i do, however, remember when dietmar gropp got bombed because someone shoved a bomb up his ass
@GenericPlayer had
@mårten do the funny hug
looking back I don't even know why we did it other than we wanted to send a message to CAB
@cns and @east blew up vladivostok or chernobyl or something
we went to chernobyl because the land was sentient & lambda lost a team there
it drove people insane through their memories and radiation exposure, cns had his character turn from a throwaway to a developed character in hours so that shows you how good an event it was
he was also the one to detonate the bomb
that was separate, an event @dee pixel and me ran involving CAB to tie off the pyong bullshit plotline that was abandoned by the people who ran it
i feel like
@'77 East could contribute a lot to this hes got great memory for important stuff
far too much, can't spend hours sitting here posting pictures (not home) or listing every single one but here's dot points of the greats (from my experience), keep in mind the forums are refusing to properly work so I can't check my conversations or most threads for info.
• Bitter Lake
Reverse D-Day scenario, insurgents get pushed out of beachfront territory through waves of cops and
@Ond's gunship, and
@Rabid sinks half the survivors with a misclick.
• The Fates
Mixed bag of events, some loosely connected and some not.
@Powley told the G-Man to fuck off in one of them, someone's got that recorded somewhere.
• ZONA (chernobyl)
Me and CNS (Rabidjuice missed the event) wind up searching a befallen land for a missing lambda team, learn a lot about ourselves, see a bunch of solemn stuff including ghosts and the last memories of those who were there, wind up with fatal radiation exposure and CNS blows up the place to stop it being potentially exploited by the CMB, alongside our guide. My character got teleported to safety, to later die in UTOPIA.
The explosion was later used as some plot justification somewhere else, I don't remember what or where off the top of my head but it made CAB & some spooks flip the fuck out thinking lambda had nuclear weapons.
Riots kick off in City 8, Willard Industries gets stormed by insurgents and most of it's stuff trashed, insurgents reach the top floors of the Civil Board after weeks of lynching and mass murdering collaborators, cops and most civil staff but end up repulsed and forced to flee. Some railgun ends up used on the citadel.
Four random people wind up dealing with a cabal of scientists who want to search for a universe untainted by the combine, on the way their fifth member dies (complete nobody) trying to cuddle a hunter, scarring
@Pyromancer's lost for life (drug addict beyond fucked up by that point anyway), witness alternative universe Francis Fukuyama use sarin gas against a whole district, find soviet soldiers in an island church, get lured by Garry Kasparov and almost killed by duplicates of themselves, scientists wind up dead between teleports and my character sacrificing himself to jumpstart it again.
Three random people come face to face with Kasparov, a HEV scientist-assassin, and not-Alaric on a floating rock. HEV person gets a ballista bolt through the chest, not-Alaric got stabbed to death from memory (?), Kasparov got an axe to the face courtesy of afric who also used the ballista.
Three random people find themselves in a new world. One's bleeding to death and there's nobody around to help them ransack the rural house they ended up in, but hey it's a new world.
I maintain that lost (world class suicidal pile of sadness junkie) surviving absolutely everything and everyone in the Clockwork timeline is the ultimate irony of that iteration.
• A bunch of other events that I forgot.
Helix I:
Bunch of civilians want to escape from some maurauders in the middle of the desert and an imminent raid by the CMB state,
@kifer intentionally bricks the escape car to try and get everyone killed, me and @Nexus escape on a repaired plane and some priest gets lynched because he stupidly went up to the marauders. Everyone else dies accusing each other of the car sabotage besides
@dvn and
@cns - he/him/his, who manage to find some random bunker holdout.
• MOONBASE (Or whatever it was called)
Some scientists on the moon accidentally summon an alien grunt while experimenting on a crystal, it tears up the place and kills some people before being spaced. I find a crashed space probe from the 90s, come back to a wrecked station with a wounded colleague & a stolen A.I, bunch of people get killed - either by me or the grunt - and the A.I uploaded so I can steal some stuff and escape with the only spare escape vehicle.
@Merlinsclaw and someone else manage to teleport themselves out.
• Red Sparrow
BAF (terror group) sent to fire a scientific ICBM from an abandoned military base, big sentient rock underneath the complex kept turning people insane and causing wacky/horror stuff. Missile got launched, ELA were formed as a result.
• Some event (more names I can't remember)
Involved a conscript missile base that me, k4e and someone else (
@MaelRadecs?) infiltrated with fake passes, then bluffed the soldiers into being alone in the command room. We ended up firing the chemical warhead equipped missile at
@Dallas's remote prison camp, killing his spook-turned-senator-turned-warden character Bezukhov (he survived, to show up later...) at the cost of 25,000 lives.
Two cops, two reporters and one doctor get tasked by a CMB spook to dig up info at a remote complex within an 'abandoned' city, turns out that combine supersoldiers were developed here, and most of the place is in ruins. Two show up and almost beat the cops to death, the city's independent but the former overwatch device has deemed us all kill on sight, and after escaping that place suffer a trek through the city, both cops almost get lynched twice, gangsters try mauling us in some peverse game of simon says and a supersoldier shows up to kill us all again before a daring escape on a helicopter.
Oh and I ran over
@Rabid's vendigaunt character with 27382 stolen nokias in his coat while trying to outrun the cops in a red hatchback, and he's never let me live it down.
• Homicide Olympics
Bunch of random drifters, criminals, citizens get put in an asylum and kill each other for sport. Survivors were hunted by a deranged, malfunctioning & drug addicted transhuman soldied leased to the asylum owners until it was firebombed twice and it's shotgun used by the winner to carve out his escape.
• Homicide Olympics 2
Like the above, just with three times as many people to the point we couldn't effectively manage it. Winner (
@ruble) had to off his own friend to survive, then killed the host with a fire axe.
Bunch of CAB players get sent to Vladivostok (neutral city) to negotiate a ceasefire between warring city factions. The man they are to talk to gets firebombed by a player senator before it's revealed to be an imposter, the ELA take the survivors hostage (after shooting the guards, that really pissed me off because it was one hanger-on participant's decision and he wasn't supposed to do that) and manage to fly outside of the city before mixed circumstances, acts of violence and low fuel cause the plane to crash.
Senators were picked up by border guards, ELA insurgents managed to escape in the confusion.
Personally, I feel as though it was a great example of when events go to shit because huge sudden circumstances force improvisations that shouldn't have had to happen. One of them got thrown into a jet turbine head first and came back with two broken legs after massive complaining to staff.
Make of that what you will.
• Tong / Kobayashi Conflict
Someone else can probably touch on this better, since JOSEON it was one huge war in the shadows between the Chaebol (and later after their destruction, the Tong). Huge gang wars, urban conflict, some in events (like the supermarket one in Korea ran by @sprite) .
Some Chaebol survivors had a whole plan to cause shit involving rescuing their kidnapped former leader under forced house arrest but the collapse of everything lead to that never happening.
• Blue Street Riots
Bunch of citizens backed by insurgents started a block party, whole street shut down for weeks until the lack of ammo saw them get steamrolled.
• Arctic Main Slotter ran by
CAB send a delegation of four senators to secure four settlements at Svalbard. Insurgent scheming & schisms between the politicians get one of them killed on the first day and two camps wrecked. More infighting, insurgents running around creating mayhem to really drive the metaphorical nails in the coffin, CMB forces find and recover an advisor only for @snowl to insist that he can heal it with a blowtorch and unintentionally created an advisor slurpee massacre. Bunch of citizen miners kill the other politician because he unintentionally got one of them killed.
Bezukhov comes back to threaten the remaining two senators and causes a massive hunt for the Borealis, which ironically ends in failure for everyone
but the insurgents (and one of the senators who accidentally followed them intending on a last stand protest) and a bunch of suicide-by-cop moments by the conscripts. The Citizenry get shipped back to the city, one of the senators escaped on the Borealis, one gets put in prison for the moment - until his breakout with more liberal elements - and the server went back to a city setting.
• About 6 - 8 other events that I'm forgetting at the moment.
Helix II:
• Rustydog's artic station event with the time travel fuckery, inspired the only pacifist cop on the next iteration.
Most of this stuff was main plotline stuff done by
@Appetite Ruining Kebab & others so it can be easily covered by someone else.
• Nexus's undercover event (that I forget the name of)
Involved me and another cop going undercover in a hustling, thriving neutral city. Experienced a lot of things mixing in with average people trying to cope with life uninvolved from the fighting, like helping a drunk get his car unlocked and listening to some ex-prisoners reminiscience over their newfound peace, haggling with a storekeeper over clothes, almost getting pinched by a civilian who was joking & just trying to intimidate newcomers, before winding up thrown through a period of time with the authorities eager to kill us.
After some soul searching we found our way back and altered time as a result.