James Lancaster


Self-Identified S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Sep 13, 2016

James Lancaster

Basic Information

Gender: M
Height: 5'11"
Weight (Approx.): 225 lbs (Pre-Occupation) / 125 lbs (Current)
Eye Colour: Dark Blue, hint of green
Hair Colour: Dark, Chestnut Brown

Complexion: Pale/Caucasian
Nationality: American

Background Check

Criminal Record:
Clean, No Record Found
Previous Occupation: Firearm Technician
/ Gunsmith
Medical Issues: None, previously received surgery for appendix removal
Family/Spouse: Parents relocated to Nova Prospekt for suspected insurgent activities; Brother deceased in insurgent bombing. Single.


James was born in a little town in northern Montana called Whitefish. He grew up with a younger brother, David, and his parents who owned a restaurant in town. He wasn't the greatest student, often bringing home average grades - though in reality it was closer to say a little below average; he was more of a hands on learner - more street smart than book smart you could say. There is however one subject he excelled in, English Studies; where he developed a passion for writing - which later on developed to be his dream to be able to support himself entirely on his fiction writing.

Time went on, as it does, and James entered young adult hood. He picked up a few things a long the way as young men do, from his father; who often spent their time together bonding during a hunt or at a firing range. James became fascinated by firearms, more specifically their history and origins, and of course the crazy stories that sometimes accompanied these weapons. With the help of his father, him and his brother both attended many firearm safety courses in preparation for their license applications - James and his brother dreamed of starting their own firearm collection, antiques dating all the way back to the 1800s, WW1 and WW2; and of course modern day firearms. This hobby quickly grew into a competitive dream, alongside his writing, and he soon found himself writing about firearms in tabloids and his fictional stories.

Budding out of his youth, he found employment as a gunsmith with a local manufacturer of moderate repute within the states. He spent most of his time at work repairing and machining parts for various classifications of firearms, though some were beyond his abilities with the more militaristic hardware, his licenses and certifications allowed him to work on some of the more commonly sold civilian use firearms. Wasn't long before he was able to afford a house of his own, and purchased his very first weapon for his collection - an M1903 Springfield.

He was happy. Life had started to go his way, and while his writing may not as of yet taken off, he didn't care because he had found purpose in his life. That was, before the war; before the chaos and destruction and genocide. James' story isn't much different than most who found themselves at the mercy of the Union, he was quickly introduced, apprehended and registered thoroughly into the system; inducted without hesitation where he quickly lost contact with his loved ones. James was always challenging in the various cities he resided in, not partaking in rebellious or criminal behavior, but just enough of a nuisance that the combine saw fit to consistently relocate him after 6 months or so at any particular location - which gave him little time to make friends or any contacts. Eventually, by sheer luck and coincidence, he would run into an old local from his hometown; who was grateful to see James but had poor news - the fate of his parents and his brother. His parents were suspected insurgents, having been found in the possession of an old worn flintlock pistol from the 1760s; it was said they were moved to Nova Prospekt and never heard from again - not long after his brother had died in a bombing from an insurgent cell.

Numb with grief, James felt defeated, the loss of his family overwhelming and the lack of nutritious food sapped both his mind and body rapidly. Until he arrived at City 24. He wasn't there very long, only a mere month passing before the city fell and rumors spread of the rebellion in City 17; James found himself running amidst a crowd, running outside of the city - they didn't care where they were going, just that they were free men... and women, and he too was a Free man.

I'm not sorry for that pun lmao

Hostile - Hated - Disliked - Neutral - Liked - Friendly - Allied]


The Union
- "They attacked us unprovoked, destroyed our society and everything that made us human - even made us sterile... I don't know what happened to my parents, but I'll be damned if I ever show mercy to any that serve the Union."

The Lambda Resistance - "I haven't met any, but if the stories are true... they fight for us, for humanity. They save people, give them hope and purpose. What I wouldn't give to meet them some day, maybe even be of some use... ah, who am I kidding."

Personal Relations

Jaana Braemoira
- "A lambda member! Wow, I never thought I'd live to see the day; and simply a /giant/ of a woman but super welcoming. I have to say, I really appreciate the time she took to show me around and explain things - plus the food was great."

Jenny Kowalski
- "Another likeminded individual like myself. She's pretty cool, understands where I'm coming from and feels the same; it was cool to hear she was part of a prison riot; can't imagine what that must've been like; she's more badass than me!"
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Self-Identified S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Sep 13, 2016
I realized while writing the timeline is a little wonky, so I'll fix that later and I may have to adjust his age; but you get the gist! He also has strengths and weaknesses that I was originally tempted to put, but I figured that kind of information is better portrayed via RP :)
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