Suggestion SDE Team Props, Vehicles and Simphys variants, Half-Life 2 Leak Props: Complete or Light.


Feb 5, 2024
Suggestion: Add the 3 prop packs from SDE Team, aka the guys who made Snowdrop Escape and Swelter which are slavjank HL mods made by fans of the Metro series, aka Snowdrop Escape (Metro 2033) and Swelter (Metro Exodus), these guys are real Eastern Europeans so these props are actually accurate. Plus their car props and their simphys variants which I know it got removed from the server content but if we EVER get out of D47, and I do mean EVER, that would be cool to add. But their junk verisons would be pretty gamer. And then the HL2 Leak Props which uhh there's two verisons. One that is like 1,200 props and then the Light verison.
Why it would be worth adding: I think they would be good for the new iteration's apartments and such plus the businesses around, reusing the soviet era shit that would still be around along with HL2's current props. The Soviet Prop Packs do need to all be there to get the most out of each other since if you don't have one, you lose out like other things. The big thing with this is 1. They have tvs and computers that can connect up to the cameras in the Breencasts or whatever we're calling them this iteration. 2. There's plenty of great props that could be turned into working items, though I'm not gonna go off on what you could do. You check it out. You figure it out. 3. It's actual ACCURATE Soviet shit, these guys are for real Eastern Europeans aka SLAVJANK!
Then there's the Swelter vehicles, now I know that we're not using Vehicles in D47 cause there's no fucking way to use any unless we get bikes or skateboards or other small things. But I feel like the Swelter vehicle prop packs could be good for littering the map with destroyed vehicles and bikes and werid things that could work along with the HL2 ones. And if we ever do leave D47 and into a map that isn't so tight, then we can use the Simphys vehicles that appear in another pack. Which uh, on top of that is the simphys trailer that can carry actual props and other cars, it's cool. It's neat. It's in the collection with the Swelter simphys collection.
Then there's the Beta Pack, I don't feel like I have to explain, there's a lot of Combine Beta Props that could be used that are close to retail plus a bunch of other things. You wanna look it, look at it for yourself. I'm sure you'll find something you'll like.

Necessary content:

Soviet Furniture Pack:
(BTW The Furniture Pack has a proper spawnlist with catergories and shit but there is an uncategorized one in the addon list.)
Soviet Electronics Pack:
Soviet Lab Electronics Prop Pack:
Swelter Vehicles Prop Pack:
[simfphys] Snowdrop Escape | Swelter Vehicle Pack:
Half-Life 2 Leak Props: Complete:
Half-Life 2 Leak Prop Pack (Light):
Reactions: List