Solo_D does reviews "Getting Over It, with Ben and Jerry's"


Jan 25, 2017
Getting Over It is a 2D side-scroller, physics-based game, where you are a naked man inside a cauldron, armed with a hammer to help him climb the mountain of junk, garbage and other shit. The game is about patience and perseverance.

The gameplay is absolute horse shit, The slightest movements make the hammer travel at approximately 32 light years with the movement of 1 pixel away, as the camera flies to the other side of the level, and you - back to the start

I physically lost 70% of my brain cells and they were replaced with tumors as I play the game, losing my mental health, and I usually don't rage over games. I prefer raging over Rayman instead of this piece of literal man feces in which when I lose progress, I have to listen to shit "inspirational" quotes from people voiced by the devil himself as I desperately try to climb the mountain once again.

The True Meaning
The game is more than just reaching the top of the mountain. The game wants you to win, including the narrator - who's encouraging and motivating you to keep playing, or take a break and come back later, yet keeps passively aggressively discouraging you, but insists you keep playing - despite the frustration. After all - it's the game's fault, not yours.
Everytime you lose a chunk of progress by falling down back, you'll hear the narrator's voice motivating you to keep playing, in an attempt to calm you down or motivate you to keep playing, or music that's related to loss or progression to both provoke your anger and to encourage you to keep climbing, despite that frustration. The game isn't just a game - It's a lesson about motivation and failure.

don't fucking play the game - i broke my dick finishing it.

stay tuned next time for GOTY 2025
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