Suggestion Rework Rogue Cops


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Suggestion: Rework the Rogue Cops rules to fit the new iteration instead of adapting the ruleset of CityRP iterations.
Why it would be worth adding:

The current rules:


admin take on the rules:

anyway yeah so i think these rules suck.

I'll list some points and counterpoints to the rationales on why you'd have these rules, and why and what I think they should be changed to.

"It's incredibly risky to become a Rogue Cop"
In CityRP? Yes.
Here, no. Here, it's actually the only reasonable thing I can see a cop doing. Let's remind ourselves:
The Citadel has fallen.
Breen is dead.
The Combine are a splintered mess with which fucking Advisors are flying around as active combatants. For a lowly Civil Protection officer, the rebels are winning, and winning hard. Why wouldn't you defect?

"You need an incredibly good reason to defect"
In CityRP, where you defecting results in your family being killed, or no longer getting food? Sure.
Your family's already dead here. They're either already dead, or already with the rebels, actively fighting you. Again, why are you on the Combine side? The one carrot the Combine could dangle in front of you, the safety of your family, is entirely gone. All they have is stick, punishments to lay upon you even if you are a good loyal cop, because eventually you'll have to kill your own daughter, or wife, or father.

"Rebels will kill you so it's not safe to be a Rogue Cop"
The concept of rebels killing rogue cops was stupid enough in CityRP, it's outright retarded now.
"Oh so you'd let an ex-nazi join you in the fight against nazis???"
Yes??? That's literally what a defector is. You don't kill defectors because then no one would defect and you'd be actively gimping yourself. Killing a Rogue Cop is gimping the rebel forces, because you're sending the message that cops should just remain fully loyal to the Combine. There is no reason to be this dumb.
Half-Life 2 has an ACTIVE precedent against this, in the form of Barney, who is literally a Rogue Cop. Man was a CP for years, and not a single rebel shot him even when he was engaged in combat, dressed as a CP.
Even so, cops would still rebel. They'd just form their third group, hostile to both rebels and the Combine. Because in ANY reasonable world, cops would rebel in droves after the fall of the Citadel.

"Any death is a PK because there needs to be risk to be a rogue cop"
No there doesn't. There's only risk because of your mindset that mandates rogue cops must be so discouraged as to be only played by actual masochists who are happy with losing their character if they accidentally slip and fall off some map geometry. If this iteration is to encourage interesting characters, unique stories, and cultivate growth in roleplay, then this shit "rules for thee not for me" stuff has to go out the window. Rogue Cops should be treated the same as any other character, because they are the same as any other character.
I fully believe that people just OOCly hate rogue cops but understand it'd completely shatter verisimilitude to blanket ban it, so they just make the rules the equivalent of Chinese water torture by making whoever does it 1) stress like fuck by being on PK alert AT ALL TIMES and 2) encouraging every single character to be hostile to them so they die quickly.

With these in mind, suggested changes:

1) You can become a Rogue Cop via Char Auths, not needing the whitelist.
This might be an unwritten thing, but I want it codified. The Citadel's fallen, many rebels were cops beforehand, and many of them have been rebels for so long at this point that calling them just a "rogue cop" would be an understatement to their character.

2) Rogue Cops abide by the same PK rules as everyone else.
Abolish the antiquated "we're looking for any excuse to kill you" rules that rogue cops had to abide by. The "oh its about risk" rules that weren't really about risk, because logging in to spawn in the middle of a sweep, or getting killed by map geometry or a glitching prop, is not risk, it's outright stupidity.

3) Rebels can't kill you for being a Rogue Cop.
I don't care how much your character REALLY hates people on the same side as him. A rogue cop that is working with the rebels is an ally, whether you like that or not. You do not have a valid reason. Killing rogue cops is actively detrimental to your faction. You are reducing the number of rebels that exist in the world, with your justification being "well they were on the bad side originally," which is about as good a reason as "he was a murderer," which, spoilers, almost all rebels also are. I mean fucking hell, people were happily making drug trades and excuses with/for X-RAY, who was a fucking Jigsaw-esque serial killer who put pipe bombs and traps about the place and randomly murdering people.
But a ROGUE COP sets off the moral sensor for these characters.
Yeah right fuck off lol.

4) Applying for Rogue Auths as a pre-existing cop is FAR HARDER.
The only cops that're still around post-collapse are the fanatics who genuinely, unironically believe in the combine. The guys who actually cared about loyalist points. The ones who wanted to be in CAB. There is zero justification otherwise. Why would you be part of the Combine now? You're the Nazis after Hitler killed himself. Only the absolute zealots remained. Everyone else dropped their guns and went home (or in this case, joined the winning side.)

I think this post's a wee bit big so I'll drop it now, and update/edit later.
Here we go.


GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016


Apr 26, 2016
Honestly? The reason the rules are so stringent is so the faction doesn't hemorage cops, exactly the way it did during the Finus event. That killed the event dead in the same way it'd kill the server.

If cops know they basically get a 'factory reset' for defecting, they'll try their best to get it, but knowing they have to really earn their place and that its a serious risk (as they did in the city by not advertising what they were for sometimes literal years) makes the choice harder, OOC and IC.


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Honestly? The reason the rules are so stringent is so the faction doesn't hemorage cops, exactly the way it did during the Finus event. That killed the event dead in the same way it'd kill the server.

If cops know they basically get a 'factory reset' for defecting, they'll try their best to get it. Cops knowing they have to really earn their place (as they did in the city by not advertising what they were for sometimes literal years) makes the choice harder, OOC and IC.

that was a back when CPs were foundational to the survival of the server (IE CityRP)

that is no longer the case

we could replace cops entirely with OTA who literally cant go rogue, and nothing would change beyond the fights being a little harder for the rebels


May 28, 2016
They'd just form their third group, hostile to both rebels and the Combine.
To quote Barney in EP1: Now it looks like we're gonna have to cut a path through every chickenshit metrocop who's having second thoughts about defending City 17.
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remove bias
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 13, 2016
To quote Barney in EP1: Now it looks like we're gonna have to cut a path through every chickenshit metrocop who's having second thoughts about defending City 17.
there are in fact three-way fights/cops attempting escape in this episode
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HL2 RP Server Director
Apr 26, 2016
we could replace cops entirely with OTA who literally cant go rogue, and nothing would change

This mentality of treating cops as not players playing characters and instead a game element to be balanced is not healthy or constructive at all.
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Apr 26, 2016
that was a back when CPs were foundational to the survival of the server (IE CityRP)

that is no longer the case

we could replace cops entirely with OTA who literally cant go rogue, and nothing would change beyond the fights being a little harder for the rebels

Sure, but I speak from experience that there's no OTA faction motivated enough in the world to run the sort of threat needed all day every day if you took out cops. Both sides playing actual characters is vital to keeping those factions populated and afloat.

Not to mention the main issue I have is that yes, the only cops left are fanatics and nuts - so rebels have even less reason to trust them. Any rogues at this point read like rats escaping a sinking ship who deserve what'll come to them. Making rebels have to sit on their hands as a cop saunters into their base feels... odd, tbh?

That being said, its not that the idea is bad in theory. It just really is about OOC balance.
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Apr 26, 2016
There are plenty more Cities left, though, which means plenty more Citadels. The fall of Seventeen may have been a major blow, but it was far from a killing strike. Most cops (most of whom are not from C17) could rationalize this as being damage control to make sure the threat is curbed. It'll take a lot of time for the aftershock of Freeman's hijinks to really ripple across the world - at least, to a point where every City begins to see considerable shifts in sociostability.

Still, I'm personally not opposed to revising rogue rules. It's just the catalyst for going rogue that I thought to chime in on.


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
This mentality of treating cops as not players playing characters and instead a game element to be balanced is not healthy or constructive at all.
your right which is why i didnt do that

it was theoretical, and a point of argument, not an actual fucking suggestion

we could replace cops with fucking gummy bears with guns and things wouldn't change in terms of broad server function, which is the point i was making.
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
we could replace cops entirely with OTA who literally cant go rogue, and nothing would change beyond the fights being a little harder for the rebels
horrible oversimplification that's downright insulting

most people active in the thread don't play cop, classic

And to address the suggestion itself; you are right by realism's standards, but the game has to be balanced.
Staff were already unhappy about the damage inflicted by a semi-rogue on the previous map (out of the belief a singular player should not hold too much agency over an entire faction/the server) and I feel like making the rules lax would incentivize people to apply just with the intent of going rogue (i.e. applying for cop with the intention of NOT playing a cop). Simultaneously, allowing people to apply for a rogue cop through char auths is somewhat unfair towards the rest of the faction as they are given no chances at detecting or preventing said rogue from going off-grid.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
horrible oversimplification that's downright insulting

most people active in the thread don't play cop, classic

And to address the suggestion itself; you are right by realism's standards, but the game has to be balanced.
Staff were already unhappy about the damage inflicted by a semi-rogue on the previous map (out of the belief a singular player should not hold too much agency over an entire faction/the server) and I feel like making the rules lax would incentivize people to apply just with the intent of going rogue (i.e. applying for cop with the intention of NOT playing a cop). Simultaneously, allowing people to apply for a rogue cop through char auths is somewhat unfair towards the rest of the faction as they are given no chances at detecting or preventing said rogue from going off-grid.

and how would you handle a rebel who was a cop beforehand

a rebel who, in their backstory, already escaped the persecution of the combine in their escape before the collapse of the citadel?

you just say "no you have to be a cop RIGHT NOW before you can be rogue" ???


HL2 RP Server Director
Apr 26, 2016
and how would you handle a rebel who was a cop beforehand

a rebel who, in their backstory, already escaped the persecution of the combine in their escape before the collapse of the citadel?

you just say "no you have to be a cop RIGHT NOW before you can be rogue" ???
Is anything stopping you from doing that? If you don’t ask for special items or stats I don’t see how you would get outright denied unless you want a special advantage


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Is anything stopping you from doing that? If you don’t ask for special items or stats I don’t see how you would get outright denied unless you want a special advantage
not even the char auths team are sure I'm allowed to do that
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HL2 RP Server Director
Apr 26, 2016
not even the char auths team are sure I'm allowed to do that
Big maybe doesn’t mean no… just don’t ask for special stats/items


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Big maybe doesn’t mean no… just don’t ask for special stats/items

why would one bother when my options are either:

1) reveal it to no one, making it a secret that only i know, meaning it may as well not be a part of my character

this is "WoW dragonRPer" levels of stupid in RP, where people would RP a dragon in human form, revealing it to absolutely no one ever and having no ways of it being revealed. it's just not a part of your character. it's a little amusing thought in your head. "hehe I'm a rogue cop" said the roleplayer. but no one would ever know, so really, he was just like any other rebel.

2) reveal it and immediately forfeit your character because someone is going to shoot you over it eventually
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
a rebel who, in their backstory, already escaped the persecution of the combine in their escape before the collapse of the citadel?
I said it before that I believe it to be unfair towards the current faction members who either:
a) play loyalists and thus deserve a chance at stopping/detecting the rogue one way or another,
b) don't play loyalists (though I can only think of one person who in my eyes deserved rogue auths at this point considering he was forcibly conscripted into being a cop, brutalized and had to witness his girlfriend get stalkerized) and have to go through the risk of getting discovered which the other player could just char auth their way through.

I wouldn't have an issue if being an ex-cop gave them a simple "oh I have a bit of experience with a gun" trait but I can already envision somebody going "I know the ins and outs of every single piece of Combine tech, I was part of the GRID division!".


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I said it before that I believe it to be unfair towards the current faction members who either:
a) play loyalists and thus deserve a chance at stopping/detecting the rogue one way or another,
b) don't play loyalists (though I can only think of one person who in my eyes deserved rogue auths at this point considering he was forcibly conscripted into being a cop, brutalized and had to witness his girlfriend get stalkerized) and have to go through the risk of getting discovered which the other player could just char auth their way through.

I wouldn't have an issue if being an ex-cop gave them a simple "oh I have a bit of experience with a gun" trait but I can already envision somebody going "I know the ins and outs of every single piece of Combine tech, I was part of the GRID division!".

if char auths can let me play an alien worm from xen, i struggle to see how "i was a cop a few years ago and know a few cop things" is the dealbreaker


Mar 26, 2017
barney got by because he's with kleiner and proven a valuable asset
me meeting you on the street will result in your heart finding its way to my stomach idc how cool you say you are
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Sep 9, 2022
Honestly, I want to see cops going rogue, but then so, I am unfortunately unable myself as I hard coded my char into loyalty, so I cannot experiment, but so, if there was Cop who got hit psychologically right into the other side, what would have happened? I had seen some chars on CP that would have been much more story rich if they could have the chance to survive going rogue.

I can only think of one person who in my eyes deserved rogue auths

Well, looks like I am not the only one.

Anyway, I believe we should think over the detail of allowing this thing to happen, I would personally allow rogue Cops, if and ONLY if they were well written in the sense that how and why they go or would (In very rare cases) go autonomous, while realistically having some thought of not bringing an absolute mind from CMB to rebels (Not even the Rebels could do have such lottery except for Mossman, sort of, they got at most lowly cops since they would be most likely to defect), because that is plain unfair and stupid power fantasy.

I will reveal beforehand I have a character idea where simply is a low running C17 Rogue cop that manages to start out with a gun, and if even possible maybe have the Cop uniform (Masked, or unmasked) depending on how I think this guy out at the very most of streching my so called fantasy.

So, if we lay out the rules to make people not be encouraged or discouraged, I believe there is quite some opportunity for interesting stories of redemption, which is getting rarer in RP to my own experience.