Denied Schizos Vortigaunt application

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Aug 15, 2023
Steam name: Big Poppa
Steam ID:
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
I played abiotic on a server that shalt not be named.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?

Character Name:
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
(Also known as the man, the guy, and sometimes even the Bro!)


(Look at him! Look how handsome he is! Can you believe it?)

What kind of character do you plan on portraying?:
I believe Vortigaunts are fundamentally quite similar to one another in the ways they act and think (They are a hivemind, after all) With obvious differences that help them to stand out from each other. The Dudes (Or just Dude) main trait that differentiates himself from his Kin is that he was not born from their homeworld, but instead was created on planet Earth. While ageism does not come into play with Vortigaunts, I believe there would be some contrast in behaviors and attitudes between Vorts with different backgrounds.


Brief Backstory:
The abyss was cold and dark, only illuminated by the spiral. Within the spiral, the echoes of the fallen and forgotten rang across the lines. Whispers of the past spread across the void and visions of the future were foretold by a bright flash. In this realm, there was no life, only a faint state of consciousness, you were awake, yet asleep, you knew, but you were clueless. This continued until one day, a soul felt someone or something grip it tightly. The being was violently pulled from its world. the very fabric of the dimension began to unravel, it became loud, and bright, almost like it was screaming at you. It intensified and intensified until. A vortigaunt was created. And at once he was hit with millions and millions of memories from his predecessors like a flashbang, he felt the screams, the cries, the trauma, and the pain of his kin tenfold. Sending him into a frenzy. His Kin tried to help him ease his nerves but the Overwatch forces did not wait long. They shipped him off to the nexus to become a combine battery for the foreseeable future.


With the fall of the citadel, the lone Vortigaunt escaped the city with the assistance of Lambda operatives. On the ride to a Lambda outpost, a certain rebel kept asking for the Vortigaunts name, the Vortigaunt replied that he wasn't sure what he meant by name, when this was explained to the Vortigaunt, he then said that he did not have a name. The rebel from that point kept calling him dude, and it just kind of stuck. Their truck was hit by a combine dropship and they did not make it to their destination, they instead scattered. With the "Dude" left to wander the outlands. Which eventually lead him to Bucharest, Romania, a "Free" state from the combine.

That's all for the dude's backstory, maybe one day he'll get a TRUE Vortigaunt name.

How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

As for how the dude acts, I imagine Dude is a Vortigaunt who is trying to find his footing in this world, he was pulled into a world that had no love or care for him since day one, this is technically his homeworld, yet the natives of this world treat him as an outsider who does not belong here. And while he knows that his Kin do care for him and see him as one of their own, he understands that he and others like him are viewed differently. With Dude wandering by himself aimlessly in the outlands, I think this would morph his personality to be somewhat of a lone wolf, not that he dislikes being around others or is anti-social, it's just how things have been for him since his inception.

Naivety and Curiosity:
When thrown into a world you know nothing about, your first instinct is to learn about your situation. The dude's favorite pastime would be to find a cave to meditate so he can access fragments of the past, to learn what life used to be like for his kindred. He'd also take a great interest in human history as well, he's heard stories from the vortessence of how humans have changed and evolved over their short lifespans, it brings great interest to the dude. He'd love to learn more about this world and the humans who inhabit it. He's quite naive, however, and would probably believe anything a human tells him.

Vortigaunts to me are a race of aliens that are joined together as one hivemind to further the betterment of their species, which would make them less susceptible to impulses and acting upon emotion. In general, I believe Vortigaunts show less emotion in contrast with humans, this doesn't mean that Vortigaunts do not feel any emotion or are unempathetic, they focus more on the long term rather than the short term. Pacifism also comes into play, I think Vortigaunts view murder outside of hunting wrong (With obvious exception to the combine) and would pursue more diplomatic ways to resolve conflicts, but violence cannot be avoided they would not hesitate.

Now that we got that out of the way, let's see how the dude feels about others:

HUMANS - MIXED: Humans to the dude are seen as extremely complex creatures, each one of them seems to be incredibly different in how they act/look. Because of this, it's hard to form a concrete opinion on the entirety of humanity. One thing that he strongly dislikes about humanity is how they do not seem to care for each other. While Vortigaunt conflicts do happen, they are exceedingly rare and are not done will ill-will, humans however, would lie and cheat another human to get ahead. The dude often wonders why he should respect a species that does not respect each other, but he understands that he must put his qualms aside, for now, to deal with their common enemy, the Combine.

Combine - HATE: The Combine is the mortal enemies of the Vortigaunt race, they must be destroyed with extreme prejudice. The dude feels some remorseful for civil protection units as he understands not all of them are wicked, but he must realize that they chose their side, you cannot feel for an enemy that does not feel for you.

National Guard of the free state of Bucharest - NEUTRAL: He hasn't made his opinion yet, but time will tell.

The Bucharest resistance
They murdered his kindred and dropped his head off to his enemies. They're nothing but savages.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
The Murder of Bagaret (Unless voided) means there is no way The dude would even consider working with the resistance. Aside from that he'd mostly work alone until he joined a cluster.
Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):

Since the dude was a combine battery for most of his life, I request greater control of electricity. A normal vortigaunt would be able to use electricity to power small things such as a radio or light bulb. While the dude would be able to basically power anything given enough time. Also, the ability to discharge electricity from his body to protect himself would be nice (I imagine it to be a defensive move)

Yeah that's it, thanks for reading I hope y-


Wait a second just hold on now!

Take a look at this Pepe.


There you go.

Now you're convinced.

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