

May 6, 2016
Hey guys.

Couple of years back there was a brutally fun match in this game, Supremacy1914, being played between LP members. It's a strategy game which revolves around making allies, pacts and just being devious and clever all in all. You don't need to know all that much about the game itself to have fun. There are obviously resources, structures and so on which you build to improve your forces, etc, while you strive for conquest.

I thought I could do a brief canvass and look for interest among the forums. We would probably need around 14 players in order to launch a routine game, but around 30 is definitely optimal for the "standard" map.
It's good fun for when you're not playing Garry's mod or anything else and for all of you guys who love role-play, there is definitely opportunity for that when you send your communiques and make posts which all of the other participants in the game can read.

Here's a link to the game's website:

Check it out!