Slavery, starvation and Kenshi


Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
Real nwahs make a guerilla resistance against the holy nation robbing farms and killing patrols

On god the best way to play
My run at the moment is exactly that. I have a squad of 6 people, all of which are slaves I broke out of the holy nation.

My squad does all this cool stuff:
  • One's job is to get captured and enslaved, so they can break everyone out of whatever facility they're shipped off to.
  • I have a duo from the combat team to do stealth heists on HN mines and farms, one lookout and one person to sneak in and steal shit, best heist was 60k worth of blueprints and food. And the night before that I kidnapped a bounty and handed them into the Shek kindgom for 35k
  • And the main combat team, last night we raided one of the HN farms.
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cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016

Hobbling back to a settlement after almost getting killed by Red Sabres and taking their boss' 2.2 cutting blade
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Mar 26, 2017

What you do NOT need from this pack: Dangerous Hazards (completely optional), Flashier Fight (optional, more attack patterns means a higher barrier for entry/getting your ass wooped hard), Do not get the assassination mod as bandits will usually steal your heart when KO'ed and instakill you, Training dummies (overpowered, just get training mats).

Last but not least, it is a fucking journey and a half to get this lowly piece of shit clown, but by god is it a journey I'll remember.

Additionally, don't fucking wear stolen armour if you're at all in a town or near a wandering faction. I got masterwork slaver armour on my first day thanks to The Hub being a warzone and quickly equipped everyone with it, but all it does it get you aggro'd and cause tons of problems in most cities. It's absurdly useful for increasing strength, but it'll get your ass wooped a fucking lot if you can't run, or just get shot by turrets.

This mod pack changes up practically every single small thing the game does, and outright improves on them. Towns are chock-full of citizens and people, you'll see more groups pop by to buy things (seeing dust bandits buy in The Hub is nice), and you'll pretty much have a much more enjoyable experience overall. Also, at least get the mod that makes NPC's talk more, because they only say unique lines once if you don't install it.

just remember to buy-in to the Shinobi Thieves if you start at The Hub to reap that sweet sweet backup and fences to buy stolen shit
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Apr 26, 2016
I got molested by cannibals, tried to crawl back to town when they got attacked by bird-giraffes only to die when one of them decided to kick me into the ground.

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community bear
Jan 15, 2018
I got molested by cannibals, tried to crawl back to town when they got attacked by bird-giraffes only to die when one of them decided to kick me into the ground.

Rule number one, don’t fuck with the bird giraffes that can run 40 mph and kill you in three hits
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Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
Rule number one, don’t fuck with the bird giraffes that can run 40 mph and kill you in three hits
my party of 4 can kill one if it's alone.
And I have to micromanage the shit out of it so they dodge properly or they'll all die


Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
My mission is complete:
The Pheonix of the holy nation has been handed over to the Shek kingdom!

they paid me 100k, and I get to command an army of sheks whenever I want.
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Sep 30, 2017
Reviving this thread cause I'm hooked on this game

Picked it up two days ago for 10.70€ cause it was 60% off and if you ever wanted to get this game I really fucking recommend it

Currently on my first actual successful playthrough after losing many characters to various different things that have kicked my shit in. I'm playing as a drone prince, currently just solo since I suck at managing multiple people, planning to establish a copper mining facility at the hub to fund my band of guerilla fighters before I take my revenge on the hives for kicking my ass out

The game is very fucking beautiful in a "source engine" way, it reminds me a lot of gmod for some reason and it's very reminiscent of FO:NV

Such a great game so far
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Sep 30, 2017
It seems as though karma has caught up to me

Went to the Shek capital to buy shit (and steal), wanted to visit the weapons shop but for some reason it was closed

i knew the door was locked but I tried the open option anyway, which lead to me busting out my tools in broad daylight in an attempt to saw through a door two feet from two guards

You can imagine how it went after I got pummeled to shit. In the process of getting my shit pummeled, while being a bug person, in which I fought the equivalent of a group of UFC fighters of course means that I lost my leg, which was possibly the best outcome

I pondered reloading for a moment but instead decided its a character building excercise

Now I'd buy a leg, but not a single shop in the city sells robot limbs, and even if it did I spent 8k cats on books and maps not 5 mins before I attempted this stunt

I am now trekking- no actually, I am in fact, literally crawling my way across two deserts to get to the only robot doctor I know so I can grab a leg, and it took me 18 hours to exit the town and go downhill, which at this rate means I'll be there in about a week with the only thing to sustain me being a ration pack and pure will

Oh and they also took my weapon, not like I can fight in this condition anyway

Now I've left my little drone prince Wee to crawl across the desert with his lopped off leg and a happy meal worth of food while I sit in the livingroom and drink iced tea

If he dies, he dies

I know I could've recruited some dude to carry me, but I consider that the cowards way out
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Apr 26, 2016
It seems as though karma has caught up to me

Went to the Shek capital to buy shit (and steal), wanted to visit the weapons shop but for some reason it was closed

i knew the door was locked but I tried the open option anyway, which lead to me busting out my tools in broad daylight in an attempt to saw through a door two feet from two guards

You can imagine how it went after I got pummeled to shit. In the process of getting my shit pummeled, while being a bug person, in which I fought the equivalent of a group of UFC fighters of course means that I lost my leg, which was possibly the best outcome

I pondered reloading for a moment but instead decided its a character building excercise

Now I'd buy a leg, but not a single shop in the city sells robot limbs, and even if it did I spent 8k cats on books and maps not 5 mins before I attempted this stunt

I am now trekking- no actually, I am in fact, literally crawling my way across two deserts to get to the only robot doctor I know so I can grab a leg, and it took me 18 hours to exit the town and go downhill, which at this rate means I'll be there in about a week with the only thing to sustain me being a ration pack and pure will

Oh and they also took my weapon, not like I can fight in this condition anyway

Now I've left my little drone prince Wee to crawl across the desert with his lopped off leg and a happy meal worth of food while I sit in the livingroom and drink iced tea

If he dies, he dies

I know I could've recruited some dude to carry me, but I consider that the cowards way out
Have you been beaten to death by giant alien ostriches yet
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Sep 30, 2017
Have you been beaten to death by giant alien ostriches yet
I didn't know what they were and was walking through the forest after being booted out of a village by my own kin cause I was hiveless

Running through at the max speed up option while staring at my phone it attacked me and downed me

Somehow I survived with only chest injuries and it left me alone, healed up and kept walking

This also happened to Wee, so maybe he's either extremely unlucky or the luckiest bastard in the world
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Apr 26, 2016
I didn't know what they were and was walking through the forest after being booted out of a village by my own kin cause I was hiveless

Running through at the max speed up option while staring at my phone it attacked me and downed me

Somehow I survived with only chest injuries and it left me alone, healed up and kept walking

This also happened to Wee, so maybe he's either extremely unlucky or the luckiest bastard in the world
Yeah they do that a lot.

The worst is crossing the deserts and a gang of them will mob you and repeatedly beat you unconscious when you try and stand up so your only choice is to lay there trying not to die until they fuck off LOL
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Sep 30, 2017
update on Wee, he now has half a ration left and is about half way there, doesn't seem to have been injured

The good thing about crawling is that I now have 100 stealth and go about the same pace anyway so I put that on, meaning that shit will barely see me in the day and there isn't a chance it would see me during the night

I can only imagine how much he yearns for death, or is pondering which gods he's angered in a past life to deserve this fate, but this is a trial by fire and if it doesn't kill him he will never falter

The shek kingdom is added to my list of shit I will wipe off the face of this fucking moon
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Sep 30, 2017
after crawling for nearly an hour, I've made it.

Had to sell everything I got to afford the only leg that would fit me, a right scout leg

As I arrived hungry bandits attacked and the city saved me, I'll forever remember what they did today, thank you Waystation to the south-east of the hub
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