Roleplaying games


Apr 27, 2016
So anyway lads I have started to get into roleplaying games such as pathfinder and the dark eye.
So basic information
Pathfinder is based on D&D 3.5. Currently the campaign is st in Vaughn and my character is an evil little bastard who acts nice for the party but always takes the loot and pretends there was nothing.
So lads what do you think of RPG?
(LOnger post when not on phone)
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Red Dress

Apr 27, 2016
So anyway lads I have started to get into roleplaying games such as pathfinder and the dark eye.
So basic information
Pathfinder is based on D&D 3.5. Currently the campaign is st in Vaughn and my character is an evil little bastard who acts nice for the party but always takes the loot and pretends there was nothing.
So lads what do you think of RPG?
(LOnger post when not on phone)

I love TTRPGs, been playing and GMing for over 13 years. Started with D&D e2.0. Now, I have found other games such as WoD and FATEcore which I like much more than D&D because they place emphisis on the RP, storytelling, and mental/social aspect rather than combat mechanics (which is why I hate Anima so much - all combat oriented).

Not to say D&D is bad, or than combat is bad, but I just prefer combat not to be the basis of the system I am playing. Depending on the meta-structure of the game being played (dungeon crawl, linear) I often find myself going back to my Min-Max'er roots.

Still, I am a penitent RP'er, and thus I prefer to RP situations rather than roll dice or use numbers.

To be honest, Finlay: Your character fits the description of what a classic newbie to TTRPGs would make. That's fine, we all have tried to play the "lovable imp", but the antics of "taking the spoils" gets frustrating to other players real quick.

I know, I know! You will say "Dress! I know my party is okay with it and the DM approve of it", but I ask: Is that /really/ true? Or are you just projecting? A novice or amature GM will basically approve anything that does not wholly and immediately break the game (GMs need to say "No" a lot, but newer ones do not in being afraid of pushing players away.)

Remember that other players are there to have fun and gain stuff as much as you are. They also cannot read your minds or be sure of your intentions being plainly malicious or something that will eventually help them. If you can manage to make interesting scenarios (aka: willingly get caught red-handed stealing or getting caught bartering your party's lives for something else) then it may be pretty awesome - just remember that "I am useful" almost never outweighs "I am loyal to the party", so if you do decide to get caught - have a damn good reason for the party to keep your character in their kinship.

Which brings me to the last point, and one many on Neb is probably sick of me saying:

TTRPGs are not like GmodRP. It is not you vs other players, or you vs the GM, or party vs GM, but it is about everyone collaborating to have a fun time and creating interesting scenarios for enjoyment. A good GM knows that the excuse "It is what my character would do" is never an excuse for one player to completely screw another player. Players who /do/ insist that it is okay, well, they never get seats around my table - nor others.

Basically: I know your character is a dick and you should watch your actions in game cautiously, because a minor "inconvience" could be the last straw for another player. So, communicate with your party members and your GM. Good communication is key to any successful relationships.

Anyway. Yeah! TTRPGs are great, better than playing GmodRP 99% of the time.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
My current D&D group is hitting a delay due to everyone getting jobs.

I'm considering getting a mini group to play 5e LMoP for laughs.


Old man roleplayer
Apr 26, 2016
If anyone is setting up a Shadowrun group I brought the beginners pack. Hit me up


Apr 26, 2016
tried out desktop RPG's like D&D, didn't really get too far with it; perhaps it was just my group but i didn't really see the appeal of it. or well, it doesn't appeal to me at least. i prefer other ways of roleplaying; mostly in a forum way or discord, where it's just writing - it can work both in groups or 1x1's so if anyone wants to give that a try feel free to hit me up, always need more mates to write with.

for actual vidya gaems that include rpg elements i love singleplayer games, such as stalker or space rangers (if you're a sci-fi fan, i highly encourage you to try that shit out, it's glorious)


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
tried out desktop RPG's like D&D, didn't really get too far with it; perhaps it was just my group but i didn't really see the appeal of it. or well, it doesn't appeal to me at least. i prefer other ways of roleplaying; mostly in a forum way or discord, where it's just writing - it can work both in groups or 1x1's so if anyone wants to give that a try feel free to hit me up, always need more mates to write with

Most likely your group.

D&D is fucking great but the enjoyment of it comes almost entirely from the people you play with.


Apr 27, 2016
I love TTRPGs, been playing and GMing for over 13 years. Started with D&D e2.0. Now, I have found other games such as WoD and FATEcore which I like much more than D&D because they place emphisis on the RP, storytelling, and mental/social aspect rather than combat mechanics (which is why I hate Anima so much - all combat oriented).

Not to say D&D is bad, or than combat is bad, but I just prefer combat not to be the basis of the system I am playing. Depending on the meta-structure of the game being played (dungeon crawl, linear) I often find myself going back to my Min-Max'er roots.

Still, I am a penitent RP'er, and thus I prefer to RP situations rather than roll dice or use numbers.

To be honest, Finlay: Your character fits the description of what a classic newbie to TTRPGs would make. That's fine, we all have tried to play the "lovable imp", but the antics of "taking the spoils" gets frustrating to other players real quick.

I know, I know! You will say "Dress! I know my party is okay with it and the DM approve of it", but I ask: Is that /really/ true? Or are you just projecting? A novice or amature GM will basically approve anything that does not wholly and immediately break the game (GMs need to say "No" a lot, but newer ones do not in being afraid of pushing players away.)

Remember that other players are there to have fun and gain stuff as much as you are. They also cannot read your minds or be sure of your intentions being plainly malicious or something that will eventually help them. If you can manage to make interesting scenarios (aka: willingly get caught red-handed stealing or getting caught bartering your party's lives for something else) then it may be pretty awesome - just remember that "I am useful" almost never outweighs "I am loyal to the party", so if you do decide to get caught - have a damn good reason for the party to keep your character in their kinship.

Which brings me to the last point, and one many on Neb is probably sick of me saying:

TTRPGs are not like GmodRP. It is not you vs other players, or you vs the GM, or party vs GM, but it is about everyone collaborating to have a fun time and creating interesting scenarios for enjoyment. A good GM knows that the excuse "It is what my character would do" is never an excuse for one player to completely screw another player. Players who /do/ insist that it is okay, well, they never get seats around my table - nor others.

Basically: I know your character is a dick and you should watch your actions in game cautiously, because a minor "inconvience" could be the last straw for another player. So, communicate with your party members and your GM. Good communication is key to any successful relationships.

Anyway. Yeah! TTRPGs are great, better than playing GmodRP 99% of the time.
In response to about taking all the loot I am only taking say for example if I find 700 silver. I sneakily take 100 and take whatever else is given to me when it's divided. But I do have a plan of what to do with the extra money to benifit my party.
I might see if I can record the seasons to share with you guys


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
In response to about taking all the loot I am only taking say for example if I find 700 silver. I sneakily take 100 and take whatever else is given to me when it's divided. But I do have a plan of what to do with the extra money to benifit my party.
I might see if I can record the seasons to share with you guys

Here's one of our sessions.

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Apr 27, 2016
Here's one of our sessions.

Funny joke is that
We are a rag tag team of two human rouges, a cleric who is writing down everything we do and got hit in the face with his own rock sling and two others (Who have been unable to turn up to the seasons)


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
two others (Who have been unable to turn up to the seasons)

Boot them. Like, now.

If anyone is not turning up often, kick them out and get someone active. Even if they're your friend.


Apr 27, 2016
Boot them. Like, now.

If anyone is not turning up often, kick them out and get someone active. Even if they're your friend.
No as in we only started the campaign last week. They were out of the country (They are married)


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
No as in we only started the campaign last week. They were out of the country (They are married)

In that case don't start the campaign when you know they're not going to be there.


Apr 27, 2016
In that case don't start the campaign when you know they're not going to be there.
The GM has worked them into the storyline. Aparently they have been captured during an ORC raid which we are preventing/raiding

Red Dress

Apr 27, 2016
In response to about taking all the loot I am only taking say for example if I find 700 silver. I sneakily take 100 and take whatever else is given to me when it's divided. But I do have a plan of what to do with the extra money to benifit my party.
I might see if I can record the seasons to share with you guys

I also figured you would say those things when I called you out on it. Haha~ Tread lightly.

The GM has worked them into the storyline. Aparently they have been captured during an ORC raid which we are preventing/raiding

Players should not be worked "into" the storyline. Player's backgrounds and characters should be relevant and used, but they should not be crutches for the plot to progress.

Events in the world should happen on the conditions of if the players do not, intervene in contrast to the events based upon whether or not players fulfill a specific condition (because, hinthint, they never will unless you literally railroad them to it).

Not that you can help what your GM does.


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Players should not be worked "into" the storyline. Player's backgrounds and characters should be relevant and used, but they should not be crutches for the plot to progress.

Events in the world should happen on the conditions of if the players do not, intervene in contrast to the events based upon whether or not players fulfill a specific condition (because, hinthint, they never will unless you literally railroad them to it).

Not that you can help what your GM does.

You can't say those things as fact.

Some people like their characters simply to just be there, doing stuff. Others like being worked into the story, and others like to be the story.
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Apr 27, 2016
Would anyone like a table top simulator pathfinder game?

Red Dress

Apr 27, 2016
You can't say those things as fact.

Some people like their characters simply to just be there, doing stuff. Others like being worked into the story, and others like to be the story.

Everything is dependent on everything. If players set themselves up to be the story, then sure. That involves in communicating with said players, but as a basline of creating a storyline and plot? A GM should not base it on whether or not a PC does something otherwise the plot cannot advanced viscerally without that character/PC achieving a specific goal (1 out of infinity).

A story should live and breathe on its own as if the PCs never existed, thus things progress naturally because the PCs do not have to attend to it in order for the plot to progress. However, if the PCs DO intervene then the plot changes and alters based upon what the PCs influence.


the silent moderator guy
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
thread cleaned

plz stay on topic guys