Accepted Maytree's Vortigaunt Application - Electric Bongalo

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Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
Steam name:

Steam ID:

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?

Character Name:

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
Gumby will be played as a shamanistic warrier, exercising his powers of the vortessence for the benefit for the resistance (both humans and vortigaunts alike). focusing more onto martial prowess and clairvoyance to amend critical situations. He wears a poncho and a hood made out of bullsquid leathers, along with carrying a now rucksack once carrying a collection of essentials.

Brief Backstory:
Gumby, like all Vortigaunts, do not possess a name. And like most Vortigaunts, had been shackled by tyrannical monsters. During the Nihilanth's occupation of the Border World, he and the rest of the enslaved kin were tasked with transporting Flyers to Earth. At that time, Nihilanth displayed heavy resentment towards the Earthly Intruders, having their resources and seclusion violated by the researchers of Black Mesa. Nihilanth thirsted for a retaliation and seized the disastrous creation of the Resonance Cascade upon discovery.

Shortly after Nihilanth's catastrophic demise by the hands of Dr. Gordon Freeman, Gumby and the Vortigaunts were blasted off from the Border world, indiscriminately thrusted to the rocky planes of Earth's Surface. Unfortunately for Gumby and a selective of Vortigaunts and Xen Wildlife, the portal storms displaced them to a lonesome Cruise Ship sailing through the Mediterranean Sea. The constant bloodbaths between the humans and feral Xenians, leaving the cruise with no captain to drive it. It sailed aimlessly, crashing onto Tunisia's coastline. Nearly everyone onboard perished in the chaos, only sparing a lucky dozen with Gumby being one of them.

Gumby and a few surviving Vortigaunts hide themselves in rocks in the middle of nowhere, making desperate efforts to isolate themselves from the havocking portal storms, followed by more Xen Spawns and Invasions from the Combine themselves. Gumby's pack fought against the hyenas for scrap, depending on the gazelles (or local critters) as the main source of food. The pact would continue to seal themselves from the outside world, relying solely on the Vortessance to commune with their other kindred. Until things got "calmer", Gumby and his kin would resurface the scorched Earth with little essentials remaining.

Over the years of the Combine's early occupation of Earth, Gumby and his kin would have little choice but to seek out local human warbands, aiding them with raids against Combine Outpost and healing their wounded, in return of hospitality and connections with other settlements. All of them would eventually splinter away from each other, traversing alone to other points of interest with the growing human resistance. Gumby would later traverse to Italy, settling with a rebel Caravan and adopting his nickname based on an old VHS Movie he and his human allies had watched in the roads.

To present day, Gumby enlists into Lambda. He joined in the frontlines liberating Combine Occupied Cities. From City 13 to 24. He spent his later years interrogating loyalists and blasting soldiers from the rooftops. He now seeks to traverse through the beaches of Europe once again, joining the final effort to reclaim Earth for the humans. He will find a place to call home, or die trying.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
Active and morally aligned cells.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K ituations):
Gumby inherited the power of psychometry from his first pack. The ability can be used on areas or inanimate objects to learn of past events. Consent from admins is highly preferred. Situations that involve critical information involving characters, such as secret bases, will require player permission + lengthy cooldown of Laura's choosing. This is just flavor rp to do in PvE events.​
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Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
Typos should be now mostly fixed. I always went an extra mile to add a few more details to his backstory. I wrote this in the middle of the night, and I was on the verge of passing out. :p


HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Feb 12, 2017
All of them would eventually splinter away from each other, traversing alone to other points of interest with the growing human resistance.
I will be interested to see if your roleplay will mention the splintering of the previous cluster your character was part of.
Fragmentation of the vortigaunt 'clusters' can be a common occurrence as Vortigaunt's grow more detached from each other in Vortessence.

Gumby inherited the power of psychometry from his first pack. The ability can be used on areas or inanimate objects to learn of past events. Consent from admins is highly preferred. Situations that involve critical information involving characters, such as secret bases, will require player permission + lengthy cooldown of Laura's choosing. This is just flavor rp to do in PvE events.
I’m fine with this. But a suggestion I’m putting forth is that ‘Gumby’ can draw from places and objects if they’ve been imbued with a powerful emotion. Anger, rage, grief, joy and alike.
I think that would give more flavour and ways for storytelling. And you’d still be able to learn information.
Let me know how this would sound as an alternative.

Otherwise, this app is Accepted.
I will leave it open for you to respond to my suggestion.
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Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
I will be interested to see if your roleplay will mention the splintering of the previous cluster your character was part of.
Fragmentation of the vortigaunt 'clusters' can be a common occurrence as Vortigaunt's grow more detached from each other in Vortessence.

I’m fine with this. But a suggestion I’m putting forth is that ‘Gumby’ can draw from places and objects if they’ve been imbued with a powerful emotion. Anger, rage, grief, joy and alike.
I think that would give more flavour and ways for storytelling. And you’d still be able to learn information.
Let me know how this would sound as an alternative.

Otherwise, this app is Accepted.
I will leave it open for you to respond to my suggestion.
Suggestion is splendid! I'll definitely consider that. Thanks for the acceptance!
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