Accepted Leo Fuentes - LSPD Application


The Underdog
GTA RP Playtester
May 7, 2016
Character name: Leonardo Fuentes

Date of birth:
April 7th, 1991

Briefly describe your character's background:

Born youngest into a Latino family of 5 in one of the un-savory areas of Los Santos Leonardo (Leo for short) had his share of problems with drugs. His dad was an addict and frequently abused his family until one day he disappeared. Leaving his mother, Leo, and two daughters behind.

Leo could see drug trafficking all around his adolescent days as drug consumption was rampant at his high school. Ever since the day his dad left, he began having a deep hatred for drugs and the criminals who sold them to hook kids and ruin families. In the little free time he had he would train at the gym and watch his favorites Detective TV show, dreaming one day to be like them.

As he graduated from high school he briefly joined the military as a reserve at Fort Zancudo. During this time his mother fell ill and his sisters took over watching over her. As he was discharged from the military he came back to his family, promising them to one day eradicate drugs in LS.

Due to his profile, he decided to apply for LSPD to work his way up the ladder and one day become a detective.

Why do you want to join the LSPD? (IC & OOC):

Leo would want to do something to stop the drug epidemic surrounding Los Santos and has always dreamed of one day becoming a detective, either privately or for the police department. After using his skills in the military he wishes to be useful in his hometown so one day he can look at his barrio and smile as it is full of innocent children and not drug traffickers.

I've always wanted to be a cop in a GTA-RP server, I just like the overall gameplay and RP opportunities being a cop means. From being the hero to the antagonist. Overall providing lots of avenues of RP and being able to move or define a story while also creating my own story.

What are your character's short-term and long-term goals within the LSPD?:

Leo's short-term goal would be simple, Make a name for himself and in the meantime clean up the city of drugs. He would try to show off so that he could climb the ladder for his actual long-term goal which would be to become a detective or similar to be able to fight against more dangerous and cunning criminals to stop drug crimes.

Do you have experience on any other roleplay servers?:
GTA wise only on some Italian servers, but not as a police officer.

Gmod wise... A LOT.

What is your time zone?:
Eastern Standard Time 🇺🇸

Do you understand that this role is very strict and not following the rules/protocols will result in your removal:

Are there any additional details that you would like to share? (optional):


I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Thank you for applying to join the Los Santos Police Department.

We are pleased to welcome you to the LSPD. You will be granted access to the Los Santos Emergency Services forum where you can familiarize yourself with any important information posted there or simply ask any questions you may have.
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