Accepted Lewis's Application

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Sep 12, 2018
Steam name: PeaceWalking

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86019378

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: One of my two primary characters and my secondary character on the last iteration of Helix were a Biotic and Free Vort respectively. I mainly played Biotic.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?: Yes

Character Name: Meh'Vra Tuu

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?: I will be bringing back my previous Biotic Character as I was very much enjoying the character before the server died.

Previously Meh'Vra Tuu was my Biotic character, what distinguished him from I think every Vortigaunt character on the server was his outlook on their situation.

Meh'Vra Tuu was a Vortigaunt who fully embraced their Biotic identity. They were not loyal to the Combine by any means, but they had seen the futility of fighting them head-on. Their enslavement and disconnection from the Vortessence had, in their eyes rendered them useless in the war effort.

As such Meh'Vra became what they themselves dubbed as a "passive observer" choosing to neither "Resist nor assist the Combine"

Unshackled from their Vortal urges, they did their best to embrace their true neutrality in the universe. I attempted to create a character who was a sort of head house slave, I went out of my way to try and coach other Biotics especially ones who were ICly newly enslaved, I sadly didn't get to do this much due to the low player count. I also spent my actual IC time largely discussing with Civil Protection, Loyalists and citizens a like philosophical questions like the nature of the Combine or the Nature of human Gods, I really did love explaining to people exactly why Meh'Vra never made an attempt to escape.

Now on the new server, I will be playing Meh'Vra after the Citadel's destruction, so they have moved on from being a Biotic by necessity, however, they will still be alone in their head. As such my plan is to now play a very disgruntled Vortigaunt with more focus on themself than the collective tribal culture of the species, they still see themself as an observer and seek to become a Pariah amongst Vortigaunts. Perhaps they will once again fall in with the Combine in the future, again not to assist them, but simply because that life of servitude is all they have become to know.

Brief Backstory: An aging Vortigaunt, Meh'Vra Tuu was born into the servitude of the Nihilanth some few hundred years before the Black Mesa incident. They took part in the initial invasion of planet Earth and were later enslaved by the Combine upon their arrival. They have since spent the occupational period in servitude until the collapse of the Citadel, wherein the fled City Seventeen to escape it's destruction, finding themselves in transport with resistance fighters and refugees fleeing from the urban devastation.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?: The nature of the character demands neutrality and I dislike the resistance scene anyway so I won't be joining any rebel groups at least not to assist with their ideological cause, I may assist the rebels in basic healing and stuff but even then ICly Meh'Vras power will be drained so it won't be much. I would be interested in having a lot of interactions with Civil Protection characters but I will NOT be playing a Vortigaunt who aids the combine in anyway.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify: No
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