Accepted Qhunnata

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Black Hole
Apr 26, 2016
Steam name: Maytree
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120965844
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: I previously played a Vortigaunt character on an outlands server a long time ago (in late 2015, I think). My characters throughout several HL2rp servers have interacted with Vortigaunts, and how they operate under "elders" or chieftains in various server. A far as I've read the Vortigaunt Handbook, any forms of gerontocracy does not exist in this server, which is nice and lore friendly.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide? I have.

Character Name: Qhunnata
What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?: I'm interested playing on a "young-spirited adventurer" approach to playing a vortigaunt, rather than having myself becoming a standing statue that just gives out condescending commentary toward other non-vort characters (nor let myself just sit in cave interiors all days, waiting to spam galanga voicelines to a vort newcomer). I want this character to actually go to other rebel (less mental) communities, seeking to help with mending wounded and assisting them with supplies.

Personality wise; I want this character to be naive. Have them have a chance to learn more about human culture, languages and landscapes to cope rather than starting off as a hivemind of knowledge. This would also be an opportunity to roleplay as a Vortigaunt under a different light.

Brief Backstory:

The young and adventerious Qhunnata would tell little of their life before the Combine Occupation of the Vortigaunts' homeworld. The only memories the preserved in their subconscious mind was when they snuck outside from their habitat, exploring underground plains of their home planet. Qhunnata was far from physical and mental maturity, at the time of their lonesome exploration. Although due to lucky circumstances, the infant Vortigaunt had been spared from serious injuries... well, aside from a few scratches on their posterior after sliding down a rocky slope. In due time, the trouble would've been worth it when Qhunnata had seen the plain view of their village.

There was a rocky reservoir, encompassing a towering hill blanketed with rocky huts and structures to where he supposedly came from. A lonesome herd of Antlions building their next beside a waterfall, far away and from their home village, Qhunnata had also saw a faraway village, emitting a warm violet hue with mountain sized stalagmite columns partially blocking its view. Lastly, he peered up toward the seiling of the massive underground cavern to which Qhunnata and many Vortigaunts live in. It was nothing that a human could even try to picture in their minds. The engulfing seiling took form of a cosmic night sky, twinkling with stars and dim nebulas alike. It would have been breathtaking. Even the Vortigaunt in question still wonders how the imitation of the night sky came to be. Was it the works of complex clusters of bio-plankton, or the works of the Vortessence?

This was all the Vortigaunt named Qhunnata would remember of his home planet. Something to carry until his final breath. No matter how things end for them.


Qhunnata was many of the Vortigaunts the Combine enslaved on the species' homeworld, later to be transferred into the Overworld to be experimented upon and used as batteries for their various equipment. Qhunnata and many of the Vortigaunts were often transported into other planets, tormented into endless slavery to fuel the Combine machine on their mindless infection on biological life. The continuation of the Combine's Onslaught, and the countless experiments being practiced upon their body and lifeforce left the young Vortigaunt hollow. Any remembrance of Qhunnata's past life and family have been obliterated. The cycle of their merciless captivity shifts when the Vortigaunts came into contact with the Nihilanth. The godly figure broke into a pocket dimenention, a border-world named Xen, and brought Qhunnata and the Vortigaunts with them.

Not all slaves of the Combine share the same morals, the morals of individuality and person freedom. The Nihalanth was not the exception. All the Vortigaunts had no choice but to serve under the creature's codes of servitude. They have no-where to go. For Qhutanna and the rest of the Vortigaunts, trading an endless horde of half-living masters for just one was the least unideal path to choose.


Barely any of the Vortigaunts could count the time had passed since they were coerced into worshiping the Nihilanth. Ghunnata often lived in the chasms, hurdled with other Vortigaunts to maintain their portal mill of transporting the Mantas. Stories began to spark about "thieving intruders" breaking into the Border-World, seeking to educt everything they could collect with their rubber hands. Anything. These alien invaders would manage to capture Qhunnata when they were driven asleep, severing them from the other Vortigaunts. They would be subjugated in a square room made of steel, only accompanied with a lone lightbulb on the seiling of that forsaken room. The... Human scientists would do their prodding and monitoring of the Vortigaunt, and other fellow test subjects of theirs, for several months unend. Qhunnata already knew that resistance is a futile endeavor, an endeavor that will bring nothing but punishment. To the Vortigaunt's suprise, these human educators intend no harm or any exploitation of their unnatural abilities. Were they trying to communicate with him?

All of this greatly abrupted. Lights flickering in the Black Mesa Research Facility. There was nothing but chaos to his surroundings. Qhunnata was one of the luckiest to break out of their cell due to a power malfunction. The Vortigaunt ran through the halls in their delirious state, distraught by the ensuing rampage by the creatures from Xen materializing and killing everyone in sight. Qhunnata clawed their way out, blasting anyone that tried to get in their way. After hours of bloody destruction, the Vortigaunt emerged into the surface, blinded by the sun, but continued to press through the New Mexico desert. The Vortigaunt attempted to reconfigure their connections to the Vortessence, in hopes of re-communicating with their kin and the wrathful Nihilanth.


The scorching sun had not been kind to the young Vortigaunt named Qhunnata. They continued to wander into the desert, harassed by desert wolves and insects alike. The Vortigaunt was fearful for being too late to rejoin their kin, believing that the resonance cascade was the rage carried by the Nihilanth for their barrage of pestering. They would track and executed for desertion, but they also knew that days without the Vortessence would mean a death sentence. They had little choice in the matter. Nights passed during their recovery, huddled near a campfire between a small plateau, they learnt of the news that transpired. The Nihilanth had been killed by a stranger that donned a metal orange suit. Echoes of grief of their slaughtered kin was heard through the Vortessence... Although there's rejoice, cries of relief as well. For the first time in millennia, they are left on their own..., Freedom, for better or worse.

Qhunnata found themself with a caravan of traveling Vortigaunts, trying to survive through this strange world like everyone else. They later embarked toward the Canadian wilderness all by themselves, trying through human denizens who were also affected the by the new portal storms. All of them pressed through themselves through the snow, helping lone hitchhikers with pelts and berries when needed... with little communication with the humans they have. Although their generosity had catched the attention of the local military. Qhunnata and the band of Vortigaunt they were with have been captured. They were all shoves into cells, then later into a research vessel. It seemed for almost a month that the research vessel had been stuck on the waters. It was obvious to Qhunnata and the rest of the Vortigaunts were being taken somewhere, but now it's getting clear that their new captives were left stranded in the North Atlantic Ocean.

The military are taking their time to arrive in their destination. As progress grew, so did Qhunnata and the Vortigaunt's impatience. The humans sought to quell any resistance and fears from the Vortigaunts with beatings. They are scrambling to devise a plan to escape from the vessel through their telepathic abilities, with Qhunnata being among them. At the beginning of the second month on the cold sea, events begin to unfold in their eyes. They all saw the human structures buildings, striders shooting down silhouettes... They are here. Qhunnata was rendered frozen in fear, but the rest of the Vortigaunts snapped, they're now scrambling for an escape. Any compliance with the guardsmen they had, now chucked away like a rotten apple. All of them zapped their way for an opening before being met with Human retaliation. The humans were also afriaid, already running out of rations and on the verse of shooting the Vortigaunts down. There was nothing but episodic flashes of yellow and green. Corpses of both species lay dormant in hallways and decks. Qhunnata, some of their pack members hide themselves in the chaos. The fighting ended in an hour, with no victor, and the boat soon crashed onshore. Qhunnata and the few others survived the wreckage, but they found themselves stranded in the shores of Portugal. All of the survivors sought to hide in the shadows, through whatever cave system they could track to wait out the Combine Invasion. Desperate, and afraid.


Qhunnata always sought to allies after their ordeal of the Seven Hour War. With their remaining friends, they traveled through all of Europe torefuhe from the Combine Invaders. The traumas the Vortigaunt faced in that research vessel, they saw it as sign that humanity and the vortikind must not be divided. All parties must band together if they are to survive this new world, and to fend off the Combine Harvesters from ever touching one of their own.

Qhunnata later found themself in an encampment of human resistance fighters in a particular cavern, along the shores of Bulgaria. The Vortigaunt picked up the human language, primarily English, when decades past by. They saw resistance groups rise and fall, they saw friends perish before the might of the Combine, and some friends lived peaceful lives in unoccupied landmasses on Earth. During times of their own respite, they sought to continue improving their connections to the Vortessence and the rest of their reclaimed abilities. Now with the recent insurrection in City 17, Qhunnata will do whatever it takes to make home of their new world, even if it means they'll die trying.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?: Vortigaunt and Human resistance groups, that are fully adherent to helping humanity. Such as Lambda's Finest. I believe aiding and joining rebel cells is a more profitable for my Vortigaunt in terms of roleplay.
Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify: I have. If minor crafting flags or scripts are not permitted, then I'll just got with the enchantment stuff.

Coat (biege labcoat playermodel), and a backpack script.
Basic crafting recipes for food and equipment. Certain and more potent items will have to be gradually learnt from experienced crafters. I personally wish to abstain from having firearm crafting recipes, because that's cringe for a vort. I also request that my character to be forbidden from selling items for tokens (if not part of the whitelist rules). I tend to create items for character who need them most.
Here's how this goes...

Wooden Spheric Cannister.
Stressball sized wooden spheres, often engraved with glyphs to identify its selected purpose when used to enchant. They engravements glow with an emerald hue, emitting nature of the Vortessence. Inhaling its mist will receives its respecting amplification. For balancing purposes, 1 can be enchanted once a week, with a limit of 7 orbs unless used. These orbs can be given out to other characters, as it's intended purpose. All of these orbs can only be used once.

The ball enchantments in question...

Miasma of Depravity.
Narcotic gas. It renders the inhaler insanely high (the way cannabis does it), before driving the player into a lucid 7-hour dream of their personal choice. It's half-true intention, or blatant excuse of this enchantment type, is to help the sedation process of a patient undergoing a surgical operation. After the effects are worn off, the user will be left terribly thirsty.

Fumes of Cognizance.
Intends to amplify the inhaler with increased foresight of all receptive organs (ears, eyes, noses or even tongues. The Vortessence will also be amplified if the user happens to be a Vortigaunt), in a period of 7-minutes. Useful for timescales and events requiring emotes. But after so, they will experience a severe migraine, lessening in a period of 7-hours.

Vapor of Salubrity.
Gives the person a moderate healing boost. Useful for pulling out from life-threatening situations, such as blood loss, injured limbs, or incapacitation. Inhaling this to heal from wounds involving shrapnel or bullets will cause heavy complications (if they haven't been pulled out from the body).

Smoke of Savagery.
Drives the inhaler into a blood-crazed frenzy, amplifying pain-tolerance, endurance, strength, and stamina for a brief period of 7-seconds. This would leave the inhaler extremely exhausted after participated scenario ends, with sometimes driving them into a brief period of sleep.
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May 18, 2016
BRIEF Backstory:

I'm gonna die

I appreciate the effort you put into this application, shows your willingness to invest in the server again. Welcome back to the community.


Here's how this goes...

Wooden Spheric Cannister.
Stressball sized wooden spheres, often engraved with glyphs to identify its selected purpose when used to enchant. They engravements glow with an emerald hue, emitting nature of the Vortessence. Inhaling its mist will receives its respecting amplification. For balancing purposes, 1 can be enchanted once a week, with a limit of 7 orbs unless used. These orbs can be given out to other characters, as it's intended purpose. All of these orbs can only be used once.

The ball enchantments in question...

Miasma of Depravity.
Narcotic gas. It renders the inhaler insanely high (the way cannabis does it), before driving the player into a lucid 7-hour dream of their personal choice. It's half-true intention, or blatant excuse of this enchantment type, is to help the sedation process of a patient undergoing a surgical operation. After the effects are worn off, the user will be left terribly thirsty.

Fumes of Cognizance.
Intends to amplify the inhaler with increased foresight of all receptive organs (ears, eyes, noses or even tongues. The Vortessence will also be amplified if the user happens to be a Vortigaunt), in a period of 7-minutes. Useful for timescales and events requiring emotes. But after so, they will experience a severe migraine, lessening in a period of 7-hours.

Vapor of Salubrity.
Gives the person a moderate healing boost. Useful for pulling out from life-threatening situations, such as blood loss, injured limbs, or incapacitation. Inhaling this to heal from wounds involving shrapnel or bullets will cause heavy complications (if they haven't been pulled out from the body).

Smoke of Savagery.
Drives the inhaler into a blood-crazed frenzy, amplifying pain-tolerance, endurance, strength, and stamina for a brief period of 7-seconds. This would leave the inhaler extremely exhausted after participated scenario ends, with sometimes driving them into a brief period of sleep.

You can only choose one of these powers. Send me a PM with your choice and we'll talk about it.

Coat (biege labcoat playermodel), and a backpack script.
sometimes driving them into a brief period of sleep.[/SPOILER]​

Backpack technically has to go through char auths. Silly as that may sound it's a big advantage when we built the current inventory/script economy around people having limited carry capacity

Coats will be handed out after tonight's event, refer to the most recent Vortigaunt PSA post
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