raiden’s vort app


cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Please note that my application will take some inspiration from a previous vort I never got round to fully experiencing.

Steam name: raiden
Steam ID:
shall retrieve in a moment
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
played vort multiple times through different iterations
Have you read the old Vortigaunt Guide?:


Character Name:
What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

I plan on playing a vortigaunt who is battle-crazed, someone who lives for the hunt. I wish to become a hunter of sorts who preys on other xenian beasts for sustenance. I want to play a vortigaunt whos very belief system is based around honour in battle and the strive for enemy blood. A savage vortigaunt, potentially destructive in nature. An outlandish warrior.

I wish to also be something of a poet, writing down stories of past battles and hunts in songs, both in Vortegeese and the common tongue. Similar to a bard of the ancient times who would sing of the valor of fallen brothers in arms.

How do you plan to play your vortigaunt with respect to the setting? That being very early on in the Combine's occupation of Earth:

Very reclusive to the concept of humanity at first - indifferent to their existence but aligned strongly with those who may have the potential to aid him in his shared and individual goals.

Mostly underground, very untrusting and wholly secretive until such a time where humanity shows a strive to fight the common enemy.

How do you plan to interact with citizens and the other factions? Note that while Civil Protection is a new concept IC, you'd still be aware of their hostility towards your species:

Partly judgemental towards citizens- bemused at the concept that they would not might the evil alien empire that enslaves them.

He would most likely blame the poor human Psyche for the existence of civil protection and the progenitor arm and so would start out naturally extremely sceptical as to the ability and mental strength of mankind.

Brief Backstory:

Val’Zen was born. He was born and lectured only to fight. He was a warrior, a soldier - he was taught that the way to prove oneself that you must seek honour in battle, and only death in battle is the acceptable way to die. He was bred simply to fight. Under the Nihilianth's control over the Xenian Borderworld, Val’Zen was one such vortigaunt sent to guard the Nihilianth's chamber and was mortally wounded in the creatures destruction. Val,Zen feels a sense of disconnect with the time, as he believes his valor in battle was stymied by the defeat - but also similarly bitter about the fact that he had no real control over his actions, feeling as if he was used as a pawn in a fight he had no say in fighting.

Val’Zen now sees the Combine as the true enemy, a worthy foe to battle - and one that he is more determined then ever to overcome.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):

As requested before, the ability to track scent or “essence” of a familiar creature. If they’ve been in a room and Val’Zen recognises the scent of the person, they know that they’ve been there.