

Apr 26, 2016


I also have a cat but I don't know where the fuck she's gone, but she's the weirdass ragdoll breed that randomly collapses for no reason.

Also have 2 Siamese fighting fish, mine's called Mjolnir (he's blue) and my Mum has an unnamed red one.

I've had like a dozen guinea pigs during my lifetime, heaps of budgies (I still have one) and I've had other dogs, such as Rosie (cocker spaniel) and Malti (Maltese) - both of them died unfortunately, Rosie to ticks and Malti to old age the poor bugger.
I had a border collie too until we had to give him away recently because the house were moving to doesn't allow dogs
not my choice but I was the only person in the family to really even care for the dog so
I guess he's in a better place now, with some family upstate whose dad died of cancer ((((supposedly)))) that we found through some volunteer for the kramer foundation
considering when I go to boot and throughout service I doubt he'd be too carefully taken care of, im happy but still pissed off and upset about all of it, but whatever



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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
I had a border collie too until we had to give him away recently because the house were moving to doesn't allow dogs
not my choice but I was the only person in the family to really even care for the dog so
I guess he's in a better place now, with some family upstate whose dad died of cancer ((((supposedly)))) that we found through some volunteer for the kramer foundation
considering when I go to boot and throughout service I doubt he'd be too carefully taken care of, im happy but still pissed off and upset about all of it, but whatever



Man he's beautiful.

Shame you had to give him away, they're incredibly loyal dogs.
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May 15, 2016
I'd post images, but I don't have any on hand to UL. Man do I have stories to share though.

I've lived with pets my entire life. My parents have had cats ever since I've been born, and I am very fond of them. They weren't even pet people originally.

It started out when I was like 1 year old. My dad had apparently been seeing a stray, meager cat around his job every day for the past week. One day, he found it sleeping, exhausted under his car. The cat had no markings of an owner, no necklace. It was starved, and weak. So dad decided to bring it home that day, on the way he went into the small grocery store near our home and bought a little tin of cat food. The cat slept in the car the entire time. He then took it inside and I was basically amazed. I basically loved it right away. My dad took it to the vet the next day, and the vet told him that the cat had a lethal infection, that'd end up killing it in a few years. That they couldn't do anything about. It already loved my dad more than anything else though, and it had already taken it's place in our home. So we named her Maja. And she stayed wirh us the rest of her life. She died a well-fed, happy cat.

After this, we were so used to having a cat around the home that it started getting quiet and lonely, we missed having one. So we adopted another one, an older cat named Snugge, who's previous owner was an old lady who had passed away, without any family willing to take care of the cat.

I honestly don't remember much about Snugge sadly, was we only had him for about two years, before he passed away from old age. Nevertheless, we loved him, and missed him when he was gone.

My aunt had gotten a kitten a few months before that, named Alma. Let's just say they never got along as well as she had hoped, and after we lost Snugge, she was more than happy to pass Alma onto us instead. Alma was an outdoors cat, which was perfect for where we live. A house in the outskirts of a smaller village. She loved being outside in the forest, and she is the cat I remember the best, and miss the most.

Two years ago my mother recieved a message from the doctors. Apparently she was allergic to cats, and that was what had been causing her recent heavy coughing fits and hardships with breathing. As such, we needed to find a new home for our beloved Alma. Something that tore at us a lot. My grandfather offered to take care of her. They lived in the forest up north, a perfect place, we thought. But about half a year after she had come to her new home, we got a call from my grandfather.
Alma had walked onto the only larger road near the house while out and about, and been hit by a car.
She died on the spot.

We were devastated. Byt the worst part was, my mother hadn't gotten better after Alma left our home. And wouldn't you know it, one week after she passed away, the hospital got back to us. My mother WASN'T allergic to cats afterall. Let's just say, we weren't happy.

So that takes us to about one year ago. We'd been living without a cat for a while, which felt very weird. One winter day a kitten showed up in our backyard. Not just any kitten, but a skinny, BENGAL kitten. Without a necklace, or anything else signifying it having an owner. We were cautious if it did have an owner though, and so we just let it be. It was shy, and didn't get close to people.
But then it started showing up more. First every other week or so. Then every week, then every other day. And at this point, two months after he first showed up, we started feeding him. We were sure he didn't have an owner. He became less shy, however it was clear that he'd grown up in the forest on his own, and was semi-wild rather than fully tame. We changed that over time of course, as we fed him and gave him a home. We called him Leo, because according to my sister he looked just like a little leopard.

Turns out we were wrong. And to make a long story short, an old lady had stolen the cat from a guy who lived on the same street as her. Theb that cat escaped, and instead of returning to the actual owner, just roamed the woods day and night until he decided we were good enough and settled in at our place. Since cats choose their own homes, and the actual owner was grateful we told him where the cat was and stuff, we got to keep him.

His real name is Simba, he's now probably the biggest, yet skinniest cat I have ever seen. He's extremely playful, meows more than any other cat I've met (I swear you can keep actual long conversations with him) and he thinks he's a parrot because he always sits on mine or my dads shoulder, and talks way to much.

Will edit post if I find a pic of Simba on my phone ;)
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Sep 14, 2017
I'd post images, but I don't have any on hand to UL. Man do I have stories to share though.

I've lived with pets my entire life. My parents have had cats ever since I've been born, and I am very fond of them. They weren't even pet people originally.

It started out when I was like 1 year old. My dad had apparently been seeing a stray, meager cat around his job every day for the past week. One day, he found it sleeping, exhausted under his car. The cat had no markings of an owner, no necklace. It was starved, and weak. So dad decided to bring it home that day, on the way he went into the small grocery store near our home and bought a little tin of cat food. The cat slept in the car the entire time. He then took it inside and I was basically amazed. I basically loved it right away. My dad took it to the vet the next day, and the vet told him that the cat had a lethal infection, that'd end up killing it in a few years. That they couldn't do anything about. It already loved my dad more than anything else though, and it had already taken it's place in our home. So we named her Maja. And she stayed wirh us the rest of her life. She died a well-fed, happy cat.

After this, we were so used to having a cat around the home that it started getting quiet and lonely, we missed having one. So we adopted another one, an older cat named Snugge, who's previous owner was an old lady who had passed away, without any family willing to take care of the cat.

I honestly don't remember much about Snugge sadly, was we only had him for about two years, before he passed away from old age. Nevertheless, we loved him, and missed him when he was gone.

My aunt had gotten a kitten a few months before that, named Alma. Let's just say they never got along as well as she had hoped, and after we lost Snugge, she was more than happy to pass Alma onto us instead. Alma was an outdoors cat, which was perfect for where we live. A house in the outskirts of a smaller village. She loved being outside in the forest, and she is the cat I remember the best, and miss the most.

Two years ago my mother recieved a message from the doctors. Apparently she was allergic to cats, and that was what had been causing her recent heavy coughing fits and hardships with breathing. As such, we needed to find a new home for our beloved Alma. Something that tore at us a lot. My grandfather offered to take care of her. They lived in the forest up north, a perfect place, we thought. But about half a year after she had come to her new home, we got a call from my grandfather.
Alma had walked onto the only larger road near the house while out and about, and been hit by a car.
She died on the spot.

We were devastated. Byt the worst part was, my mother hadn't gotten better after Alma left our home. And wouldn't you know it, one week after she passed away, the hospital got back to us. My mother WASN'T allergic to cats afterall. Let's just say, we weren't happy.

So that takes us to about one year ago. We'd been living without a cat for a while, which felt very weird. One winter day a kitten showed up in our backyard. Not just any kitten, but a skinny, BENGAL kitten. Without a necklace, or anything else signifying it having an owner. We were cautious if it did have an owner though, and so we just let it be. It was shy, and didn't get close to people.
But then it started showing up more. First every other week or so. Then every week, then every other day. And at this point, two months after he first showed up, we started feeding him. We were sure he didn't have an owner. He became less shy, however it was clear that he'd grown up in the forest on his own, and was semi-wild rather than fully tame. We changed that over time of course, as we fed him and gave him a home. We called him Leo, because according to my sister he looked just like a little leopard.

Turns out we were wrong. And to make a long story short, an old lady had stolen the cat from a guy who lived on the same street as her. Theb that cat escaped, and instead of returning to the actual owner, just roamed the woods day and night until he decided we were good enough and settled in at our place. Since cats choose their own homes, and the actual owner was grateful we told him where the cat was and stuff, we got to keep him.

His real name is Simba, he's now probably the biggest, yet skinniest cat I have ever seen. He's extremely playful, meows more than any other cat I've met (I swear you can keep actual long conversations with him) and he thinks he's a parrot because he always sits on mine or my dads shoulder, and talks way to much.

Will edit post if I find a pic of Simba on my phone :wink:
I love stories like these, even if they don't end on a 100% positive note.
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