

Sep 14, 2017
Before we begin, i believe a short introduction is in order: Hi, I'm Pinka, but you can use my real name if you'd like. (Alex) I've been a huge animal hobbiest throughout my entire life, have always been intrigued by the most "insignificant" of creatures, and even to this day, i technically care for 100+ animals. (When i was younger, i had about 10+ rats, 6 guinea pigs and 4 rabbits, coupled with a bunch of other furry creatures) I currently own a Bearded dragon, a horde of Dubia roaches and superworms+darkling beetles. I am also responsible for the care of a Dog and a Cat, but they are not the main focus point in my post, i will not talk about them in this thread unless someone asks in this topic, or on steam. (
Now, lets begin, shall we?


I recently (about 3 months ago or something like that) gained a huge interest in reptiles, as I believed I am in the age where I can take on the responsibility of taking care of a real life Lizard. I've seen countless BD memes and videos around the internet, and decided I wanted one for myself. I don't know if my phone screws it up, but you can actually see he suffers from mouth rot, because I did something retarded and bought him off "Den blå avis", which is basically craigslist in Denmark.

Now, unto the feeders i breed:

Dubia Roaches

These are my feeder roaches, probably the best insects you can feed your reptiles. These roaches have a pretty similar lifecycle to other insects. The interesting thing about them however, is that the eggsac is actually stored inside the female roach. The Roachlings hatch out of the sac, and crawls out of the female Roach. I've witnessed it myself, it was quite the sight.

Darkling beetles (adult superworms)

Darkling beetles are superworms which have gone through the entire life cycle proccess. From worm, to pupae, to Beetle. I breed these by providing them with adequate heat, moisture and an edible substrate. They will not pupae in communities with other worms nearby, so to force them to pupate i put them in toolboxed with enclosed rooms with no food or water. This stresses the worm enough to force it to pupate in a span of 2 weeks. Kinda cruel, but they don't really feel anything other than stress anyway.


The reason i have Darkling Beetles. These guys will eat, and do nothing else. They barely have any chitin on them, so they're really good feeders for Reptiles if you're afraid of impactation. Otherwise, not much to say.

I'm very interested in what kind of animals you guys might have, and i'd love to see pictures of them. If you have any questions regarding my animals, or something else, i can be reached here:
I'd like to say tho, I'm not an animal expert in any way, and you should always trust your local vet over some random guy or article on the internet. Do what is right for your animals, and always, ALWAYS research an animal before you take it into your care.
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Sep 14, 2017
Sure, let me get the camera real quick.
[doublepost=1506529269][/doublepost]This is Lady.

She is a bichon havanese, and we got her from a family friend who was not allowed to have more than 4 dogs. Irony is, we are not allowed to own a cat or dog AT ALL. We just tell the landlord we're "taking care of her for an undetermined amount of time. She always barks like fuck whenever someone buzzes our doorbell, and likes to showcase her toys to anyone visiting by having them hang from her mouth, while making "MMMRMMRBMRMBM" sounds. She is a joy to have.
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Sep 3, 2017
Sure, let me get the camera real quick.
[doublepost=1506529269][/doublepost]This is Lady.

She is a bichon havanese, and we got her from a family friend who was not allowed to have more than 4 dogs. Irony is, we are not allowed to own a cat or dog AT ALL. We just tell the landlord we're "taking care of her for an undetermined amount of time. She always barks like fuck whenever someone buzzes our doorbell, and likes to showcase her toys to anyone visiting by having them hang from her mouth, while making "MMMRMMRBMRMBM" sounds. She is a joy to have.

as a person who lived in Pinka's household I can confirm that Lady is noice
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not sam

Dec 19, 2016
a got a fat ass dog
got no photos of the little shit but this is what he looks like, i.e same breed

he's a mong but a love him really x
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016


I also have a cat but I don't know where the fuck she's gone, but she's the weirdass ragdoll breed that randomly collapses for no reason.

Also have 2 Siamese fighting fish, mine's called Mjolnir (he's blue) and my Mum has an unnamed red one.

I've had like a dozen guinea pigs during my lifetime, heaps of budgies (I still have one) and I've had other dogs, such as Rosie (cocker spaniel) and Malti (Maltese) - both of them died unfortunately, Rosie to ticks and Malti to old age the poor bugger.
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