Maytree's 3rd Vortigaunt Application.


Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
Steam name:

Steam ID:

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?
I have.

Character Name:

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
This is actually the same Vortigaunt I played during the last iteration, but before it adopted its human name (Gumby). Darh'Azh will begin as a novice shamanistic warrier, exercising its powers of the vortessence for the benefit of the Vortigaunts' survival.

How do you plan to play your vortigaunt with respect to the setting? That being very early on in the Combine's occupation of Earth: I attend to have his skillset and abilities throughout the early weeks of the Vortigaunts' introduction. Darh'Azh will also attempt to navigate through the strange world it has been displaced to, and to fend off against the planetary natives if it ever so has to. Darh'Azsh would also attempt to hide his presence within the QZ and the Sewers and to seek out other Vortigaunt and form another cluster.

How do you plan to interact with citizens and the other factions? Note that while Civil Protection is a new concept IC, you'd still be aware of their hostility towards your species: Darh'Azh interact with the humans only sparingly. The Vortigaunts were only displaced earth for almost a year, and the Vortigaunt I intend to play will be still coming to terms of what had happened when it was teleported to the Cruise. So far Darh'Azh only knows that the humans are aligned with the Combine to eradicate its species (given their circumstances), so any attempts of persuasion toward the humans will often fail regardless of their allegiances.

Brief Backstory:

Darh'Azh, like all Vortigaunts, had been shackled by a tyrannical hivemind of pure intellect following the escape of the Combine Onslaught of their homeworld. During the Nihilanth's occupation of the Border World, it and the rest of the enslaved kind were tasked with transporting Flyers to Earth. At that time, Nihilanth displayed heavy resentment towards the Earthly Intruders, having their resources and seclusion violated by the researchers of Black Mesa. Nihilanth thirsted for a retaliation and seized the disastrous creation of the Resonance Cascade upon discovery.

Shortly after Nihilanth's catastrophic demise by the hands of Dr. Gordon Freeman, Darh'Azh and the Vortigaunts were blasted off from the Border world, indiscriminately thrusted to the rocky planes of Earth's Surface. Unfortunately for Darh'Azh and a selective of Vortigaunts and Xen Wildlife, the portal storms displaced them to a lonesome Cruise Ship sailing through the Mediterranean Sea. The constant bloodbaths between the human citizens and feral Xenians have left nearly every hallway littered with mangled bodies. Ichthyosaur have already ravaged the swimmers in the ship's pool deck in midst of the massacure. Darh'Azh hide himself in the ship's cafeteria, fending off terrified passengers whilst the vessel sailed aimlessly, crashing onto Greece's coastline. Nearly every survivor onboard perished upon impact, only sparing a lucky dozen with Darh'Azh being one of them.

Darh'Azh and a few surviving Vortigaunts hide themselves in cavernous mountains in the middle of nowhere, making desperate efforts to distance themselves from the havocking portal storms, followed by more Xen Spawns and Invasions from the Combine themselves. The Vortigaunts hunted on wild sheeps for food, and even resorting to drive packs of wolves away for their scrap. One of their brave hunters would even get hunted by the wolves themselves. The cluster would continue to seal themselves from the outside world, relying solely on the Vortessance to commune with their other kindred for months unend. Is was this period when Darh'Azh would begin mending their broken spirit, immersing itself in the Vortessance until the outside world would settle in the aftermath. They would all resurface from their caverns to roam through scorched wastelands once again, taking their chances to re-unite with the closest vortigaunts with little essentials remaining in their satchels.

To present day, Darh'Azh has managed to leave the country of Greece toward the northeast. The cluster would unfortunately lessen day-by-day by hostile wildlife and conscripts of the Combine Machinery. Some of their numbers would be replaced by stray Vortigaunts until they too succumb to Earth's Inhabitants. The cluster continued to loose more Vortigaunts until Darh'Azh would find himself the sole Vortigaunt in the Vitosha Forest. The Vortigaunt treads lightly in the ruined of Sofia, evading the Combine's electric gaze whilst he seeks to re-unite with its kin his cluster had sensed.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
Vortigaunt Clusters. They got no-one to lean to rn. Probably with the human resistance when plausible.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
Gumby inherited the power of psychometry from his first pack. The ability can be used on areas or inanimate objects to learn of past events (Only if they're imbued with a powerful emotion). Consent from admins is highly preferred. Situations that involve critical information involving characters, such as secret bases, will require player permission + lengthy cooldown of Laura's choosing.​
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Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
*Update* Fixed a few typos and re-polished the second passage (7-8 minuted ago).