roleplay that had a profound effect on your character


HL2 RP Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 25, 2018
PATRICK MAJERUS (2020-2022) (not counting gta rp)
the entirety of the aurora saga and the citizen corps was perhaps one of the most important and defining moments for me in neb. it was huge for me, since I've previously mainly just played on Stasiland and have even gone inactive for months on HL2RP after WW3RP ended. stasiland itself was huge for me and made the name "Patrick Majerus" recognizable, but most of the people who knew me moved on and as such, my character was just a funny little cwu guy who ran a firefighting group. this already was fun but the roleplay wasn't succesful, i had trouble getting people motivated and took the wrong approach to the project to gain interest.

during 2021, we switched to C8 which gave a massive boost to the player population. with things like kobayashi, people were ecstatic to hop on and play around C8. things were loosened up and for a few weeks, it became one of the most interesting parts of server history to me. i still remember getting up early in the morning when homeschooling began to run a food stall on my korean character lol

anyway, server eventually dwindled in activity. for this, a new main server event was announced: AURORA. however, aurora didn't turn out to be as much of a success - there were balancing issues and a question by many what to actually do. the fighting was insanely well handled (all S2RP, still confused how the fuck that was pulled off) but that's it. i was playing as a CWU character as part of Tyrone's Citizen Corps idea. however, he died on his character and I was the only second in command left.

before moving on: for context, i have not fucked with conscripts or w/e in any iteration. i wanted to join a similar thing for conflict: white forest, but couldn't be active for the training so couldn't join. not even during heavy snow, which apparently made them extremely infamous. but fully IC, I was like "shit we need to fight back and reinforce the civil protection guys" and so me and @Amiro basically recruited every willing man and woman into our group, which we still called the Citizen Corps. this was a monumental moment for me because it was fully IC, we did do a steam group chat but tbh that wouldn't even have been necessary.

the citizen corps was the greatest ragtag group of people i had the pleasure of working with. we had people with questionable loyalties to the union, loyalists, average joes, civil workers and so forth. but we were united by the struggle to survive. we didn't even have that many guns, most of the citizen corps were literally unarmed or had melee shit. we still managed to pull through somehow and actually had a working structure, albeit loose as fuck but i think that's what made this perfect - the lack of ANY red tape or OOC bullshit made this fun as fuck. i still remember being confused reading rants from rebels / combine mains while me and my people were just vibing.

we actually pushed the rebels back a little, but still took casualties nonetheless. it was an insane moment when us, a bunch of randoms somehow gained a victory. admittedly, it was probably mainly due to the combine synth but i like to believe we still were important, at least for morale :) anyway, we got one final objective: do a suicidal defense of some underground bunker. combine would cover one side, we the other. it was fucking insane because NONE of us expected to come out of there alive, literally. majerus was willing to fight to the death because he feared he'd be prosecuted as a sympathizer. with him, everyone else was willing to fight but it all came to an end.

but when all hope was lost, snowl told us it's time to surrender. he was a conscript and led a small "specops squad" but in reality he was cooperating with the rebels. keep in mind that i was legit surprised knowing this, no ooc / ic indication which was beautiful. he however managed to strike a deal with the rebels to give us free passage and escape unharmed. we decided to surrender and finally left the bunker, with most of us either being dead, missing or joining the rebels. those who survived feared death, but somehow we escaped again, even though the reactor exploded and fallout was everywhere. when we got back to the city, i expected to be killed for failing to defend the facility, but instead we were rewarded, all given a new loyalist status and basically being told "good job" and that was it.

i still remember the time after aurora. all of us roleplayed getting severe PTSD from this, and i'm surprised how well everyone played it out. i'm not aware of any rebel PTSD, but the combine side had it the worst. we formed a veteran's association of sorts. but not long after aurora, amiro's character decided suicide was the only way out. with that, almost all veterans did the same. it was heartbreaking, since even some cops took part in this.

and after all that, majerus' time still wasn't over - @Appetite Ruining Kebab approached him on Hoffman, a CAB character of his and an offer: if he offered his support, he would be able to make a new group to take revenge on the rebels. bitter and traumatized by the death of his friends, patrick took the offer and so the Volunteer Corps was born. this caused a major wave of loyalist rp i've never seen before and it was great. i still remember a thread being made to use the VC in the outlands and people said it was a cool idea but only if i did it, which really made me honoured

i'll not squabble too long about it because it again is such a huge story. but patrick became a plaything to Hoffman, because he was quickly replaced by the more brutal and drastic Bruce Sargent who, with Hoffman, was willing to truly fuck rebels up. during this time, the VC even led combat patrols into the outlands, bringing the rebels to an edge. but before he could witness any of that, patrick was wounded in an attack and lost a leg. his only recompensation was the fact that he could keep his Platinum Loyalist tier somehow and got a leg replacement. but now, his anger at the rebels turned. he didn't become a sympathizer with them, he still hated the rebels, but he understood their cause better. over time, he did CWU shit again and even led the ENGCORE prototype, Majerus' Contractors which was very fun and succesful.

his final act was in Finis Coronat Opus (sorry if I botched the name it was the final event to the original helix timeline), where he formed the Pioneer Corps. by that time though, i was completely burnt out and didn't finish the event, especially since my time was up.

it was great. i still think about it a lot. one moment i still remember so well is the last time I met @Mute 's character Ari Laskaris. god it was such good roleplay and to this day, i miss it and have never even come close to anything like it. thanks to majerus, i got enough recognition to become staff and a trusted member of the community, and come even closer to neb. NOTHING will ever come close to what I did during that time but tbh, I'm happy with what i've accomplished.
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Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017
i burnt myself out on hl2rp over the course of many years and can't touch it anymore sadly :/ I wish I would still be interested because I have the time, and love the iteration but I just can't get back into TextRP after all these years now sadly
it ok brother <3
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Mar 26, 2017
i burnt myself out on hl2rp over the course of many years and can't touch it anymore sadly :/ I wish I would still be interested because I have the time, and love the iteration but I just can't get back into TextRP after all these years now sadly
u would be very surprised
the city environment and the freedom is something that's reigniting a lot of flames


Apr 30, 2016
Oh yeah my first rebel on Neb, I bought a Greensuit from a guy and the mother fucker that sold it to me ratted me out when I was grabbing rations to pay for the filter (I was not a knower)
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Sep 25, 2021
Oh yeah my first rebel on Neb, I bought a Greensuit from a guy and the mother fucker that sold it to me ratted me out when I was grabbing rations to pay for the filter (I was not a knower)
Reminds me of my first rebel on Lemonpunch except it was 10x worse

I bought a Greensuit from a guy and went to the ration center with it on, not realizing I had it equipped
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Sep 12, 2018
The cop that I'm playing right now is a reboot of the one I had during bluestreet, funnily enough, he was KING-1 back then and now I'm KING-2 so he's literally the sequel lol.

Just before or after Bluestreet, I can't exactly remember. I became a victim of that fucking dee pixel event Vort, the Maelfactor. We had tracked it down to the UIL headquarters after witnessing a few odd anomalies and then the fucker stole my Vortessence.

Shame I never got to really play out the arc, I had talked to Dee about what the consequences of losing it would be and we agreed that the fundamental concepts of human civilization might begin to break down, shit like family, community, work, etc and leave him numb to the world in a more literal sense which would fuck up any loyalty he had to the Combine or any other human groups. Would have been cool if I had the chance to play it out.
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May 18, 2016
The cop that I'm playing right now is a reboot of the one I had during bluestreet, funnily enough, he was KING-1 back then and now I'm KING-2 so he's literally the sequel lol.

Just before or after Bluestreet, I can't exactly remember. I became a victim of that fucking dee pixel event Vort, the Maelfactor. We had tracked it down to the UIL headquarters after witnessing a few odd anomalies and then the fucker stole my Vortessence.

Shame I never got to really play out the arc, I had talked to Dee about what the consequences of losing it would be and we agreed that the fundamental concepts of human civilization might begin to break down, shit like family, community, work, etc and leave him numb to the world in a more literal sense which would fuck up any loyalty he had to the Combine or any other human groups. Would have been cool if I had the chance to play it out.

holy shit the double irony of him aiding @slick 's dark magic adventures & helping him steal essence from others

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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
The cop that I'm playing right now is a reboot of the one I had during bluestreet, funnily enough, he was KING-1 back then and now I'm KING-2 so he's literally the sequel lol.

Just before or after Bluestreet, I can't exactly remember. I became a victim of that fucking dee pixel event Vort, the Maelfactor. We had tracked it down to the UIL headquarters after witnessing a few odd anomalies and then the fucker stole my Vortessence.

Shame I never got to really play out the arc, I had talked to Dee about what the consequences of losing it would be and we agreed that the fundamental concepts of human civilization might begin to break down, shit like family, community, work, etc and leave him numb to the world in a more literal sense which would fuck up any loyalty he had to the Combine or any other human groups. Would have been cool if I had the chance to play it out.
when i got mine taken vortessence stolen by the malefactor i got told i had to die what the hell i made keppler steal wayne mcdonoughs revolver and shoot himself
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
im llike 99% sure ive already waxed poetic about it before but tomorrow never knows was one of my fav experiences this iteration, if not in all my time playing hl2rp. my character being roped into a time anomaly plot out of nowhere and seeing a future/timeline that - while still fucked up in unique ways because of them as revealed by jaana (@DIGGA NOB) - was free from the combine and trying to heal itself filled my character with hopium. was just totally believable for me and fit rly well into the current lore, as well as the hl2 universe in general

another highlight was when i was sitting outside the club on ineu when the rain rolled in for the first time, and had a spur of the moment conversation with someone from atlas about war and how they didnt know if they could go on - while they were laying on the roof watching the sky. didnt know who they were then and still dont know who they were now but definitely stuck with me
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
im llike 99% sure ive already waxed poetic about it before but tomorrow never knows was one of my fav experiences this iteration, if not in all my time playing hl2rp. my character being roped into a time anomaly plot out of nowhere and seeing a future/timeline that - while still fucked up in unique ways because of them as revealed by jaana (@DIGGA NOB) - was free from the combine and trying to heal itself filled my character with hopium. was just totally believable for me and fit rly well into the current lore, as well as the hl2 universe in general

another highlight was when i was sitting outside the club on ineu when the rain rolled in for the first time, and had a spur of the moment conversation with someone from atlas about war and how they didnt know if they could go on - while they were laying on the roof watching the sky. didnt know who they were then and still dont know who they were now but definitely stuck with me
kelly is one of my favourite characters shame you use that fucking fem02 model that I want to batter with a hammer every time I see them
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
When Howell was still a citizen and I finally earned enough LP to get into the loyalist block in i17's plaza, I ended up meeting who I would later learn was an Ex-RL who'd retired and we became quite good friends - had loads of good talks about loads of different topics IC.

Eventually Howell got into CAB and a few months later when she'd become minister this guy asked to see her and talk on the top floor of the Nexus. So they did - they caught up and had a really deep discussion on the nature of the Combine, occupation, the choices that had led them both to where they were and their regrets about everything.

The Ex-RL ended the talks by giving her his engraved lighter that he'd kept throughout his entire time on the force and, before Howell could react, threw himself over the balcony railing and to his death in the plaza below. Liz was, naturally, incredibly traumatized by that. It was the first time she'd ever seen someone kill themselves infront of her.

I ended up keeping that lighter as a custom script for the next three years until CW ended. For Howell it was a reminder of a good friend she'd lost and sort of ended up as a focus for never wanting to take her life the way he had, no matter how difficult things got for her.
This actually affected me as well, my first ever cop character who had also retired was friends with that character who was played by @Lawn Chair and they actually wrote what was effectively a farewell message that I actually still have a screenshot of


Was bretty cool
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Apr 26, 2016
This actually affected me as well, my first ever cop character who had also retired was friends with that character who was played by @Lawn Chair and they actually wrote what was effectively a farewell message that I actually still have a screenshot of


Was bretty cool
I had no idea @Lawn Chair played that cop!


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I had no idea @Lawn Chair played that cop!
There was a whole group of us who were the first cops to actually retire from the force and we all had problems lmfao

my character was completely jaded and just trying to live a normal life
@Erid 's ex-cop (James in the note) I believe was having trouble adapting to being a normal civie and was having issues with cops/anger issues

@Lawn Chair 's ex-cop was, as you can see, riddled with guilt and PTSD over all the shit they did on the force. Which was during a time where cops killed people for basically anything and everything

There was one or two others who I've forgotten because I didn't interact with them as often
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professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
I have no idea who plays 'Clay' on the server right now, but the whole spiritual talk about if humanity will ever recover from their situation during what I had assumed was only a quick engineerical job was great. That shit made me think about the implications and consequences of all the unexplainable and terrible things my character's seen more than I have before.
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i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
to date I can scarcely believe the plan even worked to begin with

it was mostly improvised and truly mad
"how are we sneaking the bomb in"
"we'll get a doctor to implant it in his stomach"
"problem boss, the doctor ain't here"
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