Munch Reviews Games


Aug 7, 2016

Ooh, look at that cool banner right there.

Hello everyone who has decided to visit the video games section of the forum. You just stumbled upon this thread where I ramble on about games I like to play and rate them overall. Here's a FAQ on how that'll all work.

How to you review the games?

It's pretty simple. I make a huge post on the game in a format that goes a bit like this:
I'll state the name of the game and give a quick summary
I'll comment on the following: Gameplay, Graphics, Storyline, and Concept and rate them on their important and overall how well they are done out of 10
I'll end on some of the other notable things and a conclusion.

How do you rate the games?

The overall rating will be a letter, A* being your best and U being basically unplayable.
As already stated, I'll rate 4 topics I discuss out of 10 also.

Where can I buy the games?

It's pretty much always Steam. If it's anywhere else, I'll link it.

Spoiler Free?

As much as possible. Please use spoiler tags if you're going to post spoilers. Seriously.

Is it just games you like?

No, I have plenty of games I've barely touched that would be good to put on here and try out.

Can I request that you play a game?

Yes, but I request you buy it for me since I am broke as crap almost all of the time.
Send it here:

That's about it. Enjoy the reviews. Please.


FTL: ?

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Apr 26, 2016
I'll comment on the following: Gameplay, Graphics, Storyline, and Concept and rate them on their important and overall how well they are done out of 10
Add performance
Gmod = -1


Aug 7, 2016



SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years.

I remember all the way back in '13 when the original browser version came out. God, was it awesome. I played it time after time after time just to tinker with the mechanics of it and see what I could do. Stand still, dodge that bullet, shoot this red guy, jump through that window, but best of all, control time with your WASD keys.
Whilst it didn't have the brilliant graphical capability at the time, it did get a lot (and I mean a lot) of positive feedback for its brilliant concept. The development team thought "why don't we make this a full game?", got onto Kickstarter, and went well beyond their original goals.
It took them years to make it, but that wait has definitely been a good one. I didn't buy it back in early 2016 because of it's price tag and how short it was rumoured to actually be, but I was very much fooled here. You can get a really good kick out of the game, especially if you're good at it.
It might seem like a bit of a gimmick to you, and that's fine. If you want to play the original before buying the new one, you can play it here:
Now, let's start moving, shall we?


9/10 Importance: High

What's interesting about SUPERHOT is that whilst it always works off of time only moving when you move, it still somehow manages to throw in all sorts of new things to keep you interested. These range from new weapons to throwables, weird level design, a little bit of 4th wall, hot switching, and more.
What I really want to talk about in the gameplay is how damn satisfying it is. Smack a guy round the face, grab his shotgun, and blow him away to the over side of the room. In slow motion. Whilst you easily fight down 3 other enemies with katanas. Seriously, it throws you into some badass situations and you can just obliterate everyone that's coming towards you at once.
Remember, whilst I say it does feel badass, it still is difficult. You do have the perks of slow motion, but not invincibility. One hit and you're out. This also adds to the satisfaction of beating a level, knowing that they didn't even get close to touching you.
The weapons are basic from start to finish, but they are unlike any other weapons you'll see in a video game. They're as simple as Pistol, Shotgun, and Machine gun, along with melees like the Katana, Bat and a Golf Club. What's brilliant is that it doesn't give you an ammo counter. Actually, it gives so little feedback that it adds an almost unseen thing in gaming. Not only that but when you're done, you can chuck that weapon at them and it'll explode in their face and stun them. Does it feel good? Hell yeah, it feels good.
Some levels are sort of like puzzles, such as the early corridor level. You've got to work out how to get past certain obstacles that always vary and it can take quite a bit of trial and error, not making the game too short. This can occasionally make it drag on a little, though, making you repeat similar patterns again and again until you get it just right.
Hot switching is a nice feature, but there isn't much to say about it. Play the game for yourself, I'd rather not ruin it.


8/10 Importance: Medium-Low

The graphics weren't particularly important. They weren't great in 2013 yet the internet still loved the game. However, they went beyond my expectations with the design choices they made for the models, items, levels, and even weapons.
The "Red Guys" have a minimalist feel and no stupid sunglasses, and they shatter when you get them just looks and feels so cool. They look great. I can't put it into words, they look astounding.
Everything else does follow in the model's footstep. It's all very minimalist and casual and with such a small development team it's not surprising they took the simple but nice looking route of minimalism. Items look weirdly visually stunning and, with almost all of them being black, contrast well on the theme of the all white background
Now we talk about the problem with this, however. It can feel a little dull sometimes. A little cheap in some levels that have next to no real design effort put into them. Good examples are the corridor and elevator levels, which work very well from a gameplay stance but not a graphical stance, being fairly boring a lot of the time
This being said endless levels like The Office really impressed me and I liked how they looked and played a lot of the time.


4/10 Importance: Low

I didn't really care much for the storyline. Who really cares about the storyline in an FPS game? Nonetheless, whatever they were trying to with the story sort of flew over me and was at times a tiny bit of an inconvenience.
I won't give much away, but it consists of you talking to someone who is also into the game over a chat messenger, as well as the game itself. The game will engage you in these conversations frequently, and they can be a little cliche.
They're not entirely terrible chats, but they don't seem at all necessary. Give me the things to shoot at and some occasional directions and I'll do that.
I did like some of the later story developments, however, as they were still sort of confusing but in a cool way so whatever.
At least the storyline did not feel entirely forced like in other shooter games where it just doesn't at all work or is not easy to follow.


9.5/10 Importance: High
(sorry about the image here, photoshop went bad and i had to use gimp as a last resort)

Jeez, I love the idea that they had. Somehow it doesn't grow old with me, evidenced by how many times I played the older original prototype. To be able to have control over something few other games have tried to control is, quite literally, mind-blowing.
Like I said, this idea of time slowing down has barely been used in games and almost never in FPS games. There is so much to do with the concept other than simply dodging bullets as well. Stop the enemy from chasing you so quickly, figure out a strategy whilst in the middle of a firefight, start throwing shot glasses in slow motion, and, best of all, hit someone point blank with a shotgun and destroy them entirely.
It's almost a flawless concept other than it inevitably getting old after too much usage. But this happens in every single game, so it's more than passable and justifiable.
On top of all this, it's not a difficult concept to get your head around. Some games will add so much crap to keep count of, but this game is straightforward with it: don't get hit and kill them all. It doesn't need a super long rulebook or hundred of hours of play to master (unless you want to be a total badass, in which case, get those hours ground). All it takes is a few words and scenarios to get used to it.


MENUS: The menus used are pretty interesting. That terminal vibe that I didn't expect to see in a game that looks very new age today. I don't know why they used a menu like this at all, but it's very functional and pretty fun to mess around with

CHALLENGES: Some of the challenges are insanely difficult. You'll keep playing them for quite a while, to say the least. Some include only using a katana. Some include total stopping of time. One includes fists only, which is so unfathomably difficult...but possible.

WEIRD CRAP: They've littered a few games in the menu, one of them being this tree game which is like a phone game but on a terminal. You just chop down a tree and don't get hit by branches. It's a little goofy and a little odd to hide in the menu, but whatever.


After I post this, I'm going to go back and play it. I'm going to go back and play the most innovative shooter I've played in years.
I love the idea behind the game, I love how it flows together beautifully, I like most of the design choices, and whilst I don't particularly like the story, for the most part, I can let it pass me right by.
It might seem a little much as an indie game, but AAA games cost much more for overused concepts that we've seen so much of. Why not tip those who used some real effort this year?

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Aug 7, 2016
Just thought I'd drop by and let everyone know what I'm doing in the near future:
Insurgency - Request by @Modernglib
Mini Metro - Personal Choice
This book is a dungeon - Request by @Surrator
The Long Dark - Personal Choice
Starbound - Request by @Modernglib

There are other requests I'll eventually get round to but for now this is enough


Aug 7, 2016

"White shirt and jeans, right?" - Security Forces in Ambush


If Arma met CS:GO and had a baby, this would probably be it.

Insurgency is a game all about shooting people, capturing objectives, and not getting shot at. Whilst Insurgency may seem like a normal everyday shooter that we see all the time, it actually isn't that. It's a fast-paced and realistic shooter that we don't see enough of.

The complete lack of a HUD. The little feedback the game gives. The fact that people actually die when you shoot them. The realism this game creates is quite insane, honestly. Somehow, it got my adrenaline pumping in certain situations.
I sound like a total wuss when I say this so I'll keep the summary brief to stop embarrassing myself. I loved the weapon choices, the game mechanics, the general atmosphere around me, the possibility of death around every twist and turn, and the fact that this is one of the few source games that uses the F-Word. Valve hates that word.
I'll get into it since I've basically summarised the game: cap points and shoot people in what feels very real.


Importance: Very High

Now you might be thinking "Jeez Munch, you LOVED the way this game worked one moment, and now you're only giving it 8.5 out of 10? What are you, insane?"
I get it, I get it. I loved the realism, I loved the lack of HUD, I loved the immersive world this game has to offer. But, granted, it still has flaws. And 8.5 is way above average. Trust me, I was hellbent on giving this a 9, but it just slipped.
I didn't like how little the game wanted to expand on its modes. I feel like there was room for a lot more here. Capping points can be pretty boring when nobody's around and blowing up caches is hardly exciting because it doesn't look that cool. The weapons can sometimes be a little difficult to get used to and I've had a fair few problems when navigating menus.
If the game added more than the simple stuff then I would play it for sure, but it hasn't. Unlike other games where there are variations of modes that don't feel the same (good examples being TF2, Overwatch and, hell, maybe even Garry's Mod) it can just become a little boring to do.
However, whilst the objectives may be boring, the rest of the game kept me on my toes. Metaphorically. I was running from wall to wall, room to room, trying to get from Charlie to Bravo, only to watch my comrades fall in battle and not get hit by that sniper sat inside of a window all day. Crap, I think that's a red laser...
Man, was it immersive. I barely wanted to peek my head out and when I did I felt scared for my life in my real life, especially in elimination games.
The guns were really cool. I loved some of the pistols, like the M1911 and also enjoyed mowing people down with an M249. Getting kills didn't feel satisfying as much but instead scary since I don't know if I got someone half of the time or who's next to come, which I weirdly loved at the time.
I do want to add that the squad system with all the classes was also a little odd for me, but I didn't mind it very much. Just adds to the realism for many I guess.


Importance: High

Maybe for many, the graphics weren't that impressive, but I'm a sucker for them and boy, did I love it. I loved the crumbling walls, the amazing level design, the huge landscapes, the wreckage I had to fight through, even some of the posters that were placed around impressed me.
Not only did it add to the realism, but there were a few times I wanted to go AWOL just to look around the brilliant mapping done by the developers.
The way it looks really adds to how it plays, which is something we should see more often. We shouldn't get willy nilly crap with high tech gear and no real damage impact on a war zone, we should see more of this in games where places have slowly been torn to shreds by war and abandoned by the people living there
There's not much else to say other than it looks awesome and feels awesome. There is nothing to keep me bored on the maps, I could look around for ages and ages and ages. I don't like the night maps as much but it's easy to just not play them.

Importance: Very Low

There is no storyline as far as I'm aware. I don't really care about this if I'm honest, I like the atmosphere already, and a storyline would over-complicate things.


Importance: Medium-High

Let's get real here: this is an unoriginal concept executed very well. This is not the first game that's made an attempt at being realistic. So many console games and PC ones have tried and succeeded at this. I mean, it's a good choice of concept, just seen a lot
I liked the idea that they used, it was a good choice to go for and it doesn't go over the top by adding something weird or unrealistic since the premise is being realistic.
I didn't like the fact that they sort of only stuck to it, though.
They could have added something to this to make it a little more interesting in some places...actually, no, they can't. I can't think of anything to add to make the concept better here, so I should let them pass on this. Think of something for me, devs.


SCENARIOS: I don't like the settings in World Wars or other stuff that isn't modern. This is just me, but I didn't like how outdated it felt. Maybe you will, I don't know.

VOICE ACTING: Inconsistently good and bad, overall average-ish? It didn't need to be good but other shooters have done much better jobs of it. Since I have to hear it all the time I expected a tiny bit more, maybe I'm overdoing it.

COMMUNITY: Very nice on cooperative modes. Awful on everything else. Get ready to mute people often if you want a decent experience.


I love the immersion and realism in the game. Sometimes it can feel a little clunky to play and it does have boring objectives, but you won't care since you'll be more bothered whether or not you're going to get out of this one alive and not get blown up accidentally.
Does it play good? Yes. Does it feel good? Yes. Does it look good? Hell yes.

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Apr 26, 2016
considering how optimized insurgency is, how fucking good it looks, and the fact that it's on the source engine just shows that the devs did a really good job with it
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Sep 3, 2016
Do Rust, despite the fact the XP system has some what ruined in my opinion.


Apr 27, 2016
Oh crap, I might need to replay that to review it. I remember it being really good, though.
fuckin incredible game imo
if anything thou, its less of a game and more of a interactive narrative, but its qualtiy easily makes that issue null and void for me
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Aug 7, 2016
Mini Metro

"Redesign the original underground railway, the London tube." - Level Selector


This game is a game all about minimalist trains. Fits with the title very well. Not only is the art style minimal in Mini Metro, many aspects of the game are too, such as the passenger system, the menus and the gameplay.
With many famous rail systems put into the game (such as the London underground, Berlin line and New York railway) and small but clever mechanics to keep the game flowing, the game may not seem like it is bursting with flavour but it can be a real brain ache sometimes.
Stations pop-up overtime and your rail system has to adapt to the new stops, otherwise, you'll get overcrowded stations and you'll lose the game.
The game is easy to learn but difficult to master, as more lines are made and stations have to be catered to in order to not have places overflow and get everyone on time.


Importance: High

The gameplay is pretty simple to work with. Drag lines around, put trains onto lines, pick up passengers and take them from where they arrived at and where they want to go. Make sure that the station does overflow massively and keep transportation going for as long as possible.
Every now and then the game will offer you a choice of what to add to your rail system. These can range from tunnels to carriages and even new lines to put on. Don't be stupid with these offers, choose wisely and take what you really need. I've had many games where a shortage of tunnels has led to an overcrowded station. It's annoying.
This is where the problem arises, though. The game wasn't complex enough to keep me hooked at times. Sure, I was on my toes to keep the traffic from overflowing and had to be strategic with my positions on the rails, but there wasn't anything unexpected that happened and no new mechanics were used that often. This means that many levels feel very similar.
Overall, the gameplay is fun and simple to learn, difficult to master and can be worn out easily.


Importance: Low

The graphics aren't overly impressive but work very well and flow together very nicely. The minimalist choice of art was a good one here.
Everything was easy to keep track of, with shapes being easy to depict and train lines easy to tell apart from each other.
The art style added to my enjoyment but remember minimalism isn't for everyone. Some people like it, some people don't care about it, some people hate it because it seems cheap and boring.


Importance: N/A

This game has no story to go with it. That would just clutter it for no reason.


Importance: High

The game has a good concept, but there are ways I think it could've been improved here and there.
The fact that you must always adopt new approaches to how you play and how the system works is very smart. This makes it more puzzle-like and you will eventually learn what works well over time on different sites.
No monetary system was involved where you had to buy new railways or trains is included, which is something I like because it would easily clutter up the game otherwise.
However, as already said, not enough was being added over time and it felt the same but with increased difficulty most of the time. This isn't entirely bad (you wouldn't expect a Soduku to have letters in it one day) but doesn't keep it overly fresh.
It's mostly an original idea, however, many other games like Train Valley and Lyne work in similar ways.


LOCATIONS: The wide range of locations that have been replicated in the game is quite impressive, honestly. It must've taken some time to do with planning out all of the maps and getting the scale right. Replicating entire rail systems is seemingly difficult for both the player and developer, apparently.

DESIGN CHOICE: I love me some minimalism. It's actually why I bought the game in the first place. Nice to look at, nice to play with, just...nice.

DAILY CHALLENGE: Everyday, the is a new challenge to play and it keeps the game refreshing if you ever want to revisit it. Smart move, developers.


Mini Metro is just that. Minimalist is gameplay and graphics, but smart in concept and easy to pick up and put down again.
I wish it was more addicting than I found it. However, the game is very cheap, and for £7 it is quite a steal.
If you've got nothing to do one afternoon and need an exercise for your brain, this is your game.

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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Can ya Review FTL, Postal 2, This War of Mine, Portal, Antichamber, TF2 and Prison Architect?