Suggestion Make Renting Cars Viable


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
A Preface
So right now, the onboarding of the server is not great, in my opinion. The server is incredibly difficult to get into for new players, even for people who are regulars of Nebulous but are new to the GTA RP server.

The map is full of brand-new icons and symbols for these players, but many of them are far too far away to expect one to spend 20-30 minutes (or more) on foot, running across the length of Los Santos just to reach the mall at the south end, or the burger shot at the west end, knowing that all new players spawn at the east end of Los Santos, at the motel.

The insistence on OOC obfuscation and reliance on many things being found out IC leads to new players, who are often anxious to speak to well-established players, sitting in the motel idly, unsure of what to do, because they have no idea how to lead-in to a conversation about how one would steal cars, or where they can get lockpicks from, or even where regular hangout spots are within LS.

And of course, these new players don't want to potentially waste upwards of an hour running to a store they have no knowledge about in hopes that it may give them a means to actually getting around the map (and thus meeting people) quickly.

The issue
So, a car is needed. But right now, the only way one can afford a car is by renting one, which is a several thousand dollar investment for a car that lasts for, at most, about 12 hours, and since many jobs in the server require you to be in a different vehicle (deliveries, chop shops, etc), the car might just despawn randomly at some point.

Lockpicking and stealing cars being the best, cheapest, and most efficient way to get around (even though one can easily get arrested for it) is a surefire sign that there is an issue with the other means of acquiring vehicles, that being the PDM, and car rentals.

The PDM is vastly too expensive for pretty much anyone but hardcore grinders or people who are happy to own a decent car after a month of casual play. A decent car goes for $30,000, and it takes about 19 hours of nonstop chop shopping to get 30 grand, assuming $800 payouts and 30 minute work cycles.

The car rental store is, in terms of economic efficiency, somehow worse than the PDM. While you might pay 30 grand for a half-decent car, at least you get to keep that car indefinitely. Almost every item in the server that you can buy or pay for, you do get to keep. Food, drinks, guns, armor, weed, etc, once purchased or acquired, never despawns or leaves your inventory outside of bugs.
As far as I'm aware, the car rental store is the sole exception to this, since you're effectively paying $1,500 for an NPC car to spawn in, that you have keys to. This car will despawn when the server restarts, and it may even despawn before then, because GTA loves to make cars disappear. I've had an incident where I went into the clothing store, bought some clothes, and came out to find my car had mysteriously vanished without a trace. If I had rented that car, I would've been furious.
You are paying several grand for a car that will disappear into the ether, as a certainty. It is money being pissed into the wind.

Car thefts, on the other hand, are fine. I think they're in an okay position, made to look overpowered by the fact that the alternatives are far worse. I think if car thefts were nerfed any substantial amount, the server would tank from sheer lack of means to get around.

The Solution
People need a car near-immediately.
People need a car that they can own and reliably use with the money they start with.
The car rental place should facilitate that.

Instead of renting a car spawning in an NPC vehicle, it should effectively be buying a player-owned vehicle that stays in your garage, and can be retrieved as though it were bought from the PDM. The main difference should be that, unlike PDM vehicles, you pay regularly for the right to use a rented vehicle. You can make it so that every day, some money is taken out of their bank account for the right to maintain ownership of the vehicle, but beyond that, it's as if they own that vehicle.

Some Pre-Emptive Counterpoints

"People don't need a car in this game."
Yes they do. This is GTA, the map is huge, and people need a reliable means to get around. The argument that requiring a third party for transport is a healthy thing for roleplay is debunked by the knowledge that in order for there to be a third party, you must have met said third party, and in order to meet people consistently, you need the means to get around. It's not reasonable to expect brand-new players to walk everywhere, or rely on the good samaritanship of strangers for getting to the mall, burgershot, or the hospital. Many new players spawn in, walk out into the motel's garage, and are immediately too confused to want to venture outside of it.

"If car rentals become good, no one would use the PDM."
Nah. They're two different means of acquiring a car. One is for players that don't mind a permanent, but manageable tax on their income for the foreseeable future, and the other is for people who don't mind saving up after hours of arduous work in order to pay the large up-front cost, and then never have to deal with the recurring payments.

"Why rent a car if car thefts are so good?"
Police are actually getting pretty competent now. In the early weeks of the server, you could pretty brazenly steal cars, get caught by the police and then just straight-up outrun them. Now, with the car adjustments, changes to police vehicles, rarity of sports cars, and ease of which police can spot a stolen car, there is slowly, but surely, beginning to be actual, tangible risk to stealing cars.

"How would you make PDM worthwhile in future?"
Easy. You can't modify rented cars. You don't actually own them, so you can't take them into LS customs (when it's added) to modify them. If you want a kitted-out car, you need to buy it upfront.

In summary, changing car rentals to be more akin to car ownership (but with, say $500 deducted from your bank account every day) will both allow for new players to travel, well-established players to have a means to a car, and will actually increase the value of having money in your bank account, since presently, storing money in your apartment is a pretty viable idea to avoid fines.


Mar 26, 2017
I'd pay an extra $200 to have a rented car delivered to me by an npc


Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
Stamina changes helped a ton with on foot stuff, but yeah i remember getting cash from my first job and seeing rental costs that made me keep walking.

Big challenge is cabs too, i tried to request them constantly on my first few days and never could get a successful ride as nobody was running the job at our population, missed having npc drivers for that.

I intended to play legit for a while, but the lure of car theft came in quickly after bleeding out from npcs punching me out in the street.
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Mum Looks Like Tracy Beaker
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
i tried to request them constantly on my first few days and never could get a successful ride as nobody was running the job at our population
It's not even a population issue. I'd uber people around if it was viable, but right now a taxi costs more than a lockpick (for which you can get around permanently for no extra cost), and as a driver you make a net defecit due to paying for fuel. If taxis got free fuel from gas stations while on duty, they might actually make cash - but even so, it'd surprise me if people called them.

Lamar Headcrab

Aperture Science Remnant
Premium Member
May 4, 2016
I'm just throwing this into the mix also.

Why not have rental cars able to be put in the garage.

After a rental timer runs out you keep the car but it's now part of the tow truck job, A player will have a list of overdue rental vehicles that he can go collect from other players making for some funny gameplay


HL2 RP Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 25, 2018
i personally think taxis should be made more relevant in all honesty, rentals should be a bit cheaper but taxis should be king, makes it fun and keeps players interacting
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Mar 26, 2017
i personally think taxis should be made more relevant in all honesty, rentals should be a bit cheaper but taxis should be king, makes it fun and keeps players interacting
If you're out-and-about always just try to summon a taxi
if it doesn't work you'll be notified in fifteen seconds that nobody's on the job
you either walk out of it with nothing to invest or a chance to give someone something to do
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Mum Looks Like Tracy Beaker
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
If you're out-and-about always just try to summon a taxi
if it doesn't work you'll be notified in fifteen seconds that nobody's on the job
you either walk out of it with nothing to invest or a chance to give someone something to do
I don’t think you realise. Nobody is doing that job. Literally nobody.

Even if they do, I’d rather not cause them to lose money by having to fill up a tank after making a whopping $100 from a fare.


Sep 30, 2017
i think the taxi job is just generally unsustainable with the little amount of players there are, and its why you only really saw it being used week one (and even then it was just people renting it for free so they could drive around)

a person gets on and theres 12 people online (which there usually are when i log in), lets say like 5-6 are PD/EMS meaning they have their own transport

if you are a criminal or even just a civvie you probably know the other 5-6 people personally and can probably ask one of them for a pickup and they'd oblige

theres no point in really doing the taxi job unless you make it your characters entire personality, one whos known for running a taxi, and even then id wager you'd maybe get like one call a day max cause people would rather steal a sports car (which takes like a minute) instead of waiting on a cab to arrive, then having them take you to your destination and waste money in the process

im gonna be honest it would also be extremely boring and you'd waste so much cash running it that you'd have to do other jobs to continue doing it anyways
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HL2 RP Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 25, 2018
i think the taxi job is just generally unsustainable with the little amount of players there are, and its why you only really saw it being used week one (and even then it was just people renting it for free so they could drive around)

a person gets on and theres 12 people online (which there usually are when i log in), lets say like 5-6 are PD/EMS meaning they have their own transport

if you are a criminal or even just a civvie you probably know the other 5-6 people personally and can probably ask one of them for a pickup and they'd oblige

theres no point in really doing the taxi job unless you make it your characters entire personality, one whos known for running a taxi, and even then id wager you'd maybe get like one call a day max cause people would rather steal a sports car (which takes like a minute) instead of waiting on a cab to arrive, then having them take you to your destination and waste money in the process

im gonna be honest it would also be extremely boring and you'd waste so much cash running it that you'd have to do other jobs to continue doing it anyways

yeah that's the issue in my eyes, taxi driving just isn't all that worthwhile for now. personally though i'm not that sure how to improve it, except if taxis became a business rather than a gig, so there'd be a taxi service that is usually available, but even that carries the risk of just having no one drive taxis in the end.

i'd love to see some kind of additional value attached to it, taxis are super cool and it'd actually be interesting to have your own vehicle become an achievement, not where right now people just steal fancy carsor throw NPCs out of the car with no remorse. if acquiring a vehicle becomes this easy, it's much more a risk to buy from PDM (until additional security measures are added to player vehicles as proposed by HS)


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
fuck it maybe I'll go back to being a taxi driver for a bit, I've got nothing better to do


spooky skellys
HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
I'm not going to lie and say that there isn't a problem, specifically tied to the easeness of getting arouind and the general price of renting cars. But realistically you can get from anywhere in the city, on foot, in only a couple of minutes.
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Mum Looks Like Tracy Beaker
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
But realistically you can get from anywhere in the city, on foot, in only a couple of minutes.
You shouldn’t have to. It’s a barrier to entry that has already put a lot of people off.

There are two clear and simple solutions here:

Firstly, make rentals no more expensive than they already are, but have them persist as owned vehicles for a week, from which point they delete themselves from your inventory. This gives people a relatively inexpensive and easy way of getting a car that does 100-110 (Sultan).

Secondly, make all rusted cars and bikes do no more than 62mph (if they even do already), and have them cost no more than 5,000 at PDM. These vehicles would be absolute basics, that force you to follow the law for the most part in operating them, would be highly inefficient for use in evasion based crime, and unattractive at best - they would, however, solve the issue of your friend being at Sandy Shores because he’s just participated in an activity, and you want to meet him out there. Rather than requiring an illegally obtained vehicle to get to him, or up to $3,500 to be spent on a vehicle you’ll never see again, your shitty little bike can ensure you’ll at least be there in 5 minutes or so.
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Jul 26, 2017
Warwick I like the idea of retaining rented vehicles for longer than a play session. I think that's a really great idea. I think any new player should at the very least be granted a BMX bike for transportation. I'm not opposed to even being granted an entry vehicle upon character creation (perhaps a choice of 3 vehicles).


Mar 26, 2017
Everyone should get free reliant robins we were promised them