ramen (beck)'s Houndeye Application

ramen (beck)

the minge
Jan 7, 2023
Link to Steam profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
Ban history: N/A
Current and past whitelists (previous iterations included, especially if you played Houndeye or a similar faction):
Current Whitelists:

Past Whitelists:
Civil Protection

Desired name for your character (for logging purposes): 'Snoopy'

In what circumstances is it acceptable to start s2k?:
Only when on the defensive, and/or if it is accepted by all parties. S2K should not be an immediate reaction, and you should play with S2RP. The Houndeye SWEP is powerful, and if used in a mingey-S2K sense, can lead to disaster. It is best to play it safe, and avoid S2K entirely if applicable.
You should never enter an ongoing S2K scenario of your own accord.

To what extent can your relationship with sapient characters develop, and under what circumstances?:
While the Houndeye is, at heart, a feral beast, it can be noted that it can form loose "connections" with humans/vortigaunts. Should the beast be offered some food, or protection, it may see the person offering such items as a non-threat" while not outright becoming domesticated and being their companion.
In the end, they are wild, and as such, they are the neutral player. They will not protect the person back, or offer anything back, they will chirp and go on their merry way in the end.

Now, of course, Vortigaunts are able to domesticate you, should such paths be taken over a course of time. These are the only beings able to successfully tame the houndeye. A human is never able to fully domesticate, only temporarily please.

Post Script Notes:
Hello, and thanks for reading my app. I know I might not be the prime candidate, being rather new to Nebulous, but nonetheless, I wanted to try.
If it is denied, I fully understand, and I want to thank you for taking the time to read my application over anyway.
This is ramen, I love ya! Peace!
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
There isn't any issue with the contents of the application, but I'll have to freeze it for now.
You seem to currently have a Civil Protection application pending - once that's reviewed and I have more data on how you act in conflict-oriented situations I'll resume the review.
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