Stop Banning All Will Nilly


Jan 10, 2018
Why don't admins explain to the person they are banning what they did wrong.
I was just banned for trying to jump on a ladder but my character glitched and fell off.
The admin said I was minging and was intentionally killing my character... Lol.
After 10 seconds of explaining to the admin that , that was not the case she unbanned my character. (why assume that everyone is minging and not even bother asking questions) I get that its a popular server and you guys dont really care who you ban because one person doesnt matter but ....for a server this big it should be taken in to account how many people you ban a day and why... Are the people banned for legitimate reasons, do you explain to them in a sit or one on one what they did wrong and why you are banning them.
Is it much easier to just ban a player and not talk with them? Less work for you to do? I understand this isnt dark rp but I can assume that many players have been banned without chatting with an admin or having a chance to explain themselves. Instead they are made to come on the forums make an account and post a thread.
Not everyone is a minge. Stop making assumptions and take the time to either bring them to a sit or chat with that person one on one.


Sep 7, 2016
I mean.
I've literally seen a EoW open fire on someone for something as petty as a 28.

Sometimes, I would say it is justified, sometimes its better to sort out it on a pk appeal.


Dec 18, 2016
I mean it depends on what staff member PK'd you but most staff members will admit their mistake if the person explains what happened to them and it's legitimate, like yourself.


Leftist Cuck
Oct 8, 2016
I mean.
I've literally seen a EoW open fire on someone for something as petty as a 28.

Sometimes, I would say it is justified, sometimes its better to sort out it on a pk appeal.

Sure but that's In-Character.
OP is referring to staff which is entirely different.
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Apr 26, 2016
With the large volume of players that staff members must constantly scrutinize, it is true that judgments are made from short periods of observation. They see many players breaking rules and being pests on a daily basis, and the actions you described are indeed ones they see frequently from regular offenders. Players will kill their characters to regain their health after being damaged by something because they dislike the post-processing effects (which low health causes). Staff probably only saw you performing that action and it looked like every other minge we get.

If a ban is ever made in error, an unban appeal can be made (given it is a ban longer than 24hrs), and if it was a use of excessive force, an abuse report should be submitted.

Bar that, contact Blackquill or a Senior Administrator on the forums and send them a message about it if you'd like to speak with them.


LightKey's Evil twin
GTA RP Playtester
Nov 19, 2016
I think Zombine but it quite concisely in his post really. I've not been staff for very long, part of the newest intake, but already seeing minges all the time is something quite normal to see.

Now, you're thinking, why can't we just sit down with everyone and talk with them, right? Because then, nothing would get done. The majority of staff are on their own characters and RP'ing as well, so the workload can be daunting sometimes, and decisions need to be made in a second. And doing depending on the person, those decisions change. If they saw you, then they'll probably just run the command, because lots of people jump off things or run into the gas quite frequently just because their health is low, and a staff member probably just saw you fall of the ladder (those ladders are probably the biggest killers in the server, trust me)

We'd love to be able to sit down with every single player and talk them through what they did wrong, but most of the time it's very busy (especially now I assume, with the event and everything, although I've not been on the server yet) and nothing would realistically get done, the staff would constantly have to be on their staff characters, and that can get boring quickly for a lot of people.

But like you've done, just give them a lil message to discuss or take it to the forums for an appeal, and most of the time they'll be happy to help out with your questions.


Leftist Cuck
Oct 8, 2016
With the large volume of players that staff members must constantly scrutinize, it is true that judgments are made from short periods of observation. They see many players breaking rules and being pests on a daily basis, and the actions you described are indeed ones they see frequently from regular offenders. Players will kill their characters to regain their health after being damaged by something because they dislike the post-processing effects (which low health causes). Staff probably only saw you performing that action and it looked like every other minge we get.

If a ban is ever made in error, an unban appeal can be made (given it is a ban longer than 24hrs), and if it was a use of excessive force, an abuse report should be submitted.

Bar that, contact Blackquill or a Senior Administrator on the forums and send them a message about it if you'd like to speak with them.

Scrutiny and efficiency shouldn't compromise quality. If we're at the point where staff can't take a moment to explain where a player went wrong then we need more staff - clearly.

Sure they can just ban and kick without anything but that leaves the offender confused - and more likely to hold some form of hate toward Neb. In doing such we turn away players who are potentially amazing people but just take a bit to learn the ropes.

Of course this isn't talking about repeat offenders and vets who should know what's up.

I think Zombine but it quite concisely in his post really. I've not been staff for very long, part of the newest intake, but already seeing minges all the time is something quite normal to see.

Now, you're thinking, why can't we just sit down with everyone and talk with them, right? Because then, nothing would get done. The majority of staff are on their own characters and RP'ing as well, so the workload can be daunting sometimes, and decisions need to be made in a second. And doing depending on the person, those decisions change. If they saw you, then they'll probably just run the command, because lots of people jump off things or run into the gas quite frequently just because their health is low, and a staff member probably just saw you fall of the ladder (those ladders are probably the biggest killers in the server, trust me)

We'd love to be able to sit down with every single player and talk them through what they did wrong, but most of the time it's very busy (especially now I assume, with the event and everything, although I've not been on the server yet) and nothing would realistically get done, the staff would constantly have to be on their staff characters, and that can get boring quickly for a lot of people.

But like you've done, just give them a lil message to discuss or take it to the forums for an appeal, and most of the time they'll be happy to help out with your questions.

Staffing should be over RP - sorta the point of being staff.

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
Why don't admins explain to the person they are banning what they did wrong.
I was just banned for trying to jump on a ladder but my character glitched and fell off.
The admin said I was minging and was intentionally killing my character... Lol.
After 10 seconds of explaining to the admin that , that was not the case she unbanned my character. (why assume that everyone is minging and not even bother asking questions) I get that its a popular server and you guys dont really care who you ban because one person doesnt matter but ....for a server this big it should be taken in to account how many people you ban a day and why... Are the people banned for legitimate reasons, do you explain to them in a sit or one on one what they did wrong and why you are banning them.
Is it much easier to just ban a player and not talk with them? Less work for you to do? I understand this isnt dark rp but I can assume that many players have been banned without chatting with an admin or having a chance to explain themselves. Instead they are made to come on the forums make an account and post a thread.
Not everyone is a minge. Stop making assumptions and take the time to either bring them to a sit or chat with that person one on one.

Hello I was the admin and I don't care to admit it because hell, I did it and I apologized. You caught me in a bad situation with my head pretty much on the limit and saw two of your bodies on the floor.

I apologize again and admit to it here, but it's pretty much what Zombine said. It's not that I don't care about players, but the situation from your side and my side was a bad mix to add to my judgement (besides that ladder hole was used to die to regain HP many times, which didn't help the case).

Sorry for it man, didn't mean to cause any harm.
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Apr 26, 2016
then we need more staff - clearly.
More staff means more management of them is required. There is a threshold for how many staff members we are able to accommodate and monitor. Just adding more staff won't fix the problem, especially if you consider that no matter how many we have, more than 10 staff members are rarely on at the same time, given time zones and schedules. Now consider 50% of the server is staff, intended to monitor the other 50% of the population—one staff member to observe one player. Server now feels empty because too many players are staff not populating the map.

Now say they just take rotating shifts, and half of the online staff are the ones doing the monitoring: you are now back to the usual amount of staff patrolling and observing things and there is no noticeable increase in response time or quality of action.

The core of this paragraph is that there will inevitably be a sacrifice in quality of action due to the volume of players and the constant requests for staff assistance, though we will always strive to account for this.

Some staff members are too strict or jump the gun, though, so if this happens and you notice it, the best thing to do is submit a report and it will be corrected if possible.
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Apr 26, 2016
As @Zombine said, the truth is when you're dealing with 100 players you're gonna make some snap decisions if something looks a certain way. You can't always get into a PM debate or an argument on top of that.

A lot of people who come from smaller communities tend to be under the impression that you can make time for every player or handle a scenario even if it takes 20-30 mins. That isn't always the case, and adding more staff is actually more of a handicap because that ends up being one more person you have to vet beforehand. Not doing so is why a lot of those aforementioned communities die.
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community antagonizer
Jun 26, 2017
issue is staff should at best, and at the very least 'attempt' to communicate their intentions.

you're not here to baby roleplayers and act like the condescending parent and shit on them in op chat, you're here to guide them and assist them to better off their roleplayer. if that's really too fucking hard for you, don't be staff. just discuss stuff with people.

literally merely mention what's going on to the player you're going to kick or ban and see if you're going to make a mistake beforehand, clearly you're not perfect but at least try to get the benefit of the doubt you're not going to make a mistake that'll just divide players further from liking certain staff members

i've got anecdotes but i'm not gonna make this an argument. just try and and be impartial as possible, don't paint the other party in a bad light - just 'do your job' as many staff put it whilst additionally listening to reason or try to warn people beforehand


May 9, 2016
Why don't admins explain to the person they are banning what they did wrong.
I was just banned for trying to jump on a ladder but my character glitched and fell off.
The admin said I was minging and was intentionally killing my character... Lol.
After 10 seconds of explaining to the admin that , that was not the case she unbanned my character. (why assume that everyone is minging and not even bother asking questions) I get that its a popular server and you guys dont really care who you ban because one person doesnt matter but ....for a server this big it should be taken in to account how many people you ban a day and why... Are the people banned for legitimate reasons, do you explain to them in a sit or one on one what they did wrong and why you are banning them.
Is it much easier to just ban a player and not talk with them? Less work for you to do? I understand this isnt dark rp but I can assume that many players have been banned without chatting with an admin or having a chance to explain themselves. Instead they are made to come on the forums make an account and post a thread.
Not everyone is a minge. Stop making assumptions and take the time to either bring them to a sit or chat with that person one on one.

because admins on source engined games are fucking lazy