welcome you old sdHi
I just needed a lurker account just to occasionally rate people I used to talk to so that they know I am watching them while they sleep
ey pizza man
can i get a double pepperoni
ill grab a margherita thennah we only do margherita and calzone for now
peperoni are coming soon along with wurstels
"peperoni are coming soon along with wurstels"
"along with wurstels"
No true Italian puts f*cking wurstels on pizza, nevermind someone FROM GODDAMN NAPOLI.
I'm not from napoli though fam
I come from that other volcano. And wurstels are used a lot here:
...Etna? And wurstels are used in SICILY?
I'm not desecrating him, I'm paying my respects to "Il Vate". By using that video to show my exact reaction to this revelation.Mosconi is dead don't desecrate him please.
And next time I get a pizza I'll show you.
Daraku <3 Come to save RP once more?