Scary real-life stories.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5162
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Deleted member 5162

The title says it.

Once when I was out collecting berries in this September, I drove into the forest, not so far away from the city.
So I arrive, I get my nice medium-sized bucket out and start collecting those nice berries, they tasted nice, but they were frozen a bit, probably because of the cold nights.
Then I see a some-sort of a box in the distance, my curiosity tells me to go there, the box had an entrance, and some fur in it, it's dog's shack, I had a big question in my mind "What the hell is it doing in there, in the middle of the forest?!" I decided to ignore that, but not so far away... I see some bones, I bend down to see what it is, there's no head... Oh wait, there's something sticking out, I pull it out, revealing a head what looks like that may belong the dog, it's still got teeth inside, it's clearly a dog, and there was also a green collar, had some rusted up metallic pieces on it.

I was horrified, but there wasn't any body, only few bones and a head, but then I see, I can see something on the ground, some-sort of parasites, I grab the clear bone and start digging it, couldn't see anything, but I knew that it was soft, I decided to use my boot to shove it, and... Shit...
There's the body, it still had some worms inside, the stink was revealed as well, I was even more horrified, I back off and just... Continue collecting the berries, until I get a full bucket, and just get out of there.
When I was driving, I thought "What sick fuck dropped the dog in the middle of the forest?!" I even thought of calling the officials, but I doubt that anyone would get anything out of that trash.
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Jul 16, 2017
Well, I don't believe I have told anyone this story, but here we go:
A few years back, me and my family were out looking for mushrooms in a nearby forest. Everything was fine and all. The forest looked pretty much "abandoned", people rarely came there, but it wasn't that hard to drive as the roads were still visable. They weren't asphalt of course, just dirt with some patches of grass on it.
After some time and gathering some mushrooms (I believe 2 buckets, actually) we went back to the car when suddenly I started hearing a faint sound. I moved forwards to it, and suprise suprise - Saw nothing, but the sound was continuing and not stopping. Asked my family if they heard it, but only me and my father did. We listened to the sound, he speculated that it might be a radio, but in the middle of a forest?
This isn't just one occurance however:

Creeped me out when I looked more into it, and guess what?
We were out mushrooming the same year, though, not in winter.
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Sep 5, 2018
I've got some not so spooky stories, got a couple actually so sit tight.

enjoy the stories of a wee welsh lad

Typical Tinder story, was on a alternate version of Tinder that was meant for teens. I was about 15 at the time, was talking to a girl because I was a horny little boy with lots of hormones. We spoke for about a week, planned on meeting and then all the requirements 'she' was setting up seemed very very creepy. I might've been a horny kid but not a stupid one, I knew exactly what was going on. They wanted me to meet them in the dark, at their house and specifically told me to not come with friends or anyone. I immediately started questioning it and then after several days of saying I'm not coming unless we meet in a public place and for them to send me a legit picture of them doing shit to reassure me (not sexual, just a sign with my name and a okay hand or some shit) they started going off on one, at this time we were speaking on Kik. They started threatening me, saying they knew where I lived and all that shit. They obviously didn't and I wasn't that scared, just some angry 'girl' but then found out it was a known pedophile in my local area, he got arrested for abuse against another person from a local school and now I don't know where he is. Think he moved out of Wales, maybe the UK. I might be able to recover kik logs, I don't know if there was a local news article on it all either. I'll have to look

When I was much younger, maybe around five or six I used to spend a lot of time downstairs due to the family computer. So soon as I woke up early in the morning I went downstairs, sat on my sofa that was next to the entrance of my living room and was just chilling there. My mother was in the kitchen, I remember looking at the corner of my living room entrance and seeing someone bending themselves in to view, like as if they were leaning in to look at me but when I looked it literally looked like my mother, curly hair and all that but the face was blurred. I thought nothing of it until it went back out of my view, I called my mother straight after and only heard a response on the other side of the house.

Same day as this I was tucked in to bed and everything, mother went to sleep and I remember being a really heavy sleepwalker. I'd sometimes go outside my brothers room and just say names of random people I know. This time I ended up walking up in the middle of my sleep walking experience, laying in the middle of a circular carpet we had in my living room. Remember not even being scared, just getting up and going back to bed in the pitch blackness of my house. The memory for some reason has stuck to me, not because of how scary it was but how absurdly calm I was in the place where I thought I saw a ghost.

About three years later from this, I stayed up late one night on my laptop. My bed made it so I couldn't close my door so my door was open to the entire hallway and I remember seeing a black coated figure in the corner of my eye. I quickly looked and it stayed for just less then a second, made my heart race and I just started pacing to the corner of my room, trying to calm myself. Bare in mind though, all this was when I was a child, I don't believe in ghosts and think it was just a lack of sleep and my brain developing. None the less spooked me.

Second story I have is less spooky but really sickly, used to go out a lot with some friends when I was much younger as well. Went to play football a couple of times on a old field that was quite dirty. My area is awfully underdeveloped so most areas were like this. Ended up seeing the corpse of a cat, had small cuts on it's stomach but we all just walked past it to get to the field. Hour later some kid we all vaguely knew as a disturbed kid probably with ADHD and a extremely broken brain. He wasn't intelligent at all, was borderline psychopathic. Ended up taking the cat and using a saw to open it up, we all saw it and were just disturbed and started leaving. He ended up fucking using his teeth to open it up.

Well, I don't believe I have told anyone this story, but here we go:
A few years back, me and my family were out looking for mushrooms in a nearby forest. Everything was fine and all. The forest looked pretty much "abandoned", people rarely came there, but it wasn't that hard to drive as the roads were still visable. They weren't asphalt of course, just dirt with some patches of grass on it.
After some time and gathering some mushrooms (I believe 2 buckets, actually) we went back to the car when suddenly I started hearing a faint sound. I moved forwards to it, and suprise suprise - Saw nothing, but the sound was continuing and not stopping. Asked my family if they heard it, but only me and my father did. We listened to the sound, he speculated that it might be a radio, but in the middle of a forest?
This isn't just one occurance however:

Creeped me out when I looked more into it, and guess what?
We were out mushrooming the same year, though, not in winter.

Holy shit that was happening in Wales too, the sounds in the sky. The one theory behind it was that it was wind colliding with skyscrapers and tall, strong buildings but I live in a underdeveloped place and these sounds were fucking loud.
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Jul 16, 2017
I've got some not so spooky stories, got a couple actually so sit tight.

enjoy the stories of a wee welsh lad

Typical Tinder story, was on a alternate version of Tinder that was meant for teens. I was about 15 at the time, was talking to a girl because I was a horny little boy with lots of hormones. We spoke for about a week, planned on meeting and then all the requirements 'she' was setting up seemed very very creepy. I might've been a horny kid but not a stupid one, I knew exactly what was going on. They wanted me to meet them in the dark, at their house and specifically told me to not come with friends or anyone. I immediately started questioning it and then after several days of saying I'm not coming unless we meet in a public place and for them to send me a legit picture of them doing shit to reassure me (not sexual, just a sign with my name and a okay hand or some shit) they started going off on one, at this time we were speaking on Kik. They started threatening me, saying they knew where I lived and all that shit. They obviously didn't and I wasn't that scared, just some angry 'girl' but then found out it was a known pedophile in my local area, he got arrested for abuse against another person from a local school and now I don't know where he is. Think he moved out of Wales, maybe the UK. I might be able to recover kik logs, I don't know if there was a local news article on it all either. I'll have to look

When I was much younger, maybe around five or six I used to spend a lot of time downstairs due to the family computer. So soon as I woke up early in the morning I went downstairs, sat on my sofa that was next to the entrance of my living room and was just chilling there. My mother was in the kitchen, I remember looking at the corner of my living room entrance and seeing someone bending themselves in to view, like as if they were leaning in to look at me but when I looked it literally looked like my mother, curly hair and all that but the face was blurred. I thought nothing of it until it went back out of my view, I called my mother straight after and only heard a response on the other side of the house.

Same day as this I was tucked in to bed and everything, mother went to sleep and I remember being a really heavy sleepwalker. I'd sometimes go outside my brothers room and just say names of random people I know. This time I ended up walking up in the middle of my sleep walking experience, laying in the middle of a circular carpet we had in my living room. Remember not even being scared, just getting up and going back to bed in the pitch blackness of my house. The memory for some reason has stuck to me, not because of how scary it was but how absurdly calm I was in the place where I thought I saw a ghost.

About three years later from this, I stayed up late one night on my laptop. My bed made it so I couldn't close my door so my door was open to the entire hallway and I remember seeing a black coated figure in the corner of my eye. I quickly looked and it stayed for just less then a second, made my heart race and I just started pacing to the corner of my room, trying to calm myself. Bare in mind though, all this was when I was a child, I don't believe in ghosts and think it was just a lack of sleep and my brain developing. None the less spooked me.

Second story I have is less spooky but really sickly, used to go out a lot with some friends when I was much younger as well. Went to play football a couple of times on a old field that was quite dirty. My area is awfully underdeveloped so most areas were like this. Ended up seeing the corpse of a cat, had small cuts on it's stomach but we all just walked past it to get to the field. Hour later some kid we all vaguely knew as a disturbed kid probably with ADHD and a extremely broken brain. He wasn't intelligent at all, was borderline psychopathic. Ended up taking the cat and using a saw to open it up, we all saw it and were just disturbed and started leaving. He ended up fucking using his teeth to open it up.

Holy shit that was happening in Wales too, the sounds in the sky. The one theory behind it was that it was wind colliding with skyscrapers and tall, strong buildings but I live in a underdeveloped place and these sounds were fucking loud.

I believe ya' but nearest skyscrapers in Lithuania were 100 or 200 km away, so its probably not a reason for the sounds in Lithuania.


On and Off UP Lead
Apr 26, 2016
Typical Tinder story, was on a alternate version of Tinder that was meant for teens. I was about 15 at the time, was talking to a girl because I was a horny little boy with lots of hormones
£5 says you're on about that Yellow thing that went about a while ago.


On and Off UP Lead
Apr 26, 2016
Yeh that's the name, it was synced with snapchat
Aye. I thought it was.

Got a story of my own coming from that app. I was around 15 when I first installed Yellow (I think it's either been taken down or it's changed names now) and I've had a few grafts, girlfriends and things in between from there. Now, I'm not that attractive and as you can tell from my avatar, I'm a bit of a weeb. So usually my grade of girls was far below what some other people I knew could pull from there but I did my best.

In comes along a girl who - for the sake of my paranoia and hopes that she never finds me - we'll call Megan. I met Megan around October 2017 which was before I started publicly telling people I RPed or that I watched anime (in fact I don't think I'd watched any anime at that point). So Megan was one of the few people who actually messaged me first which should probably be a red flag in the first place since I find it's rare for the female to do that.

Megan and I begin talking to me and she reveals to me that's she's an ice-skater. That's red flag number two. If you know anyone who ice skates, especially in Scotland, they're probably a murderer. Hard truth. We continue to talk and by the end of night one she says that I'm one of the nicest guys she's ever met and she wants to date me.

Horny 16 year old Redhunter says: HELL YES! and from then on we begin dating. We continue this for a while and after several weeks we agree to meet up. Then one night while we're talking she reveals that one of her best friends in school killed themselves only a week before we started talking. Remember this! I comfort her and everything proceeds as usual.

Saturday comes around and I take the train through to one of Scotland's cities under the guise that I'm going shopping with a pal. I get the train in and meet up with her at the other train station. There's nothing specific I remember about the date other than she ended up drinking like 4 cans of Rockstar or Monster (energy drinks). Red flag number three maybe? I end up making out with her at a train station and then I head home - my parents unaware of what I just did.

So the day after, I slip out of town once again, telling my parents I'm playing Football in the neighbouring town while really I fucked off to meet this girl in her town which is about 60 miles from my house. I'm fucking insane. I know. I'm jumpy at this point, I knew the girl lived with a junkie family, I end up going to her house and we end up watching a movie and doing other stuff. Everything is fine but I do note the dis-functionality of her family. Red flag number five.

So, everything is fine for a few weeks after until things begin breaking down between us. I decide that I'm going to break up with Megan and oh boy, is this where everything gets terrifying. I propose the idea of breaking up on good terms with her and she responds hours later with a picture of her wrists fucking slashed up. She just sent 'Don't even fucking think about it' with a bunch of crying emojis. I'm no fucking psychologist. It's at this point where all these red flags start joining together and scream at me to get out of there. I do what I can, I try to play the nice guy card but that doesn't work. She isn't budging. I could just ignore her and block her out my life but last shit I need is her junkie family working out where I live and I get smashed.

It's at this point she brings in the threats. If you've ever been in a relationship like this you'll know exactly what kind of threats I'm talking about so I'll blank out. I get pissed off and decide I'm just going to block her. She then manages to get into my fucking snapchat (I had her details but I never told her my password) and she started messaging every girl on my snapchat trying to turn everyone against me. I eventually sort that out and secure my account. Having to apologise to like twenty three people for it.

It's at this point she messages me by text, the only thing I still have her on, and she sends me a picture of a bloody ice skate. Turns out the Bitch had tried to fucking slice her wrists open with a fucking ice skate. I threw up my fucking lunch but she continued to message me with shit saying she was actually going to find and kill me. I subsequently removed any form of communication I still had with her.

She still tried to get my attention through her friend's snapchats months later with that same shit but I couldn't be arsed with it so I ended up removing them as well. So, now almost a year later, I tell my story and still feel paranoid that she'll grab the next train through to my town and send me to the shadow realm.

Oh! I had to edit this in because I forgot to talk about it. You know that 'best friend' who killed himself? Yeah, the guy did die, but MEGAN NEVER EVEN KNEW HIM! SHE JUST FUCKING MADE THAT SHIT UP SO I'D FEEL SORRY FOR HER!

But now I imagine that @bjfgpkqkdmtnspwndsjt will tell me that he doesn't get the issue. Every girl in Scotland is like this. He's probably right but for that reason... I've only dated foreign girls beyond that.
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Deleted member 5162

Aye. I thought it was.

Got a story of my own coming from that app. I was around 15 when I first installed Yellow (I think it's either been taken down or it's changed names now) and I've had a few grafts, girlfriends and things in between from there. Now, I'm not that attractive and as you can tell from my avatar, I'm a bit of a weeb. So usually my grade of girls was far below what some other people I knew could pull from there but I did my best.

In comes along a girl who - for the sake of my paranoia and hopes that she never finds me - we'll call Megan. I met Megan around October 2017 which was before I started publicly telling people I RPed or that I watched anime (in fact I don't think I'd watched any anime at that point). So Megan was one of the few people who actually messaged me first which should probably be a red flag in the first place since I find it's rare for the female to do that.

Megan and I begin talking to me and she reveals to me that's she's an ice-skater. That's red flag number two. If you know anyone who ice skates, especially in Scotland, they're probably a murderer. Hard truth. We continue to talk and by the end of night one she says that I'm one of the nicest guys she's ever met and she wants to date me.

Horny 16 year old Redhunter says: HELL YES! and from then on we begin dating. We continue this for a while and after several weeks we agree to meet up. Then one night while we're talking she reveals that one of her best friends in school killed themselves only a week before we started talking. Remember this! I comfort her and everything proceeds as usual.

Saturday comes around and I take the train through to one of Scotland's cities under the guise that I'm going shopping with a pal. I get the train in and meet up with her at the other train station. There's nothing specific I remember about the date other than she ended up drinking like 4 cans of Rockstar or Monster (energy drinks). Red flag number three maybe? I end up making out with her at a train station and then I head home - my parents unaware of what I just did.

So the day after, I slip out of town once again, telling my parents I'm playing Football in the neighbouring town while really I fucked off to meet this girl in her town which is about 60 miles from my house. I'm fucking insane. I know. I'm jumpy at this point, I knew the girl lived with a junkie family, I end up going to her house and we end up watching a movie and doing other stuff. Everything is fine but I do note the dis-functionality of her family. Red flag number five.

So, everything is fine for a few weeks after until things begin breaking down between us. I decide that I'm going to break up with Megan and oh boy, is this where everything gets terrifying. I propose the idea of breaking up on good terms with her and she responds hours later with a picture of her wrists fucking slashed up. She just sent 'Don't even fucking think about it' with a bunch of crying emojis. I'm no fucking psychologist. It's at this point where all these red flags start joining together and scream at me to get out of there. I do what I can, I try to play the nice guy card but that doesn't work. She isn't budging. I could just ignore her and block her out my life but last shit I need is her junkie family working out where I live and I get smashed.

It's at this point she brings in the threats. If you've ever been in a relationship like this you'll know exactly what kind of threats I'm talking about so I'll blank out. I get pissed off and decide I'm just going to block her. She then manages to get into my fucking snapchat (I had her details but I never told her my password) and she started messaging every girl on my snapchat trying to turn everyone against me. I eventually sort that out and secure my account. Having to apologise to like twenty three people for it.

It's at this point she messages me by text, the only thing I still have her on, and she sends me a picture of a bloody ice skate. Turns out the Bitch had tried to fucking slice her wrists open with a fucking ice skate. I threw up my fucking lunch but she continued to message me with shit saying she was actually going to find and kill me. I subsequently removed any form of communication I still had with her.

She still tried to get my attention through her friend's snapchats months later with that same shit but I couldn't be arsed with it so I ended up removing them as well. So, now almost a year later, I tell my story and still feel paranoid that she'll grab the next train through to my town and send me to the shadow realm.

Oh! I had to edit this in because I forgot to talk about it. You know that 'best friend' who killed himself? Yeah, the guy did die, but MEGAN NEVER EVEN KNEW HIM! SHE JUST FUCKING MADE THAT SHIT UP SO I'D FEEL SORRY FOR HER!

But now I imagine that @bjfgpkqkdmtnspwndsjt will tell me that he doesn't get the issue. Every girl in Scotland is like this. He's probably right but for that reason... I've only dated foreign girls beyond that.
Jesus christ man, girls are really crazy...
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
i dont have any spooky stories but i've got a semi-near-death experience tbh

was out walking with my parents and my brother a few years ago, going up this hill on a sidewalk - hill had opposing lanes, proper road and everything

suddenly we hear screeching tyres from behind us, we turn, this guy going WAY too fast around the corner swerves to dodge another car, almost hits the sidewalk we're on and speeds off. Cops were pretty hot on his tail too.

if the car he swerved around wasnt there the guy prolly would've hit us
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Apr 7, 2017
when i was younger i was home alone and a guy in a black hoodie kept ringing the door bell and knocking on my door and then eventually went away idk it was scary
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Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
one time i played ww3rp for 5 days straight and upon entering the kitchen to purloin myself another beverage I thought I saw a skellington

either that or the time I got pulled over and the copper asked me why my car had been unregistered for about five days, a fact I was completely unaware of due to a fuck-up with the government's email thingy bob
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Sep 4, 2018
I got to ride a horse with a group of other riders when I was younger. Everything was fine until the thing just fucking took off running, trying to catch up with the others because we had lagged behind a bit along this narrow dirt trail. Didn't really know what to do except hold on and yell at it to please stop.

I wasn't an experienced rider so it scared the hell out of me.
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i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
Aye. I thought it was.

Got a story of my own coming from that app. I was around 15 when I first installed Yellow (I think it's either been taken down or it's changed names now) and I've had a few grafts, girlfriends and things in between from there. Now, I'm not that attractive and as you can tell from my avatar, I'm a bit of a weeb. So usually my grade of girls was far below what some other people I knew could pull from there but I did my best.

In comes along a girl who - for the sake of my paranoia and hopes that she never finds me - we'll call Megan. I met Megan around October 2017 which was before I started publicly telling people I RPed or that I watched anime (in fact I don't think I'd watched any anime at that point). So Megan was one of the few people who actually messaged me first which should probably be a red flag in the first place since I find it's rare for the female to do that.

Megan and I begin talking to me and she reveals to me that's she's an ice-skater. That's red flag number two. If you know anyone who ice skates, especially in Scotland, they're probably a murderer. Hard truth. We continue to talk and by the end of night one she says that I'm one of the nicest guys she's ever met and she wants to date me.

Horny 16 year old Redhunter says: HELL YES! and from then on we begin dating. We continue this for a while and after several weeks we agree to meet up. Then one night while we're talking she reveals that one of her best friends in school killed themselves only a week before we started talking. Remember this! I comfort her and everything proceeds as usual.

Saturday comes around and I take the train through to one of Scotland's cities under the guise that I'm going shopping with a pal. I get the train in and meet up with her at the other train station. There's nothing specific I remember about the date other than she ended up drinking like 4 cans of Rockstar or Monster (energy drinks). Red flag number three maybe? I end up making out with her at a train station and then I head home - my parents unaware of what I just did.

So the day after, I slip out of town once again, telling my parents I'm playing Football in the neighbouring town while really I fucked off to meet this girl in her town which is about 60 miles from my house. I'm fucking insane. I know. I'm jumpy at this point, I knew the girl lived with a junkie family, I end up going to her house and we end up watching a movie and doing other stuff. Everything is fine but I do note the dis-functionality of her family. Red flag number five.

So, everything is fine for a few weeks after until things begin breaking down between us. I decide that I'm going to break up with Megan and oh boy, is this where everything gets terrifying. I propose the idea of breaking up on good terms with her and she responds hours later with a picture of her wrists fucking slashed up. She just sent 'Don't even fucking think about it' with a bunch of crying emojis. I'm no fucking psychologist. It's at this point where all these red flags start joining together and scream at me to get out of there. I do what I can, I try to play the nice guy card but that doesn't work. She isn't budging. I could just ignore her and block her out my life but last shit I need is her junkie family working out where I live and I get smashed.

It's at this point she brings in the threats. If you've ever been in a relationship like this you'll know exactly what kind of threats I'm talking about so I'll blank out. I get pissed off and decide I'm just going to block her. She then manages to get into my fucking snapchat (I had her details but I never told her my password) and she started messaging every girl on my snapchat trying to turn everyone against me. I eventually sort that out and secure my account. Having to apologise to like twenty three people for it.

It's at this point she messages me by text, the only thing I still have her on, and she sends me a picture of a bloody ice skate. Turns out the Bitch had tried to fucking slice her wrists open with a fucking ice skate. I threw up my fucking lunch but she continued to message me with shit saying she was actually going to find and kill me. I subsequently removed any form of communication I still had with her.

She still tried to get my attention through her friend's snapchats months later with that same shit but I couldn't be arsed with it so I ended up removing them as well. So, now almost a year later, I tell my story and still feel paranoid that she'll grab the next train through to my town and send me to the shadow realm.

Oh! I had to edit this in because I forgot to talk about it. You know that 'best friend' who killed himself? Yeah, the guy did die, but MEGAN NEVER EVEN KNEW HIM! SHE JUST FUCKING MADE THAT SHIT UP SO I'D FEEL SORRY FOR HER!

But now I imagine that @bjfgpkqkdmtnspwndsjt will tell me that he doesn't get the issue. Every girl in Scotland is like this. He's probably right but for that reason... I've only dated foreign girls beyond that.
Fucking hell, I knew you went up Scotland to meet some lass but I don't remember you telling us that
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