Serious Stasiland: Memoirs of frustration and ambitions

Nov 29, 2016
Semi-unrelated to this thread but I actually really enjoyed the original WW3RP (s2k/rp hybrid faction v faction stuff). Maybe it was because I didn't see the nastier side of things (I didn't even have a forum account when I played on it in 2016 iirc and was hardly involved in the community when I played early 2018), but the idea of a text based S2K RP server was really cool. Unless you count Arma 3 I found you couldn't get the experience anywhere else. The other MilitaryRP servers you found on Gmod were just shitty darkrp reskins with people running about screaming in 1kbps voicechat.

The concept of shooting the shit at base and then risking yourself in a patrol fighting over a bunker was really unique in my opinion. Again, I was hardly involved with the community at the time so I didn't really see any of the behind the scenes stuff and toxcicity, and can only imagine how annoying it was to deal with that stuff.

Maybe I'm slightly nostalgic- it is almost 3 years ago after all, but I'd personally really enjoy a return to "classic" WW3RP, assuming the issues of the the previous classic WW3RP were sorted.
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Aug 1, 2016
Eventually it got to the point where solo individuals that never really partook in operations or fights ended up with crates upon crates worth of guns, ammo and valuables. They'd quickly pick corpses like vultures or find ways to get their hands on equipment while running minimum risk, usually hanging back while the others did the fighting.

I remember the airplane crash event on ineu valley and it was laughable but painful watching civs sprinting around grabbing anything they could find, right in the middle of a gun fight between the event chars and NVA/Soviets. One part of me was tempted just to shoot them for 'immersion' not because they pissed me off... but one way or another i probably wouldve been punished. The lack of fear RP, particularly for edgy civs was just as prominent if not worse than previous iterations.

The Soviet sprinting around thing was something I never understood and just gave me a headache whenever I tried to do a patrol. I think we had this discussion before but it was definitely one of the worst traits the faction inherited from its predecessor. Because NVA patrols were usually in a car or fewer people came it was usually more successful than the majority of inept Soviet patrols, unless @char came on then Soviet players came out the woodwork. Patrol formations was something I tried to focus on within the NVA and Soviet faction but the NVA usually lacked the people to implement them and the Soviets were too impulsive and "Vladimir run, Vladimir kill". For me at least when formations were used they were extremely immersive as a reaction to guerilla warfare and the risk of mines etc (avoid sprinting down the middle a main road or something)

Very considerate post though and well worth reading. I can't say enough how much I appreciated your efforts and those of the staff that dedicated a lot of time and effort into the server. Having been a staff member in the old iteration I acknowledge the patience that is required for a staff member on WW3RP, something I'm lacking and why I never considered going for it again. All the more reason why I am grateful to you lot
Oct 21, 2016
I think it came down to some weird metal plates we needed to make @echs dee

I scrapped every vehicle I had bar a jalopy and only managed to get like five boxes of metal which equalled like not even one plate
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echs dee

Feb 6, 2019
i blame myself for not committing treason in the paintball training


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
tbh I think a less serious, more action-based WW3RP going back to a Faction v Faction format would be a lot of fun.

Having the insurgents start out with shit salvaged weapons and outdated tech could be really interesting to see, especially the workarounds they'd have to use against the Soviet/Stasi

And having the Soviets experience more Army-Based Issues (supplies being late/sabotaged, guerrilla warfare) could help balance out their initial advantage of having modern tech and modern weapons