Accepted rob's vortiguant application

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Sep 11, 2016
Due to the fact that rob does not have a forum account anymore, I've been asked to post this app on their behalf. This is not my application.

Thank you for understanding.

Steam name:

Steam ID:

Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
I used to play a Vortigaunt on Lemonpunch, but it's been so long that I don't think it's worth anything now.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?
Yes, and I appreciate how brief it is yet including so much information!

Character Name: ‘Max’ (One of his bar pals gave it to him.)

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
Max spent a lot of time as a biotic at his city's local pub, hearing pub jokes and songs, thus he soon developed a sense of humour that allowed him to interact with the customers more. They finally warmed up to his sense of humour and found him rather amusing at times. They'd even pay him to do comedy. However, this was generally cut short as Civil Protection stormed into the pub, leaving Max beaten and battered. The locals would generally soothe Max with a pat on the back or a joke to lighten the atmosphere.

Max is one of the younger Vortigaunts, full of energy, noisy, and always ready to crack a joke, even when it may not be appropriate. Max was usually out and about on errands or doing work for Civil Protection because he had relocated to a huge city. When not under the Combine's watchful eye, he would rush about on his hooves to make things go faster for himself, not wanting to spend too much time out on the streets where Civil Protection may be lurking.

He was placed into the care of a tiny Cluster of his kin after being freed from his chains and, eventually, the city. He attempted to crack his pub jokes with them, but most of them didn't get it, so he took the time to explain it to them, and they ultimately got it. To recap, Max exhibits many human characteristics as a result of his experience working in a bar. He understands many human feelings, but the one he knows best is laughter, thanks to the wisdom of pub jokes.

Brief Backstory:
Due to his age, his stay on Xen was brief, and he has little recollection of it. He was a slave who was frequently ordered to carry massive amounts of Xenian crystals that were far too heavy for him, yet he did so out of fear for his life. After being brought to Earth, he spent the vast majority of his time working as an enslaved Biotic at a pub in a big city. He moved kegs upon kegs of booze every day. He did it to the best of his ability and at a quick speed, wary of the Combine's keen eye.

When the Citadel collapsed and his chains were broken, he fled the city with all the speed he could muster and found himself in a tiny cluster. They took care of each other and travelled the vast barren lands, but one-by-one they were picked off by the Combine and eventually Max found himself at the Sea of Azov, alone.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
Max is prepared to work with any group that opposes the Combine, as long as they are not hostile to those of his kind.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:
Fortified Hooves
Max sends a little quantity of Vortessence into both of his hooves and coats his back with it. This allows him to bear greater weight than a normal Vortigaunt. The amount of Vortessence he needs is determined by the amount of weight he plans to carry. This could be anything from a metal cabinet to an APC, with the APC actually straining the limits of this ability - he'd only be able to raise it a few feet off the ground, and only for about 30 seconds, which would be a stupid idea because the APC would gun him down before he tried to move it.
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May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:
Fortified Hooves
Max sends a little quantity of Vortessence into both of his hooves and coats his back with it. This allows him to bear greater weight than a normal Vortigaunt. The amount of Vortessence he needs is determined by the amount of weight he plans to carry. This could be anything from a metal cabinet to an APC, with the APC actually straining the limits of this ability - he'd only be able to raise it a few feet off the ground, and only for about 30 seconds, which would be a stupid idea because the APC would gun him down before he tried to move it.

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