Kafe's Houndeye Application

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Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
Link to Steam profile:


Ban history:
No history of bans

Current and past whitelists:
- Citizen
- Civil protection
- Headcrab/ Zombie (Premium)
- Antlion (Premium)

- Not counting previous server iterations, no other whitelists on my history aside from my active ones.

Desired name for your character (for logging purposes):

'lil' Soft spoken

In what circumstances is it acceptable to start s2k?:

You can only really engage in s2k in a reactive, defensive setting. other players need to either engage s2k against you, ignoring roleplaying combat, or if s2k is mutually agreed apon by everyone involved prior. when approaching ongoing combat situations between other factions, it is best to continue this approach, only entering s2k if you are engaged in s2k by other players, otherwise you should roleplay as normal.

To what extent can your relationship with sapient characters develop, and under what circumstances?:

The houndeye is ultimately a wild animal, and this behaviour is expected to be maintained.
This does not mean you must always flee from, or be hostile against anything that's not a houndeye, curiosity, sizing up, and studying other creatures are all still valid actions to take, and in some cases may lead to some 'mutualism' where a houndeye and other species may co-exist in the same space, although not as a pet/ owner scenario, primarily in the sense that neither reads the other as an imminent threat, or their mutual assistance benefits eachother.
This is however a fragile mutual relationship, and a breach of trust or hostile action from either can quickly break down those interactions.

Actual companionship with other species is limited solely to the vortigaunt faction, and requires OOC authorization before this can be done, there is the expectation that there has been some IC build up to this taking place, this cannot be done with humans or combine characters. as part of this, houndeyes should not be taking sides in conflicts or intentionally backing any specific faction, outside of sticking alongside a potential vortigaunt master.
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018

Clean record, long-time player, ex-staff.

when approaching ongoing combat situations between other factions, it is best to continue this approach,
Please avoid intentionally approaching ongoing combat altogether, or at least try your best not to. Not only does it make little sense from an IC perspective to put yourself at risk, you have the ability to completely wipe one side.

It is requested, if possible, that you find time to describe your in-game encounters in a forum conversation with me. The faction is fresh and I would like insight into how I can integrate it with the server better.
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