Accepted Ralph Mercer - LSPD Application

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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017

Character name: Ralph Mercer

Date of birth:
1997/04/05 (YYYY/MM/DD)

Briefly describe your character's background:

Ralph grew up in a rather rough neighbourhood, though with a lot of effort from his parents, they managed to keep him out of most of the trouble the neighbourhood introduced for kids. As a result, he likely had one of the most stable upbringings in the area where he finished school with average grades. Imprinted from an early age with hard work bringing results.

After his schooling, he sought to become a pilot, though due to the expenses of such courses, he had gotten involved with a bad crowd to make some money. While he never did anything outwardly illegal while helping these individuals, he did turn a blind eye to many of the things they did and as such would be guilty by association.

After some time he had gotten a rudimentary course for his piloting and did have the consent of his, likely largely uncaring, instructor to pilot a chopper on his own from time to time. Though at the time you wouldn't exactly call him qualified for such but whether by luck or skill, he never managed to cause enough of a stir to get authorities involved.

Eventually, the bad neighbourhood caught up with Mercer as his father was beaten to death after likely having failed to pay one of the many loans with predatory interest rates in the area. Though those responsible would have always avoided conviction with the law there even if they knew who they were.

His mother moved out of state, for her own safety and with such motivation he decided to start anew as well, moving to Los Santon with what little he could bring to make a living for himself and hopefully get to his passion. Piloting helicopters professionally.

Do you have experience on any other roleplay servers?: I've got experience with other roleplay mediums on Garry's Mod of which the most note is Nebulous' HL2RP from various whitelist perspectives, as for GTARP I've got experience with it since the launch of the server and have been enjoying it.

What is your time zone?: UTC +01:00 (Amsterdam)

Do you understand that this role is very strict and not following the rules/protocols will result in your removal: Of-course

Are there any additional details that you would like to share? (optional): I've never done cop roleplay in a GTA-RP or Modern setting (outside of perhaps semi-serious/the DarkRP equivalent of RP like Altis-Life on Arma 3), though I do have experience with CP roleplay during the previous iterations in a city capacity.

Furthermore, outside of having had the dispatcher role on HL2RP, I've also performed as a GCI/AWACs or other forms of command and control on games such as DCS (Voice-based) as well as flown aircraft in such games, though that's more noteworthy for the communication knowledge and less the actual, much-simplified in GTA comparatively, flight model.

Overall just to illustrate I could fill dispatcher or helicopter pilot roles when they become available/required
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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
Updated it after the launch of the server to portray it with a character I want to jump in on.


Loves QA testing
Head Staff
Premium Member
Jun 10, 2016
Thank you for applying to join the Los Santos Police Department.

We are pleased to welcome you to the LSPD. You will be granted access to the Los Santos Police Department forum where you can familiarize yourself with any important information posted there or simply ask any questions you may have.

Before we start your induction into the LSPD, please provide us with your discord username in this thread and make sure you're in the nebulous discord.

From there, you will receive further details on your induction.
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Loves QA testing
Head Staff
Premium Member
Jun 10, 2016
Discordname: Pyromaniac ((OR ignisviolaceus per their new naming convention)
You should now have access to the LSPD section in the discord, please find further information on the induction process there (:
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