, the Combine get one opportunity per day to flush the rebels out, and if they fail, rebels get another surplus of items. If they succeed, rebels aren’t able to retake the warehouse for some time, maybe a day or two, lest we have jank leapfrog mechanics of rebels running in to hold the warehouse mere seconds after the sweep’s ended.

If you wanted to be more specific in what the rebels are given, you can opt to give them specific items instead of crafting materials. Hold a medical center, get medkits. Hold an abandoned armory, get firearms. Hopefully you understand the idea.

The Escalation of Resistance (Wait, Why Are We Fighting Again?)
Of course, holding relatively out-of-the-way warehouses, apartment buildings, stores, etc, isn’t indicative of real resisting. That’s why this system would be designed with the core principle that the closer the key location is to the city centre, or the nexus, or the Combine base, the more beneficial it is for the rebels. This simulates an encroaching front line, as the rebels slowly increase in power by holding the safer areas, before pushing deeper and deeper into Combine territory. Holding some location of low importance miles away from the enemy would give you a trickle of goods, but in return, you’re relatively safe, and in your own territory for the most part.
This is a Cold Hold. If the Combine sweep and kill the rebels holding the location, they get NLR and the key location is locked for a while.
This serves as the baseline function of the mechanic, and should always be the default and norm so that rebels can always progress economically, even if at a slow rate.
Examples of Cold Hold locations include notable spots far away from Combine territory, like warehouses, abandoned apartments, buildings that’ve been adjusted via props (2-3 props is enough to turn a ruin into “an old medical centre”) and similar.

Diving deep into the city to take Union Medical by storm and hold it while you ransack it of all the medkits you can is a Hot Hold. The rate of resource acquisition is far faster, maybe 30-60 minutes compared to the usual 1 day. This is a raid, not a long-term holding prospect.
Get killed holding one of these, and you get a TK/PK (can’t decide between them presently. Maybe a 3 day TK to represent a grievous injury, or perhaps getting captured. Either way, consequences occur). Successfully hold off the sweep entirely, and you get a large payout of the materials you were after, a notification (via local event or such) that the place has been looted dry, and a heavy recommendation to run back to safety, because at this point, the Combine are able to unleash a full, unending sweep until all the involved rebels get back to the rebel zone. If a Hot Hold ends, regardless of whether it was successful or not, the location becomes locked for the rest of the map. You only get one shot with each spot, so the rebels are heavily incentivized to plan this out.
Examples of Hot Hold locations include anything that is distinctly within core Combine territory, or within line of sight of their base. Buildings that’re generally owned by the Combine.

Explanations (But Why? Why Would I Do Any of This?)
You like shooting cops. Okay. That’s fair. Can we make shooting cops actually beneficial to the server, though? Beyond the instinctual satisfaction of blowing someone’s head off, you can do the exact same thing whilst actively aiding your own faction by attacking, taking, and holding points on the map. You get your S2K. You get your cool ambushes. You get that visceral feeling of glee from running into the city to start a shootout.
But now instead of being an asshole that’s under PK risk, you’re a freedom fighter taking a risk to benefit your people.

You’re still shooting cops. You still run into the city streets and blow a CP away with a shotgun. But this time, instead of running away and forcing every CP and rebel on the server to engage in prolonged S2K for little to no actual reason, you’re backed up by a squad. You raid a building. You hold and defend that building. You gather supplies. You fight the cops off. You flee before OTA arrive. Maybe then you fight off the sweep, having gained a multitude of medical supplies, or ammunition, or even weapons. Maybe some of the key locations don’t even have tangible bonuses, but instead give RP rewards like access to long-range radios that let you contact Lambda.

Ain’t that more interesting than “I shoot cop because it’s fun”?

Implementation (I Ain’t Counting Hours Every Day!)
Alright, so this is the challenging part. I can wax and wane all day about it would be so awesome, it would be so cool for this to be implemented. But then someone would have to keep check of all the locations, who owns them, and how long they’ve owned them. Maybe spreadsheets would help, but that’s eh.

All in all, this may come to coding. Some kind of tool that lets you map out an area (or just a circular radius tool) and then ticks 24 hours, checking to see if the last person in it was holding the Combine flag or was a citizen. If Combine, lock it for 24 hours, and then start the check after that?

I’m not completely certain on how to code it, so if this idea gets traction it may genuinely just come down to staff eyeballing it and going “yeah you’ve held the warehouse for about a day, you get your supply stimulus.”

Afterword (In a Suggestion? Really?)
This is a monumental shift in both mindset and how HL2RP servers in general are ran. I doubt this’ll get any serious consideration, but I had to throw the idea out there just so there’d be discussion, at the very least.
If you’ve read this entire thing, thanks for reading.
Finally, I'll ping some folks who argue good, or would likely have a vested interest in aspects of this change.
@Rabid (Lawyer)
@Subeh @deathwolf @Nathant18 (Rebel Leaders afaik)
@TheInnkeeper (Crafting)
@Rod (Makes actual Maps and thus would allow easier marking of key locations)

Suggestion: Do the above
Why it would be worth adding: Explained above
Necessary content: Maybe coding, but maybe not


After some consideration, I'd realized this suggestion was one-sided towards rebels. It promises interactive territory control and a proactive way for rebels to acquire equipment, hold land, and feel like they're actually participating in a war against the Combine.
But, I'd made it so the only interaction the Combine had with this system was "stop it happening" through. The Combine could only stop rebels having fun, not have any of their own.

So, addendum. A few changes:

- Combine no longer get automatic stimulus boosts of equipment via vendors.
- Instead, they operate on the same rules as the Rebels, needing to take and hold ground to get their equipment.
- Areas nearer to Combine spawn provides more vital gear like guns and medkits in order to keep fighting.
- Capturing areas that are predominantly considered to be "in rebel territory" will grant the Combine more beneficial bonuses, such as re-activating the local Dispatch (and getting Synth/Heavy Support).

This adds a tug-of-war element to the server, allowing a CONCRETE and DEFINITIVE way of seeing who is winning the war on the current map.
Optionally, you could make it so that once all territory is owned by a particular faction, a full-scale attack can be launched on the opposing faction's base in order to achieve victory on that map. Add a timer to it to ensure it doesn't get rushed immediately, and you're golden.
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remove bias
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 13, 2016
I stare at maps half the time to begin with given my own affinity for mapping out locations.

I will literally monitor this myself, if this is ever considered and I'm given the chance to do it. Like, I'm down for this.

With the necessary in-game tools (admin), I can monitor in-game actions and create an interactive version of the top-down map I've made that anyone can see the current capture status of, and the lock/unlock timers (which granted, is little more than a couple of actions on a Drive spreadsheet, but maintenance has been pointed out as one of the key weaknesses according to the document)
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
The Solution Presented (An Alternative to Wanton Murder)
If you’ve ever played an action tactics game like Dawn of War, Company of Heroes and the likes, you’ll understand immediately what my suggestion is:
Holding Territory. Command Points. Frontline Warfare. Take and Hold.

On each map, some staff, maybe the SD, maybe the lead crafter, will mark areas of the map as areas of interest for the rebels to hold. Holding and maintaining a key location will drip-feed the rebels thematically appropriate loot, allowing them to consistently, fairly, and, in a manner that the Combine can interact with, gain power.
yeah i'd rather be allowed to take points I want instead of oocly crafted points intended for us to try and take

nothin wrong with a shotcop
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016

After some consideration, I'd realized this suggestion was one-sided towards rebels. It promises interactive territory control and a proactive way for rebels to acquire equipment, hold land, and feel like they're actually participating in a war against the Combine.
But, I'd made it so the only interaction the Combine had with this system was "stop it happening" through. The Combine could only stop rebels having fun, not have any of their own.

So, addendum. A few changes:

- Combine no longer get automatic stimulus boosts of equipment via vendors.
- Instead, they operate on the same rules as the Rebels, needing to take and hold ground to get their equipment.
- Areas nearer to Combine spawn provides more vital gear like guns and medkits in order to keep fighting.
- Capturing areas that are predominantly considered to be "in rebel territory" will grant the Combine more beneficial bonuses, such as re-activating the local Dispatch (and getting Synth/Heavy Support).

This adds a tug-of-war element to the server, allowing a CONCRETE and DEFINITIVE way of seeing who is winning the war on the current map.
Optionally, you could make it so that once all territory is owned by a particular faction, a full-scale attack can be launched on the opposing faction's base in order to achieve victory on that map. Add a timer to it to ensure it doesn't get rushed immediately, and you're golden.


GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
shotcops aren't really a thing on this map Maxenzie, 99% of attacks on this map has been against assigned targets (thumpers for unpaid rewards) or generators, which were set objectives that staff have given players


Jan 21, 2023
The general concept of rebels being given designated points to hold by SD's and lead crafters ruins the whole suggestion. Ultimately, when you involve staff in roleplay and PvP, it always feels scripted and unnatural and restricted, it's no fun. If you really want this suggestion, you might as well let rebels choose what points they wanna hold as a collective and apply the idea of "the people know what the people want". When one person chooses what a whole faction does, that is dumb. The only way I see this working out is if the rebels as a whole on the server are in constant communication with staff and make their own choice (with the help of staff) rather than staff make the choice for the rebels.

I've kindly (for my sanity) decided to spare my time and stopped reading past this point in your thesis (ain't readin allat) but I get the idea you're trying to get at overall with this post. That shotcops are the bane of Nebulous.

But nah. Shotcopping is fun, shotcoppers aren't assholes (and I wonder why you would call them as such) and I see no downside to shotcops. You mentioned the idea of "ONE (1)" rebel ruining it for everyone, well, that ONE (1) rebel is under PK risk and anyone else isn't. It is fair as it is. If people wanna risk losing their scripts shotcopping? That's their problem, let them lose their scripts if they want a dopamine rush. You went on the rebel discord and asked people why they shotcopped, they said it's fun. But then you make this suggestion and act like people don't find shotcopping fun? Maybe you don't find it fun, but the screenshots you posted tell me that many others do.

As for cops, they get infinite ammo pretty much, once a cop dies, they just go "/r Requesting service weapon acquisition" and an RL shows up, gives them a gun, then they go to the terminal and fill their inventory with ammunition and voila, they're back to how they were pre-shotcop.

As for RP? I am not sure if you have been aware of the setting of the server... but it takes place in a war. You can't always have time for passive RP, that's just how it is. You must keep in mind you're in a war, your enemy won't just hold an attack off out of kindness for you to finish doing your /me's about having your tea and biscuits with your mates. Best keep your gun near you and a vigilant eye out because if you don't do that in a besieged city, that's on you.
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Extraction Point
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 31, 2016
I don't think shotcops will ever cease to exist. I don't think they are that big of a problem to be honest, this just seems like you've had a bad personal experience and want it changed which is fine.

Besides, interactive territory control can perfectly co-exist with shotcops. This is something I have suggested in staff chat before and I would really like to see it implemented. Maybe just not as a replacement to something (even shotcops), but purely as an addition to the gameplay.


Mar 4, 2023
Shotcops aren't this pandemic you make them out to be on this map.

There's been people that come on and decide they're going to take an MP7 and shoot some cops for literally zero reasons other than to entertain themselves, I have been part of the main instigating force on the rebel side for the last 10 or so firefights, considering that's all we do. I have also been on the cop side and seen every aspect, this idea of 'holding points' and turning it into some mini-strategy won't go as well as you think it will.

Simply put, we've hit every single generator in the last couple days, these aren't meaningless shotcops we're doing but object-oriented engagements to get us to the ultimate goal eventually. I don't think you have enough material to formulate an opinion on what goes on in the field as the vast majority of resistance are defenders, the offending forces, be that my group or orsted on the occasion, plan out our attacks and we all have inner-group communication about it.

Back to the original point, I like the idea but it's not going to scratch the itch for people. We want our S2K and yes, it is a roleplay server, but nobody is going to S2RP and on the scales that stuff gets, it's ridiculous and difficult to maintain. Smaller sits? Sure.

At the moment, the vendors and the Lambda thing is fine. Cops get their vendors, we get our stuff from Lambda. Both sides get their entertainment in sweeps and engagements, I don't see much that needs to be changed par some story changing events now to speed things up. ICly, rebels have been hitting the city REALLY hard, it'd be nice to see some story events to replicate that.

Good suggestion, but not for me.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Why is S2K allowed then

because it historically always has been
its a grandfathered rule, a sacred cow that has carried over from lemonpunch to nebulous

i cant argue with the people that unironically like s2k because i just don't see their stance at all, i don't know how you can willingly enjoy tossing aside all the roleplay to play a quick game of CSGO but with 30 times more lag

S2K was the defacto choice because the staff couldn't make alternatives (S2RP primarily) work, which has led to widespread belief that its impossible for S2RP to work
the existence of combatRP being text-based in WoWRP, DiscordRP, basically any and every play by post roleplay forum, and even other gmod servers (Gunsmoke3, Respite, BEGOTTEN, etc) disproves this


Apr 26, 2016
Shotcops were a bane and shotcoppers were assholes in past iterations. Almost everyone disliked them because they'd get people killed - and if you didn't react to them you'd just encourage them to do it more because they weren't being retaliated against so saw a free shot to keep shooting cops. But by reacting you got people who weren't involved caught up in it.

It was an easy S2K fix and, in the words of some, that was all they did it for.

But this is a total war setting where the normality is a cold war, not a city setting that relies 95% on passive and genuine 'normality' to work. The impact of them isn't nearly as damaging - if anything, I'd argue they're more fitting now.


Apr 26, 2016
Why is S2K allowed then
Because it's the quickest way to solve conflict for people who want to get out of the comfort zone and shoot things up.
Unfortunately, problems arise when people go into other people's comfort zone to shoot things up.

I genuinely feel like I'm not allowed to have a moment's respite anymore on rebel side, because every single location is liable to getting swept by cops at this point, no motive needed.
Warehouse? Obviously.
Bunker? Be ready for random patrols to bump into you.
Hotel? If cops want to move up from bunkers, tough shit.
Ruins? Same as above.
Past the restaurant? Same as above.

I work with what information I get, and I get no information until after the fact. But I guess it doesn't matter at this point. Better to just huddle up in some far-fuckoff corner of the rebel zone crossing my fingers in the vain hope of not having cops stomping on my toes.

"But Tinbe, cops have been treated the same by rebels since day one!"
And? I'm talking about rebels. Not once have I had my cop experience interrupted by rebels. That's why you don't see me complaining from the cop side of things. This does not mean I'm dismissing what other cops have experienced - but this should also mean you can't dismiss what I have experienced on rebel side.


Extraction Point
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 31, 2016
because it historically always has been
its a grandfathered rule, a sacred cow that has carried over from lemonpunch to nebulous
no, its due to people enjoying it primarily

its definitely not because staff didn't find some other way to organise combat in-game


kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
…because every single location is liable to getting swept by cops at this point, no motive needed.
Warehouse? Obviously.
Bunker? Be ready for random patrols to bump into you.
Hotel? If cops want to move up from bunkers, tough shit.
Ruins? Same as above.
Past the restaurant? Same as above.
Only briefly stepping in to clarify a few things about this.

Cops — and transhumans for that matter — can’t go past warehouse or up from bunker without authorization from one of four people. Sky, the headcops, or myself. This encompasses the hotel and ruins, primarily. These locations are only meant to be authorized if there is an immediate need to do so, not as part of a passive — or, really, even proactive — patrol. (i.e. flanking, capture of a suspect, etc.)

The vast majority of Overwatch forces do not and cannot go past the restaurant. Period. The only person able to authorize that is Numbers, and he’s only ever done so twice.

So while I do understand your frustrations, also keep in mind that the notion that Overwatch is able to sweep everywhere at anytime for no reason/with no regulation isn’t quite as true as it may first appear.


Apr 26, 2016
Only briefly stepping in to clarify a few things about this.

Cops — and transhumans for that matter — can’t go past warehouse or up from bunker without authorization from one of four people. Sky, the headcops, or myself. This encompasses the hotel and ruins, primarily. These locations are only meant to be authorized if there is an immediate need to do so, not as part of a passive — or, really, even proactive — patrol. (i.e. flanking, capture of a suspect, etc.)

The vast majority of Overwatch forces do not and cannot go past the restaurant. Period. The only person able to authorize that is Numbers, and he’s only ever done so twice.

So while I do understand your frustrations, also keep in mind that the extent to which Overwatch is able to sweep everywhere at anytime for no reason/with no regulation isn’t quite as true as it may first appear.
This is not the information I've gotten recently. I saw cops coming out of the "RESIDENCE" building, blasting at people outside, and then retreating to SS4 1-2 days ago. When I went to ask about it on cop discord, I was led to believe it was an unprovoked sweep.

However, there is likely miscommunication, because apparently there were mentions of a generator being destroyed later. This leads me to believe that this is another case of some rebels going out to do shit, while other rebels remain clueless all the way until cops come knocking to shoot people up. It doesn't help that all this shit happens so often that nobody knows which incident anybody is talking about. Maybe things would've turned out differently if I specified which sweep I was talking about back then. I don't know. Everything becomes a blur after a while.


kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
This leads me to believe that this is another case of some rebels going out to do shit, while other rebels remain clueless all the way until cops come knocking to shoot people up.
Regrettably, this is the case more often than not. By the faction’s very ruleset, they shouldn’t be passing warehouse or pushing up from bunker on an unprovoked engagement without a very good reason.

That changes if they’re given a reason to ask for auths, though. What exactly that entails can differ from case to case, but requesting auths to inject past warehouse properly is typically predicated on there being a known and quantifiable reason — that can be cited later for this very purpose — to do so.
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Extraction Point
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 31, 2016
Only thing I can truly point out as excessive is the Strider that is usually sent out to the rebel main area after an aggressive sweep.

And even then, I was told rebels currently have the capacity to counter a Strider afaik
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Jan 21, 2023
Because it's the quickest way to solve conflict for people who want to get out of the comfort zone and shoot things up.
Unfortunately, problems arise when people go into other people's comfort zone to shoot things up.

I genuinely feel like I'm not allowed to have a moment's respite anymore on rebel side, because every single location is liable to getting swept by cops at this point, no motive needed.
Warehouse? Obviously.
Bunker? Be ready for random patrols to bump into you.
Hotel? If cops want to move up from bunkers, tough shit.
Ruins? Same as above.
Past the restaurant? Same as above.

I work with what information I get, and I get no information until after the fact. But I guess it doesn't matter at this point. Better to just huddle up in some far-fuckoff corner of the rebel zone crossing my fingers in the vain hope of not having cops stomping on my toes.

"But Tinbe, cops have been treated the same by rebels since day one!"
And? I'm talking about rebels. Not once have I had my cop experience interrupted by rebels. That's why you don't see me complaining from the cop side of things. This does not mean I'm dismissing what other cops have experienced - but this should also mean you can't dismiss what I have experienced on rebel side.
Map related issue

On maps like rp_apoc, asheville and rp_depot, you had rebel areas where you could chill with no PvP. On C24, I haven't played much of it as I despise it, but if I take your word that every single location is liable to sweeps, then the issue is that of the map, not shotcoppers.