Denied Random's Vort Application

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Jul 29, 2018
Steam name:
Random { }

Steam ID:

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:

I played Vortigaunt on a handful of semi-serious RP servers, mainly just RPing cleaning the streets cuz I found that funny, occasionally playing as a freed Vort who was chilling, mostly focusing on passive RP and not getting too into combat unless I was forced into it.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?:


Character Name:


What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

His traits are his dedication to something he belives is possibel, aswell as the medica knowledge he picked up over the years, being able to perform surgery on the Humans, noticing some of them feel a lot more comfortable if medicine of their people was used on them. Another trait he has would be his love for baking, hoping one day he could open up a Bakery, to feed everyone in the community as he deems it the right thing to do.

Brief Backstory:

There isn't that much "Baker" remembers from before being enslaved by the Combine; all he knows is simply "doing as he was told" and disliking every moment of it due to the regulare amount of beatings he received, sometimes beliving those beatings made him more "disconnected" from his fellow kin.
As for during the combine's reign, at the start he was a simple street sweeper, trying not to get too much attention on him.
After a few years of being moved around time and time again, it was a normal day as always, sweeping the alleyways when the CP patrol that was watching him got ambushed by a group of resistance fighters. They offered to remove the shackles the oppressors bound to him, he was grateful for the removal of his shackles and he started following the group that freed him, they started teaching him many things.
After a while of hanging out with the group, they named him "Baker", after a man in the group told him he was a Baker once, which peaked his interest, the man tought the Vortigaunt everything there was, with the limited resources available. Due to the immense interest he showed in it, the group started refering to the Vort as "Baker the wannabe Baker", most people however struck to "Baker" due to it's simplicity. On their travels "Baker" gathered cookbooks that taught him how to make "Bread", allthough he never got to try it he is dedicated to one day baking and maybe even running what the humans would call a "Bakery".
After a few years of traveling, allthough he wishes to attempt making those so called "Bread" he knew he had to find a more useful set of skills to help the group, he started learning about the Human body and it's anatomy, figuring out how the human body functions and using that information to help the group out in injuries that could not heal with a simple application of a bandage or Medigel.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:

"Baker" would not really try to attache himself to any group, closest he'd do is ask groups for items, and offering his assistance in medicinal work in return. He'd attempt to stay neutral and keeping away from combat, as he belives his destiny doesn't lie on the frontlines, or in a hospital. Always putting his dreams before everything else, but making sure noone gets hurt on the proccess.​

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):

Not really, maybe something medical related, but most likely not, considering he'll most likely try to use whatever the humans have available and maybe something for crafting food items (idk if there is a bread food item, but if not I'll just RP it)​
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May 18, 2016
I've had a proper look at this now

I find the concept mildly interesting, but like the previous application I just denied, I don't think your grammar is up to standard for this faction. There's a lot of typos, unnecessary repetitions of phrases, your vocabulary's incredibly basic; none of this is to make a judgement on your ability as a roleplayer, but to the fact that people (myself included) often expect better out of Vortigaunt players as a whole.

I'd recommend at the very least proofreading your next application, asking a friend for advice, or straight up using a grammar app.

Denied. You may reapply in a week.
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