Let's Talk About The G-Man... (SPOILERS)


Sep 2, 2019
[Semi- Serious]

We have all seen the videos, We've all heard the theories, is he a hatched Advisor? Does he work for a shadow organization playing trans-universal puppet master? Is he Blackquill? I'm curious to know what the commonly accepted theory is here at Nebulous. Below is what I believe for those who are interested. Feel free to use detail and explain your theory, I'd like a good read, or just post what you think and be straight to the point, any input is better than none!


Here is a picture of the proposed theory of what happened with Alyx at the end of HL: Alyx. The timeline above suggests that the game HL:Alyx may take place in a
separate dimension than that of HL2 through Ep2. As well as that after the vortigaunts in episode 1 keep the G-man from Alyx and Gordon, The G-man decides to hop to a universe/dimension where Alyx breaks into the vault. The G-man tells Alyx that she has proven herself to be "extra-ordinary", similar to what he tells Gordon in HL1. Now if G-man was merely limited to time travel this would have negated Gordon ever coming out of stasis for HL2. G-man even shows Alyx a vision of Gordon, but also tells her he has been "unwilling to perform the tasks laid before him". This is where she becomes the orange 'Mind-altered' Alyx seen in the picture, it is from that point that she is given the chance to 'nudge' her father's fate in HL2 episode 2. After doing this the game picks up from the end of episode 2 and Alyx is missing, and Eli is alive. Alyx has been seemingly pulled into stasis by the G-man. It is from this point that the HL2 dimension continues, and Alyx remains in stasis/ G-man's dimension. Given the Combine's fear of The G-man and their construction of the vault, I believe this negates the possibility of him working for the upper echelon of the Combine. Also note that in Half-life: Alyx the civilians wear normal clothes, and in the other Half-Life games they wear blue jumpsuits.

I have a feeling based on The G-man's poor language skills and his interactions with vortigaunts and their psychic powers that he has a closer relation to them, or at the very least a longer history with them, than what is disclosed in the Half-Life games. This may seem obvious but I think specifically it may span hundreds or thousands of years. Based on his talking about his "employers" it seems that he may be in cahoots with some kind of higher power, one not constricted to a single universe/ dimension that exists outside of time and space. It seems to me his form as a bureaucrat is a form meant to arouse the least suspicion. All the information on the G-man has been interpreted in many different ways and one thing I haven't heard anyone mention in detail is the fact that even the Combine are aware of his existence. They view him as some existential threat, which as I see it shows that they may be teleporting between worlds perhaps in some kind of game of cat and mouse with the G-man and his "employers". The enslavement of alien species and conquering of their worlds may be some kind of self-preservation technique. Although we know that the Combine have conquered other planets and species previously, has it ever really been disclosed whether or not they are even in control of those planets anymore? It seems a vast amount of their assets are on earth, and we have even seen the use of vortigaunt slaves used trying to contain the G-man. Although you see certain vortigaunts used as mere street sweepers and laborers I think it is those with the strongest connection to their powers used to fight off the G-man. As if it is some kind of shield buying the combine more time to conquer more worlds. at the end of HL:2 we are shown a glimpse what could be the Combine's HQ or home world, whatever you wanna call it. Could it be that earth is a proxy in an attempt to hide the Combine's top brass? Could that location be information the G-man is after? Perhaps the Combine are aware that if let loose he will find it, and that could be why the vault was constructed?
I obviously didn't cite my sources and link a ton of videos and articles, but feel free to do some googling if you don't know much about him and want to know more. I find The G-man to be one of the most intriguing and well developed mysteries in media history period. Most video game and movie mysteries seem quite predictable. Usually you have a couple guesses and one of them is always right. But The G-man is a true mystery. So much is insinuated and poked and prodded at, but there is such a small amount of confirmed lore behind him and his end-game that it has kept me scratching my head for years. I'm sure my theory may have holes in it and feel free to discuss them and enlighten me further if I missed or mixed up details.

TL;DR: The G-man works for a shadowy higher power that spans universes/dimensions that is known by the combine and other alien species as a great and possibly unstoppable evil.