Suggestion jmod or ji defense solutions


i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
Suggestion: Adding either JMod (with the legacy pack) or a reupload of JI Defense Solutions to the server.

Why it would be worth adding: Other than making everyone shit themselves when encountering a warmine, the aid system, ability to plant mines, ability to use spawn points, make remote controlled (or automated) sentry turrets, and all the other jazz is pretty cool and lets you do more fun gameplay stuff that isn't sitting in a corner typing or doing regular S2K. If any old WW3RP players are around they'll know pretty well. If you were to opt for the JMod packs instead of the JIDS pack you'll get more stuff like medical aid packs, grenades, explosives, rockets, and a bunch of other stuff to work with (though honestly, some of it is probably incompatible like the ArcCW guns, and some of it is extremely niche like the Gunhack NPC and might not get used).

Necessary content:


Reactions: List

contained postal dude

returned, for real this time
May 7, 2016
I think Gredwitch's emplacements would be good to add too, but that would probably be best for a separate suggestions post I guess.

contained postal dude

returned, for real this time
May 7, 2016
I think Gredwitch's emplacements would be good to add too, but that would probably be best for a separate suggestions post I guess.
I had an idea of a good way to implement gredwitch emplacements without them being overpowered. Either through a plug-in or a rule, prevent players from using infinite amounts of ammo with an emplacement. Be it MG or mortar, maybe a rule in place you can only fire so many rounds/magazines through an emplacement, per engagement. That, or if there’s a way to code itemized magazines/shells. And to give the opposition a chance to fight back, require reloads to be done with a /me before they can fire after expending their ammo.