Accepted rob's Vortigaunt Application

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Sep 25, 2021
Steam name: rob
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:444474920
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: Yes.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?: Yes.

Character Name: 'Keith'

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?: An insatiable explorer and skilled hunter, deeply fascinated by the histories of people and places. Although they've been spared from the enslavement faced by many of their kin, they bear a profound empathy for those affected.

Brief Backstory:
Keith - a name given to the Vortigaunt whose name could not be pronounced by their Human cohorts. It had become as calloused to them as their fingers, worn and threaded through their flesh like any other cellular form. They had nearly forgotten their origin name. The name given to them upon creation - Dy'Uhn-vahh. Names were as sacred to the Vortigaunt as their Vortessence. Their name deciphered who they were amongst the sea of their kind. Though they shared in the hive mind of the Vortessence, a name gave them separation, identification, and even a piece of solidarity.

The Humans had given them the nickname 'Keith' for their unique ability through their Vortessence. Whilst the Vortigaunts themselves refer to it more as "flux-shifting", it involves their Native form of communication that operates not only similarly to Human tongue but, involves a great deal of sensory components as well. Many Vortigaunts can visually use their Vortessence like electricity, or to utilize telekinesis. It also allows for a great deal of Spatial and Temporal awareness, giving them the ability to break through the boundaries of time and space, like mere veils, and recollect events regardless of their time or special period.

Keith's Vortessence was unique in that aspect. They could utilize their ability to hunt. Their hyper-awareness to locations gave them not only an increased ability to move by scent, and blood, but to track by footprints, even if ancient. This was a byproduct of their Temporal Echolocation ability. One that enhanced their sense of events, giving them the gift to call out in specific realms or areas to receive an echo of the area's past events in greater detail. It was like painting History before their very gaze, one that gave them the benefit when it came to tracing prey.

Initially, Keith expected fear and retaliation for their enhanced Temporal Echolocation abilities but, much to their surprise, the Humans found it not only useful, but intriguing. As they tried to communicate their Native name, the Humans couldn't quite reach the octaves required to pronounce such complexities, their brains much too underdeveloped, and thus, the nickname Keith came into being.

A great hunter, one who had performed a multitude of difficult traces, specifically being utilized for tracking their kin when the Nihilanth would take another into slavery. Being able to trace their kin by echolocation, and by blood scent allowed them to not only identify where their kin had been taken down to the key location but, precisely when as well, which aided in deciphering whether or not action could be taken without immediate consequence. Though Keith had not experienced a life in chains, caged deep and dark like much of their kin, they did have their run-ins with enemies. Their ability to echo-locate aided not only in deciphering location events but, the location of enemy positions as well, and weaknesses within their units and holding facilities. This meant that Keith was never held long, and they would often relay the information through their Vortessence to allow others to escape as well.

Keith also referred to their ability to reminisce. Often caught deep in thought, silent but thinking of their home, of the beauty before the shift. Their hunting was not simply utilized for their brethren but to locate new resources, food, and other necessities. Blood tracing was utilized to track the injured and call for aid. Scent to decipher new plant species. Echolocation was used to plot out new buildings, to determine whether the architecture would be stable or not. They were a blessing to their kind, and Keith took great pride in being as useful as possible.

However, after the invasion of the Combine, Keith saw the delight in their unique talents fall to shadow, becoming the Hunter once more but, for a desperate cause. Having to flee to Xen, that is when the Nihilanth tightened their grip upon the Vortigaunts, and Keith's skills were put to more frequent use. The same was initialized when the Black Mesa Incident forced the Vortigaunts to invade Earth by command of the Nihilanth, resulting not only in Keith being sent down to hunt once more but, to recover, as well. Sprawls of dead Vortigaunt littered the world, and though the species did not fear Death itself, the loss of kin was still one that impacted them. For even they did not know if rebirth, or preservation would be found.

When the Nihilanth was finally defeated, the Vortigaunts joined forces with the Human-led Resistance in hopes that they could vanquish the combine that had come to conquer Earth just as it had destroyed their home. Keith had been unified with a single unit, Soldiers sent on reconnaissance to capture valuable information about the Combine and utilise it to defeat them. Keith had proven useful not only in battle but, for their unique abilities and as they tried to explain their name to the Humans, they began to mutter and dabble in odd tunes. Echo. Recollect. Recon. All words tossed around in a jumble that Keith couldn't quite understand the use for. The Soldiers had watched as they gathered intel, sending a hush or strange vibration from their throat into the world and relaying the intel back in perfect English. It had helped them in locating enemy storage facilities, outposts, and more but, they began to feel out of place being unable to properly thank their new comrade.

"Keith" one Soldier offered. It was simple, and it utilized every bit of information and ability that the Vortigaunt had shown them. They would use echolocation but recall the events, and relay it back to their Resistance brethren. Thus, Keith became not only the name for their Vortigaunt comrade but the method used when out on recon missions. Through this, the Vortigaunt now known as Keith not only began to feel the usefulness of their past life return but a new sense of belonging, even in a world unfamiliar and ever shifting before their expansive gaze.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?: ΛTLAS, likely.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations): Temporal Echolocation - They can perceive past events in specific locations and use this information for hunting, tracking or gathering intel.
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May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations): Temporal Echolocation - They can perceive past events in specific locations and use this information for hunting, tracking or gathering intel.

May be utilized at event staff/admin discretion.
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