Accepted Kaffee - Vortigaunt Application

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Mar 25, 2023
Steam name:

Steam ID:

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
I have played as a Vortigaunt on many servers in my past, I've been playing HL2RP since around 2014, and always attempting to grasp my chances at a vortigaunt on the several servers I played on in the past. I am currently a Vortigaunt Lead on another server.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?


Character Name:

Oa'Alla-Sheh'Kih - "The Raucous Noise of Vortikind Within"

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

They're akin to human nature, constantly learning slang, or attempting to mirror behavior that humans give off - seeming attempting to fit in, and give themselves a better chance at survival on this new Earth.

They refer to themselves as 'I', and attempt to deter, and grow as an individual, seeing Earth as a new start, away from their tribal past, although still close with their brothers, they'd rather step away from the past of their being.

Brief Backstory:


Oa'Alla-Sheh'Kih was formed in a birthing ritual within Xen. They had not seen the fall of their original homeworld.
Upon gaining consciousness, he found himself being pulled to the side by Hulkabin, the slavers on Xen, to use his powers in one of the compounds inside.
Those who birthed him, were never revealed to him, rather being lost in a dazed memory, being forced to work almost fresh out of the waters.

Hulkabin, or commonly known amongst humans as 'Alien Grunts', forced Oa'Alla-Sheh'Kih to be one of the few that disposed of bodies, he, with the help of other kindred, disposed of bodies of any Hulkabin and Vortigaunt alike lost to war, with the usage of fire. Burning corpses on a regular basis, to heed away any unwanted creatures roaming around the compound.

His pyromancy skills impressed the local soldiers, Hulkabin alike speaking of his ability to weave impressive displays of fire, and the result of this, was him being chosen as a 'Trophy Slave'. A personal duty slave, awarded to a singular soldier as a trophy for exceptional displays of war. His shackles were removed in due time, being used as an entertainer of pyro arts.

Oa'Alla was one of the few that managed to break through the portals, ending up on Earth, without shackles due to his position on Xen. Being one of the trophy slaves, he was kin to adapting to his surroundings in order to live a better life. He began to adapt to the human ways, often attempting to conversate using their slang, or even moving or walking like one.

Upon the invasion, Oa'Alla-Sheh'Kih was coaxed underground with the group he was originally with upon stumbling across Earth in the first weeks. He was taught survival amongst humans, and rather did what he could in order to help them in any way he could. He was seen as some form of lower intelligence, but was rather a survivalist, stronger than anyone in his human group, with abilities he had kept hidden until tense situations arose.

He quickly formed into a soldier, rather attempting to protect those who kept him around, than forcing himself into war for unneeded purpose. He was an artist in the previous world, afterall.


What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
N/A at this present moment.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):

My current idea and interest is using some form of vorti-pyro powers, using fire mainly as an offense in scenarios.
Reactions: List
May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
My current idea and interest is using some form of vorti-pyro powers, using fire mainly as an offense in scenarios.

I'll talk to you about this later.
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