Suggestion Minor CP changes


spooky skellys
HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
Suggestion: Let cops see OTA on the scoreboard
Why it would be worth adding: Was suggested a while ago, and we were promised that it would be changed, but I think we forgot about it. Just putting it here as a reminder and asking if we still want to/could go forward with this change, as I think it would help with seeing the population and seeing what characters there are to interact with, and just help generally with seeing the server population and faction balance.

Maybe as CP and other CMB factions, show everything up to Phase-2 OTA and hiding only the top EOW.

Suggestion: /ManageDatafile available to rank leaders
Why it would be worth adding: In the absence of dispatch which isn't really played around with as much anymore, and in the case that when making new entries to my unit's datafiles I make a mistake with the formatting ending up in somehow making it look odd or unappealing, it would help me from having to switch characters every couple of seconds if I made a mistake or I inputted an entry that looks bad in formatting.

Additionally, possibly reworking the /ManageDatafile system to be more intuitive and user-friendly to use, in terms of interface. Not a big priority, especially over the aforementioned suggestion, which should take precedent. This is more of a small suggestion and one that's more likely to be time consuming for something that is hardly used. However, if possible, at the minimum, it would be cool if we had a derma/skin edit so that the columns are more easily visible (highlighted in red)

If you have time:

Necessary content: lines of code
Reactions: List