Bug On the topic of old bugs: chatbox usage indicators


the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
Priority: Low
Description: Once upon a time, back when it still worked properly, the rendering distance of the indicators above people's heads was dependant on the (somewhat) realistic visibility of the action performed. /mec and whispering would be visible only from a short distance, and walking off (or up to, vice-versa) would cause the indicator to gradually fade away, while yelling and /mel had a much more visible indicator.
This was broken around this time:
And was not fixed since it was seen as beneficial (which I disagree with and suggest it be changed).
The neglect to fix the bug has a side-effect that lingers to this day and I imagine everyone is familiar with; the indicators persist for seemingly no reason, as described here:

Steps to reproduce:
Play on a day-to-day basis and you're bound to observe it. I can attempt to reproduce it more precisely if necessary.
Additional notes:
Reactions: List