roleplay that had a profound effect on your character


barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
just curious about peoples experiences and notable interactions on main server or in events that had a profound effect on their characters or otherwise affected their character direction drastically.

tell me what happened, how it affected your character and why
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
- following the insanity of ZONA (chernobyl walking sim) yuri sauer started living as discount jesus (relying on handouts, never buying anything, giving away whatever he had) given he had less than a month to live and the knowledge that things were only going to get worse for everyone. encouraged him to give his life to save @Pyromancer and @afric in UTOPIA instead of taking revenge on kasparov for murdering his friend who died in ZONA 16 times in alternative continuities.

- derrick hong being some drunk looking for his next drink to a gun-toting insurgent who managed to hook UNION-1 (@Akula) on morphine, survived the BAF/Basterd war and got spaced by vortigaunts in the warehouse skirmish. all because @Rabid stopped by the vending machine on the way to his apartment and they ran into the early beginnings of the BAF.

- rubin locke went from a friendly, eager diplomat who was looking out for the public to a ranting paranoid renegade over the years after his own department/colleagues schemed to have him replaced/killed six times & the lengthy amount of backstabbing that accompanied his tenure.

assisting aaron leonard (@Numbers) go from some UIL scientist to the city's prime minister was his greatest mistake. he soon believed the mars colony would be the death knell for humanity, the influential would leave to move there and the rest of the population would be mass transhumanised, earth reduced to an empty planet mined for resources. when BOREALIS happened he tried to seek out the rebels, then joined them at the finale out of sheer coincidence from running into them.

he was the second last CAB character from the first server cabinet left (@Tarannus became the last) when he boarded the borealis.

- joey pendleton (vice-0) 'died' in inverno, got dumped in city 79, got drafted into civpro and had to slowly piece together what was going on with the world twenty six years after he had existed. as one of the depot veterans he came close to suicide multiple times, watched his friends get converted into transhumans, others defect (and die), watched the war take a turn for the worse and numerous atrocities happen that he could do nothing about. only cop who ever made it to 75% who never killed a single person.

a conversation with @Erkor mid-conversion about the absence of dreaming broke him, he began to fear being abducted in the night and converted into a 'skin-coat'. the only thing holding him together was helping build the dimensional device so he could steal it and escape from the twisted nightmare of this future. CALIBRATING also convinced him he was on the right track, despite the sight of his old facility almost triggering a suicide attempt.

in the end he got his wish.
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give this guy his adm*n back
Apr 26, 2016
dee pixel used to make entire event series for the late night crowd, among them being a group of grizzly grotto employees.

so many arcs were had, this is just one:
- prelude arc: keith greene was my homicide olympics character who survived with cns' char and a few others, and was dormant for awhile but i picked him back up when i came back from a break in hl2rp. i set the character up with the idea that he had his face entirely altered, a new identity, everything because i had change the character's name and model to roleplay him as a different character initially, but decided against it. the idea was that he had been seen by red-room enjoying civil authority world wide on a murdering spree and escaped to tell the tale, so he makes his escape and becomes lee faulkner from city 17 rather than keith greene from city 8, leaving behind his miserable bitch wife at the time (which is only a detail i wrote in on the homicide olympics application as a half-meme)
- lee starts a life in city 17, starts hanging out at the grizzly grotto gang while living his double life as a resistance man
- one day, a random package (containing harvested organs) arrived to our doorstep, we open it and look inside, the organ is compromised and dies, and the courier returns looking for the package. this cues 2-3 events afterwards of: shootouts at the grizzly grotto, us hunting down the hitman, lee faulkner near-death where he envisions the old world, laying in a park with his wife
- from that vision, lee faulkner (keith greene) is inspired to go find his ex-wife delilah, and tracks her down to a loyalist high-rise in the next city over, new life and all. as lee enters, an apparition of his old self (homicide olympics self, keith greene) appears in front of him and goads him into killing his wife in retribution, lee initially refuses and tries to plead to his wife. they call civil protection on him because he refuses to leave without her and another hitman shows up to kill him while this is happening (cue another shootout), the kitchen in the apartment gets shot, gas starts leaking everywhere and the place goes to flames. delilah, delilah's new husband and the hitman are dead in the apartment as a daring escape is made
- this is all before the ravouxist-transhumanism arc, too, and these events kind of sent lee down that path when he lost his arm in the nova telo raid (would be cool if you made a post about this @john )

@OneClassyBanana probably has more grizzly grotto tales to go with it
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
dee pixel used to make entire event series for the late night crowd, among them being a group of grizzly grotto employees.

so many arcs were had, this is just one:
- prelude arc: keith greene was my homicide olympics character who survived with cns' char and a few others, and was dormant for awhile but i picked him back up when i came back from a break in hl2rp. i set the character up with the idea that he had his face entirely altered, a new identity, everything because i had change the character's name and model to roleplay him as a different character initially, but decided against it. the idea was that he had been seen by red-room enjoying civil authority world wide on a murdering spree and escaped to tell the tale, so he makes his escape and becomes lee faulkner from city 17 rather than keith greene from city 8, leaving behind his miserable bitch wife at the time (which is only a detail i wrote in on the homicide olympics application as a half-meme)
- lee starts a life in city 17, starts hanging out at the grizzly grotto gang while living his double life as a resistance man
- one day, a random package (containing harvested organs) arrived to our doorstep, we open it and look inside, the organ is compromised and dies, and the courier returns looking for the package. this cues 2-3 events afterwards of: shootouts at the grizzly grotto, us hunting down the hitman, lee faulkner near-death where he envisions the old world, laying in a park with his wife
- from that vision, lee faulkner (keith greene) is inspired to go find his ex-wife delilah, and tracks her down to a loyalist high-rise in the next city over, new life and all. as lee enters, an apparition of his old self (homicide olympics self, keith greene) appears in front of him and goads him into killing his wife in retribution, lee initially refuses and tries to plead to his wife. they call civil protection on him because he refuses to leave without her and another hitman shows up to kill him while this is happening (cue another shootout), the kitchen in the apartment gets shot, gas starts leaking everywhere and the place goes to flames. delilah, delilah's new husband and the hitman are dead in the apartment as a daring escape is made
- this is all before the ravouxist-transhumanism arc, too, and these events kind of sent lee down that path when he lost his arm in the nova telo raid (would be cool if you made a post about this @john )

@OneClassyBanana probably has more grizzly grotto tales to go with it
I miss dee I can’t believe he left after killing ‘Cody’ without Ørsteds involvement
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Jun 29, 2023
Emile from Clockwork was taken in very early on by Charon in Fakelands. Charon gave him tools and some money to get started. Charon eventually was killed by someone we don’t name, my character found this out and was driven on getting revenge.

He ended up building a huge mass of wealth from crafting and formed many close relationships, namely with Khan and a few others ( khan and emile ended up being the first two people to buy spas’ after they were blacklisted for months. I think we spent like 80-90k lmfao). Khan ended up being murdered by Alaric over some clockwork level modicum pk reason.

I ended up being baited constantly for PK auths because everyone knew how close I was with Khan. I got pk’d then unpk’d and used that as an excuse to take a break ICly. Emile ventured off and was reintroduced in a Dallas event on the hl2 canals/coast. I remember we killed a hunter and that felt really awesome back then.

It was on his return that the man who killed Charon finally returned (literally just didnt flag up for months and months because ppl had pk auths on him) that a few of us grouped together to kill him. Swagile beamed him from a mile away with a USP-T.

My character’s arc was complete. I gave away all my shit and focused on helping others, much like Charon did for Emile.

Emile was supposed to die gracefully in a big planned sacrifice during a server wide event, but i think charlie mcknight had the sacrifice slot that day. I had all this C4 that was supposed to be used for something really important. Staff didn’t reply to my questions about what I should do now… so… I instead blew up a night club, in a twist of irony, after 77 east’s new character told me it would help. I think I blew up like one cop. It was a pointless death, but i think there is beauty in that. Not every death needs to be a big sacrifice or have an impact.

It’s funny that the same dude who introduced my character to the rebel world played someone who ended it. LMAO. I never thought that a character lending my character tools would lead to my favorite hl2rp character ever. I am grateful for that experience and all who helped that arc.

Also in helix, playing Samuel and being the sole survivor of a twisted CNS event. My character had big ptsd after that. Icly he ended up going to America. Server ended before I could actually do a little event for it.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
I had all this C4 that was supposed to be used for something really important. Staff didn’t reply to my questions about what I should do now… so… I instead blew up a night club, in a twist of irony, after 77 east’s new character told me it would help. I think I blew up like one cop. It was a pointless death, but i think there is beauty in that. Not every death needs to be a big sacrifice or have an impact.

It’s funny that the same dude who introduced my character to the rebel world played someone who ended it. LMAO. I never thought that a character lending my character tools would lead to my favorite hl2rp character ever.
sorry rusty imao

I have no idea why we thought it would help back in the day, I think you were supposed to be a distraction while we swarmed the UIL labs and trashed the place (which we did) but don't remember much of the specifics. most of us got nlr'd as we fought our way from the streets to the palace and the rest got mowed down by @harry when they pushed up the elevator.


give this guy his adm*n back
Apr 26, 2016
sorry rusty imao

I have no idea why we thought it would help back in the day, I think you were supposed to be a distraction while we swarmed the UIL labs and trashed the place (which we did) but don't remember much of the specifics. most of us got nlr'd as we fought our way from the streets to the palace and the rest got mowed down by @harry when they pushed up the elevator.
the OTA boogieman myth was real back in the day, everyone just collectively shit themselves and ran, remember that like it was yesterday (i ran)
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May 7, 2016
Hero-7 Was a blast to play, I was a corrupt ex cop from NYC (before it was cool) went around harassing people I always wanted him to die in a extremely violent way because I feel like villains like him don’t get a heroic exit.

I went into a event with @Appetite Ruining Kebab @Pyromaniac and someone else and we were told one of us was a traitor; I deduced it was Pyro and had no idea infact it was ARK because he could have killed me and gotten away with it.

I told ARK I was going to kill pyro; gunned him down and in turn was shot in the back by ARK, my character died knowing he was a failure.

Easily one of my favourite deaths of all time
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May 18, 2016
Hero-7 Was a blast to play, I was a corrupt ex cop from NYC (before it was cool) went around harassing people I always wanted him to die in a extremely violent way because I feel like villains like him don’t get a heroic exit.

I went into a event with @Appetite Ruining Kebab @Pyromaniac and someone else and we were told one of us was a traitor; I deduced it was Pyro and had no idea infact it was ARK because he could have killed me and gotten away with it.

I told ARK I was going to kill pyro; gunned him down and in turn was shot in the back by ARK, my character died knowing he was a failure.

Easily one of my favourite deaths of all time

i felt so bad about that i effectively PKed 3 characters 😭

it was a jigsaw style challenge and they told me if i killed everybody with me the 'game' would end and i'd be able to get out safely. i wasn't gonna do it initially but literally a day before the event i ended up making contact with @Rabid & @Merlinsclaw 's transhumanist rebel group so i had to go IC like "fuck it. i'm too important. these fellas with me rn were complicit in letting ravoux die anyway. everybody was." so i decided my character would do whatever it takes to guarantee her survival

just another eija vaisanen moment
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May 7, 2016
i felt so bad about that i effectively PKed 3 characters 😭

it was a jigsaw style challenge and they told me if i killed everybody with me the 'game' would end and i'd be able to get out safely. i wasn't gonna do it initially but literally a day before the event i ended up making contact with @Rabid & @Merlinsclaw 's transhumanist rebel group so i had to go IC like "fuck it. i'm too important. these fellas with me rn were complicit in letting ravoux die anyway. everybody was." so i decided my character would do whatever it takes to guarantee her survival

just another eija vaisanen moment
Eija “Fuk dem kids” Vaisanen strikes again
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Apr 26, 2016
When Howell was still a citizen and I finally earned enough LP to get into the loyalist block in i17's plaza, I ended up meeting who I would later learn was an Ex-RL who'd retired and we became quite good friends - had loads of good talks about loads of different topics IC.

Eventually Howell got into CAB and a few months later when she'd become minister this guy asked to see her and talk on the top floor of the Nexus. So they did - they caught up and had a really deep discussion on the nature of the Combine, occupation, the choices that had led them both to where they were and their regrets about everything.

The Ex-RL ended the talks by giving her his engraved lighter that he'd kept throughout his entire time on the force and, before Howell could react, threw himself over the balcony railing and to his death in the plaza below. Liz was, naturally, incredibly traumatized by that. It was the first time she'd ever seen someone kill themselves infront of her.

I ended up keeping that lighter as a custom script for the next three years until CW ended. For Howell it was a reminder of a good friend she'd lost and sort of ended up as a focus for never wanting to take her life the way he had, no matter how difficult things got for her.
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Narrative/Lore Management
Jun 15, 2016
dietmar gropp getting bombed had a profound effect on my character's remains


i was mad
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Apr 26, 2016
Oh I don't know how I forgot the most important thing for Howell; never managing to find a rebel to buy gear from in the basement before rebels killed her closest friend (at the time) in the GG toilets and pushed her down the path of loyalism out of anger and spite.

Without that I genuinely don't know where she'd have ended up.
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