Karen McJunkin - Redemption Ranch Hand


Jul 27, 2022



"This war was coming for a long time but livin' through a hell which have been caused by both sides - No side is innocent but one side is a benefit to humanity... I'm just not sure which one, I have an idea but they're not perfect."


McJunkin, Karen.
Dilon, Montana, United States.
Citizenship REVOKED
Last seen at: SECTOR 6, 1-A Research team, enroute City-24; Previously presumed dead.
Hair: Blonde.
Eyes: Brown.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Height: 5 feet, 6 inches.
Other Features: N/A.


Earlier in the Year:
After trudging through the mountains for what seemed like ages, I found the rebel stationed there. It was a big bunker, had all the good stuff and was warm with beds! But shortly after, I had to pick up a gun and fight... Fight the combine, using what anger and energy I had in my body to survive and help keep the people next to me alive. I killed plenty, I remember the screaming... Of them and the rebels, seeing the blood squirting out everywhere, on the walls, on me and my gun. After the fighting ended, all I could smell was the iron in the blood and the strong smell of gunpowder, it was over powering. My ears were ringing and I grew tired, very tired...

I knew nobody and yet killed for them, by their side. The deaths and the killing was horrible. It reminded me of the research team I was working for, they were slaughtered by the rebels but the citizens who were brought along for the labor were spared - Though not to the elements as shortly after, my partner, my love in this world had died by the cold, their body frozen. I couldn't even bury them. I'll never forgive myself.

Later, the rebels decided to move on East. I soon followed after but went my own way for a while, I can't remember much of it but I was safe, I think.

The place was a fluke... It was no longer safe, I had to move on. It all fell apart... I moved on, with the place and with life as I remembered what had happened only a few months ago. A lot has happened but not, at the same time, it is a purgatory and it is suffocating. Anyway, I found this rail road base with these rebels, got some food and a gun again. At least it's not snowing like last time... I've also joined a ranch, finally going back to my roots, this lovely family took me in: The Brookes. They seem honest and wanting to be left alone to which I don't blame the want and I hope that this third time is the charm... They're good people.


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