Master of Dreams (EVENT SIGN UP)


24/7 John Lennon Impressionist
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016

Follow the man in black a he guides you on a journey like no other.
Into the past, and into the future.

Relive your worst nightmares, and your most cherished dreams.
Witness your own history unfold before your very eyes.
Witness what could have been.

Witness what is perhaps yet to come.

OOC info

Post a brief character history. Stuff that I could bounce off of when carting an event for you.
Or, I can just make shit up.
Don't have to post it here, can be a PM if that's more your thing.
Then, I'll pick people at random and give you a little message to see what time and date best suits you.
These events are here to solely give you some char dev, and maybe something extra to their backstory.
Up to you to decide on what you take from it.

Jun 7, 2020



father of Joey Brookes, housing eight- now seven nephews.

a neutral party in the war for humanity's liberation, tense about signing on with either side, and seeing his family put in helmets and carrying guns for a war that don't deserve them.

he's lost damn near all his brothers, and cousins, and only his father, mother, uncle and brother remain out in New America, he fled when law got tight - and lands got seized.

brookes is only motivated by protecting his family, and giving people somewhere safe where they don't gotta pick a side.

honest working man of the people, with hardly any notches on his iron - just an old farmer, longing for simpler days,

wanting to ride into the sunset.
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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
I might be asking the obvious here but I assume this doesnt include Overwatch (CP) characters?


24/7 John Lennon Impressionist
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
I might be asking the obvious here but I assume this doesnt include Overwatch (CP) characters?

I've no issue with doing this for cops, if your character has something that can work, that's all that matters.
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Sep 9, 2022
Jack Williams, or VICE-2

I will try to not make much of a testament now.

Before the occupation period, he was an apathetic, yet extremely pragmatic man. He was shunned over it, even alienized for it, making every single chance he gave to show what he could do with his words, a little gust of wind.

He grew more and more cynical to the community he was maybe not even a part of, to some point even thinking of just being the impulsive prejudice of humanity screwing over his aspirations of becoming a writer of a more unique perspective.

When the CMB went aboard, his very own traits gave him a very quick road to becoming a civil protection officer, now he is working to prove himself he is more than what humanity could ever allow him to be, because he was given, an opportunity to go, beyond the stars (Vague meanings, to be honest).

He still writes either bad poetry, or something stupid for fun, however.

(You can make shit up, I am interested in seeing what can be actually invented for my not so good char)
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Scourge of Antlions
HL2 RP Administrator
Dec 25, 2017
Kian Connors, commonly known as JURY-2.

Prior to the occupation he was an only-child to a dysfunctional family. A drunkard father and a drug-abusing mother. He persevered, strove to become the exact opposite of his parents. To make a difference. In his own eyes he had succeeded.

Having been wrongly accused of crimes he would never even dream of committing, Kian grew to dislike the Police quite extensively. Thinking of them all as corrupt, power-abusing men and women out for no one but themselves. If they were true police officers, why would he have to go through such a terrible upbringing?

Failing to join the Police to make a difference, he resorted to the only thing working-class men like him had going for them. Their body. He learned a trade, bricklaying, it wasn't exactly fun but he made friends at his jobs.

When the Occupation started he heard and seen of the "Civil Protection", a new Police force. "Just like the rest." he assumed. It wasn't until he actually realised a difference in the world. Crime was at an all-time low. There were people actually protecting the civil populace. He enlisted almost immediately after having this sudden realisation.

In his time as an Officer he has experienced much. Made new friends and connections, but also memories that will forever stay with him. The Pit. The Gas. His bottled-up emotions couldn't take it and he attempted the worst. Prevented by his own failure to treat himself after an agonizing experience.

He fears what is next for his broken, but mending self...
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